Harissa Marinated Salmon Over Cous Cous

I was in the mood for salmon, well I always am, but wanted to make something different, I wondered what would go with cous cous so got on line and stumbled on Harissa. A North African chili sauce and I thought wow this is it.

As I was making it I was on twitter and was tweeting with the very talented Michelle from Big Black Dogs, I checked with her how to do it and she suggested baking the salmon after two hours of marination. She was telling me about a Soy lacquered salmon she had cooked and why not post our recipes on the same day so here they are!

So here is my version:

Harissa (my version)

  • 2 red dried chili's
  • 1/4 of a green pepper
  • salt to taste
  • one tablespoon cumin seeds (the recipes called for caraway I didn't have any so used cumin)
  • one tablespoon coriander seeds
  • olive oil
  • 1/2 chopped tomato
  • 2 wild Alaskan Salmon steaks
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • little lemon juice
  • tablespoon tomato puree

  1. toast the coriander and cumin seeds in a pan, then add the green pepper
  2. add the garlic and red chili's
  3. grind with tomato, olive oil, a little tomato puree and lemon juice to make a paste
  4. cover salmon with marinate and let it sit for 2 hours
  5. then bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes
I served it over a bed of cous cous, this was really delicious and definitely something I will make again.

Stating that the
Salmon was delicious and the mushrooms sauteed in butter with just a little sprinkling of fresh Thyme were so good.

Be sure to go and see her blog, its wonderful and she is an excellent cook, maybe one day you will be lucky enough to pick her brain on twitter like I did!

What's your favorite salmon recipe?


  1. I love finding new ways to make salmon! This sounds great!

  2. They both look wonderful! Thanks for sharing them both.

  3. The salmon looks so good! Since my days in America, I've always been intrigued by the sound of "cous cous." Still, I don't really know exactly what it is ... Will dive into it in-depth soon ... But, it definitely is fun to just say it!


  4. Delicious! Salmon and harissa together sounds so yum.

  5. This is a wonderful way to prepare fresh salmon. What a beautiful presentation.

  6. I love salmon...this recipe sounds great.

  7. Salmon is one of my favourites.I love both ~ Thanks for sharing.

  8. I am such a salmon lover!! My husband tweaked a recipe he found and makes the most amazing sauce with brown sugar, wasabi, and who knows what else. It's the meal I request over and over again - when he's cooking that is! I'll try any new salmon recipe and you know what, I've never had cous cous. I've seen it a bazillion times in the store, but never bought it. I just may have to do that!

  9. wow! it's dinner time here and looking at your pictures makes me fell soooo hungry!
    great recipe!
    have a sweet day,

  10. wow! it's dinner time here and looking at your pictures makes me fell soooo hungry!
    great recipe!
    have a sweet day,

  11. Yum!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  12. Salmon with harissa sounds incredible! Hey, just saw something you may be interested in, here's a link: http://playfulnoshings.blogspot.com/2009/12/are-there-any-health-writers-out-there.html

  13. I've never heard of harissa before, must try it soon one day.

  14. Jessica: oh me too lol
    Melinda: thanks
    3 hungry tummies: oh me too now I know what it is!
    foodie with a little thyme: our pleasure
    Pei Lin: its like a little pasta from North Africa, and cooks in minutes you just add to boiling water and turn of the heat and it soaks up the water
    Tasty Trix: thanks
    Cathy: thanks so much
    Erica you must try it lol
    Anncoo pleased you like them
    the imperect housewife oh you must post his recipe for us- hint!
    love lives in the kitchen: smiles
    D: no probs
    5 star foodie: thanks yep I have had stuff in there but she didn't use my last two articles sob sob
    Kenny: it was so good

  15. Salmon is a weekly menu item at our house, so it nice to have new recipes.

  16. Salmon is by far my favorite fish and, like you, I could eat it constantly! It sounds so good with the harissa...I love a good spicy sauce.

    And yes, Michelle's blog is awesome!

  17. This sauce looks really succulent!! I love salmon too, it's my favourite fish!

  18. mimi: I am always looking for new recipes as well lol
    Renata:oh its great and so good for us

  19. wonderful dishes Rebecca...lov the pictures

  20. Yummy!! Nothing like a good salmon filet to appease the fish craving.

  21. Love love this recipe both salmon and cous cous!! Can I go with you for dinner?



  22. I am lucky, Salmon is one of my daughter's favorite food. I like finding different ways to make it. She's finally venturing aways from our usual mojo salmon! This recipe looks fantastic!

  23. My favorite salmon recipe may be this one. All your recipes look stellar, but this one may take the cake! Mmmmmm!

  24. Oh I ADORE salmon! And harissa? Makes it sooo flavorful!
    My fave way to eat salmon is actually just plain pan-fried...with a squeeze of lemon juice!

  25. Your harissa sounds wonderful.Will give it a go. Husband-person cannot get enough of salmon! He will love this.

  26. The Harissa Salmon is such an intriguing recipe. I've made salmon upteen ways but never with a tomato sauce before and I know my husband would love it!

  27. Vrinda: thanks
    Jenn: oh so true
    Gera: come on over!
    Lyndsey: oh whats mojo salmon?
    burpand slurp oh its good that way as well
    Claudia hope your hubbys likes it
    Michelle: hope he likes it always good to invent new recipes!

  28. I saw this on Michelle's blog. It looks GREAT!

  29. Both of these are winning recipes. I make salmon almost weekly so I should be able to manage both of these. Thank you both.

  30. This looks delic! I am going to try the harissa sauce today (we leave for Africa Sunday) since I'm in the mood for "Dark Continent Cuisine" :-)

  31. fresh local and best: it was such a treat to blog with her
    Sweet and Savory says it all: oh pleased you like them
    Doc: oh you will love it how exciting about your trip!

  32. I love salmon and harissa so this should be fantastic - will give it a try soon!

  33. Both salmon recipes look delicious--I love salmon.

  34. Mojo marinade is a cuban seasoning, citrus based used for meats and poutry. I love it on fish. It's very popular here in Florida. There are many variations of it, like many seasoning blends.

  35. Wow, looks so very delicious LOL! Well done.


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