Spicy Roasted Brussels Sprouts and MySpiceSage.com coupon!

I saw roasted Brussels sprouts on Simply life, and thought what a great idea, I had never roasted Brussels sprouts before. So I put my own spin on it!

  • 10 big Brussels sprouts quartered
  • 1/4 red onion
  • one tablespoon garam masala and a little salt
  • 3 cloves of chopped garlic
  • olive oil
  1. chop the Brussels sprouts add the onion, garlic, salt and garam masala
  2. roast at 400 degrees for 30 minutes its that simple!
It was really delicious.
The ingredients
Yummy spicy roasted Brussels sprouts

Then yesterday I had some plantains, I coated them in Tandoori seasoning, salt and oil and pan fried them. The hubby loved them and ate all of them!

Coat the plantains with tandoori mix and salt, lightly fry
Just be careful the spice mix burns a little on a high heat.

My Spice Sage. com has kindly given Chow and Chatter's readers a 10% discount of your order for the next week, they also sell vanilla, herbs and of course spices-
simple use the code - chowandchatter

Happy Shopping!

I am going to NYC this weekend to celebrate my 30th with friends and my brother is coming from London, so excited, I want to show Jasmine the Christmas tree and all the wonderful lights on the stores.

Also we are planning a NYC food blogger meet up!, if there is anyone I have missed email me!



  1. Oh, both things look delicious! I love the flavor that roasting brussels sprouts brings out...great post :D

  2. Delicious Rebecca! Love the addition of garam masala! Great recipe!

  3. Oh I am loving all the Brussels sprouts recipes I am seeing these days! Looks great with those spices added in there.

  4. Great idea! I have never roasted brussels sprouts before either! always stir-fried them and I like the ease of preparation!

  5. I love roasted brussel sprouts, it seems the best way to have them...I also love how easy both these dishes are...and since i love spice...its all love i am feeling : ) ...

    Hope you have a wonderful time Rebecca...I will be thinking about the meet up !...hope you guys have a wonderful wonderful time...! Take Care....

  6. I had me at brussel sprout! These look fantastic. Great recipe. I love a good brussel sprout.

  7. I just bought brussel sprouts and then see this, I have not made them I hate to say in almost a year!

    They ain't yo mama's sprouts!

    See you Friday...

  8. Never try to cook Brussels Sprouts in this way ~ Thanks for sharing.

  9. I've never had brussels sprouts like this! They sound real yummy! Have fun in NYC!

  10. you have the best no-fail recipes. Adore them :)

  11. My daughter loves brussel sprouts, me, not such a big fan. I always wanted to try roasting them, maybe this would change my mind. Looks good.

    We all love plantains, they sound delicious that fixed that way.

  12. girlichef: thanks so much it was my first time doing it so cool
    Jennie: thanks so much and for visiting
    Mardi: thanks oh me too
    tasteofbeirut: it was good hope you like it
    Nat: thanks so much we will miss you
    Gina: thanks so much
    Chef E: can't wait to meet you
    Anncoo: enjoy
    Reeni: thanks so much
    Jhonny: you are too kind
    Lyndsey: hope this converts ya!

  13. Roasted is the only way I will eat Brussels Sprouts! :) Your recipe sounds wonderful. I'll have to try it.

  14. I've never roasted brussel spouts either - clever idea.

    Where did you find the plantains? I've never seen them in our market, but we got a lot of them when we lived in the islands. They are so fun.

  15. That looks really tasty. I'm not a fan of brussel sprouts because of their bitterness, but I think I'd like them roasted this way.

  16. I love roasting just about any veggie - it brings out all of the good sweet flavors. Brussels sprouts are no exception!

    What a great idea for the plantains and YES for the coupon. I am going to be so overstocked with spices after this that I won't know what to do with myself.

  17. Oh wow - these brussel sprouts look so good!!

  18. Happy upcoming birthday, Rebecca!

    Nice posting today. I especially liked what you did with the plantains. And I think roasting brussel sprouts gives them such depth of flavor!

  19. one of the few vegetables that i just couldnt eat :D . Maybe a little spice would help :)

  20. one of the few vegetables that i just couldnt eat :D . Maybe a little spice would help :)

  21. Don't brussels sprouts rule? I heart them!

  22. Sook: thanks so much for visiting love your blog, hope you like it
    peachkins: thanks so much
    Sam: i my local Indian store have also seen them in food lion!
    Paildor: oh you will love this
    Joanne: happy shopping love Rebecca
    Jessica: thanks
    Barbara: thanks so much
    peanutts: spice always helps!
    tasty trix: oh me too!

  23. Rebecca, all of this sounds amazing! I like the spices and how they take simple ingredients and turns them into something extraordinary.

    I know you will have a wonderful time in New York City. 'Tis the season to be in that great city. You definitely have to go up to the Metropolitan Museum and see their tree ~ it is pretty spectacular, also.

  24. George: thanks so much and for a great tip on the tree

  25. I've been seeing Brussels sprouts all over and have yet to make them. These look great!

  26. I love brussel sprouts and they are delicious roasted. What a woonderful recipe. All those yummy,life-enhancing spices!

  27. Tangled noodle thanks
    Claudia: thanks enjoy love Rebecca

  28. This is a nice change of braising which is what I normally do with sprouts. Nice flavours!


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