My First Meatloaf: Columbian Inspired

I got some minced beef/hamburger meat from the store the other day and wondered what to make with it the only things I make are spaghetti bolognese or picadillo (thats a new addition!) I love the use of cumin in Cuban and Columbian meats. So I headed over to Erica's blog My Columbian Recipes I am a big fan and found a recipe for a Columbian meatloaf.

It looked fabulous, I made a few changes and cooked it in a covered casserole dish with a can of tomatoes to make a sauce. But this is for you Erica.

Also this was my first time making a meatloaf!, I ate it with the mac and cheese I made last week, great combo and very American (smiles!).

You will love this!

  • one pack of lean beef
  • 1/2 red onion
  • one tablespoon cumin powder
  • one tablespoon dried parsley
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • one beaten egg
  • 1/2 cup of bread crumbs
  • 1/4 green pepper
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • A little Italian herbs
  • one teaspoon of mustard
  1. Mix the beef with the herbs, beaten egg, salt and pepper, bread crumbs and then roll out over some cling wrap
  2. place the sliced boiled eggs and green pepper in the middle then roll up the sides to cover with the eggs inside
  3. gently remove the plastic wrap and place in a casserole dish with a can of tomato
  4. bake for 30-45 minutes at 350 degree's.

We all loved this, my hubby told me today to keep blogging as my cooking is getting better and I intend to ☺!

What is your favorite way to cook beef?


  1. Rebecca the dish looks divine. I too have never made a meatloaf. Will learn from you.

  2. Rebecca, your meatloaf looks very delicious. Wonderful to serve with some pasta.

  3. great meatloaf..the idea of wrapping the boiled eggs looks great !!
    i'd love it baked without the tomatoes though ...tomato can be had on the side for me...:)
    great flavors !!

  4. Congrats on your first meatloaf. It look more like our Philippine meatloaf..

  5. Looks delish Rebecca!Your first meatloaf try looks like a clear winner!

  6. It looks great! Love the eggies in there. I have yet to make a meatloaf.. soon!

  7. I've never made meatloaf as well! But this is such a nice way to make them!!!! Looks delish!

    I really enjoy making lasagna with some minced beef.. I'll post it some time!

  8. Wow thats a great way to make meat loaf with the eggs inside. I do make make meat loaf now and then with mash and gravy,but i love this new idea must give it a try.

  9. Anshika: oh this is a great recipe do give it a try
    Angie: thanks so much
    Swapna: thanks smiles
    Sangeeta: I know the eggs instead is cool and pretty as well
    peachkins: thats cool
    Doc: thanks so much
    Natashya: you first time is coming soon I feel it in my bones!!
    Renata: oh look forward to it love lasagna
    Peanuts oh great with mash and veggies yummy

  10. Meatloaf came out perfect Rebecca..I dont eat this but i know how it looks....

  11. What a unique approach to meatloaf..I LOVE it!

  12. Now that cracked a smile...hubby telling you to keep on blogging :)

    Mine does not like ground beef, so I would have to sneak this one the name of Columbian Cuisine, and Erica of course!

  13. Im with your hubbie on that one! Great flavours as usual! Happy New year!

  14. Yes, please keep blogging! I love meatloaf because you can flavor it in so many different ways...kind of like burgers. This is such an interesting variation on it. Leave it to Erica to provide us with something that is unique and delicious!

  15. This meatloaf looks really good. Isn't it funny how meals improve with blogging? I definitely have tried to be more creative since I started blogging. :-)

  16. Vrinda: thanks so much
    figtree: I know right it was so good
    Chef E: you could use lamb oh that would be goood!
    Ruth: happy new year smiles
    Joanne: smiles, Erica rocks
    Emily: oh blogging is so good for getting better in the kitchen!

  17. Meatloaf? Isn't it interesting being here on bloglines like this...for instance...I grew up on meatloaf and cast it aside as boring...and yet I guess some have never made it or even had it! We used to even have leftover meatloaf sandwhiches for school in Mom's homemade bread. AND...I simply must keep blogging...good grief girl, there is no question to that!

  18. My husband said the same thing about my cooking...

  19. Oh, I love meatloaf! I had my first taste of the classic in America. *Chuckling* Yea ... Mac & Cheese + Meatloaf = All-American meal!


  20. Meatloaf served up with a side of macaroni and cheese...Screams American. I really enjoyed this post.
    Cheers to you!

    P.S.. Erica always has great recipes to share.

  21. Oh yum, that looks wonderful! I love your hubby's comment!

  22. Fantastic dish hungry now :-)

  23. It's been way too long since i've had meatloaf. The last time i had it was about a year ago. I think i need to make some again. Nicely done on your first try.

  24. I'm going to try this - my husband loves meat loaf and I am always trying to make it mroe interesting. Love the boiled eggs and spices.

  25. Trish: wasn;t so big in the UK so new to me lOL love ya
    Megan: we need to do a hubby poll!
    Pei Lin: the locals eating habits will rub of on you a little !!
    Velva: thanks so much smiles
    cookbookapprentice; thanks
    Jenn: thanks lol
    Claudia: let me know what your hubby thinks

  26. Your meatloaf looks very delicious. We stuff our meatload with jack cheese and sauted mushrooms.

  27. Hi Rebecca-That looks wonderful!!!!!Thank you so much for all your continue support and friendship :)



  28. It's always great to have a new meatloaf recipe to try! This looks terrific!

  29. Meatloaf and macaroni and cheese?? YUM! This is a unique recipe and can't wait to give it at try. I'm a big meatloaf fan.

  30. Wow! This sounds like a great combo! Can't wait to try it!

  31. Sure...I feel the same way...logging has shaped my cooking techniques so much:)

    Liked all the steps of meatloaf'...sounds very interesting, looks yummm:)

  32. That looks great Rebecca! My favorite way? Favorite would just be hamburgers on the grill :-)

  33. Lovely.. your meat load looks very good.

  34. That looks delicious Rebecca! I love meatloaf! My favorite thing is meatballs!

  35. Rebecca, that looks FANTASTIC! I've never made meatloaf, but I think I'll be making this soon!

  36. Mimi: oh wow I am doing that next time, love mushrooms
    Erica: oh thanks hope you don't mind me cooking all your stuff he he he
    the ungourmet; thanks to Erica lol
    Lea Ann: oh I am now!
    Kathleen: it was so good
    Malar: thanks so much
    Amanda: oh wow Americans cook the best in the World
    Nostalgia: thanks
    Reeni: oh yeah love meatballs!
    prevention RD: oh try this way its great

  37. I Love Erica's blog too. Your meatloaf looks amazing!

  38. I haven't tried this kind of meatloaf. Looks interesting and complex. I think I've had this before but made with chicken.

  39. Sook smiles
    Divinia: give it a try it as great love Rebecca

  40. I haven't seen anyone put a hardboiled egg into a meatloaf since my late step-father did years ago. YUM!!!

  41. I never realized that so many people have not made meatloaf. My husband loves it so I have been making it since we first got married. Keep in mind, I am a granny.

  42. caveman cooking: oh was very cool in there
    sweet and savory says it all: well I guess its not so big in the UK lol

  43. I'll have to try this one while my hubby's out of town (not a meatloaf fan). My favorite way to eat meatloaf is actually with mashed potatoes instead of mac and cheese. And since you asked about my favorite way to prepare ground beef, here's a link to our all time favorite that will be going on my blog in the next month!

  44. thanks so Much for stopping by will check it out

  45. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    That is a beautiful meatloaf. Definitely one of the easiest ways to hide vegetables (not from my daughter... from myself! I'm so bad.).

    I make a mean nacho bean dip with ground beef.


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