Smoked Trout and Penne

So I had some smoked trout to use and got my thinking cap on and thought why not mix with some pasta for lunch. So me and my little helper got to work, well not work it is so easy and very tasty. This is a great thing to have for lunch or take to work.


  • one smoked trout the other one I used to make fried rice recipe to follow!
  • 1 cup pasta and mixed frozen vegetables
  • mayonnaise one tablespoon
  1. boil the pasta until its al dente with vegetables
  2. mix all the ingredients together and eat!

Let me know what you think its easy and healthy, I am making it with smoked salmon next!



  1. What a grand idea! I woke up today and thought - everything I cook/eat/prepare must be healthy!

  2. Fish and perfect for me.

  3. Cute pic. Looks like you've got a little helper there. Merry Christmas!

    -Terrace Crawford

  4. healthy dishes like this dish is a must after feasting this holiday!

  5. hmm... looks delicious and easy. Love the pasta. :)

  6. I love this kind of preparation! And so are my kids but not my hubby!

  7. Smoked salmon is one of my favorite delicacies. I love the idea of it in this pasta dish! So quick, easy, and healthy.

  8. Rebecca, great light pasta dish. I love smoked trout, but never know how to incorporate it into other dishes.

    Looks like you have a great little helper, too!

  9. Love that last photo, Rebecca! Somebody really loves your pasta.

    Healthy is what we need right now, but I still have a week of cooking to do before everyone leaves. Will save your recipe for later, for me!

  10. What a great, easy snack! I always buy smoked fish but never thought to add it to pasta.

  11. Claudia: thanks hope you like it lol
    Jenn: smiles
    Terrace: thanks for stopping by have a lovely day shes great
    Peachkins: oh so true
    angel: thanks
    my little space: well he needs to try it like a kid h eh he
    Joanne: you will love it then
    George:she's great I know me too but this worked very well
    Barbara: enjoy the next week with your guests lol
    unplanned cooking hope you all like it love rebecca

  12. A good idea, to use up the smoked trout in this way. A quick easy delicious pasta. In general though I think smoked trout is hugely under-rated. I would pefer decent quality smoked trout than the mass produced smoked salmon seen in alot of the supermarkets over here.

  13. Yum! Smoked trout sounds delish!

  14. I love tout!!!sounds simple and tasty :) I would love to try it with salmon too!!!

  15. Luigi: oh I agree a good quality fish makes all the difference
    Emily: smiles
    Erica: will let you know how it was with salmon next love ya

  16. Jasmine seems to love it. Smoked salmon would be good too. Nice healthy recipe.

  17. Love the simple pasta and they're so easy to make.

  18. Now my husband would love this especially with smoked salmon!

    I see Jasmine is making the most of it...LOL! She is so adorable!

  19. Yummy....I love smoked fish and this looks yum

  20. thanks Divina i also love simple pasta
    Michelle oh hope your hubby loves it
    Kitchen Butterfly


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