Its Never too Late to Follow Your Dreams


This post was written in Dec 2008 one of my first posts, I had no readers then. I had stumbled on this movie while on the stationary bike, and loved it. I just wanted to share it with you all as Burt's story is truly inspirational and no matter what stage of life we are in its never too late to follow our dreams. (I dream one day to be a food writer so watch this space LOL and smiles!)

The Worlds Fastest Indian starring Anthony Hopkins, is truly inspirational. It is about Burt Munro a New Zealander who came to Bonneville salt flats to set a record for the fastest motorcycle. He set the World record for under-1000cc, 183.586 mph (295.453 km/h), at Bonneville, 26 August 1967. He was 63 years old at the time with a heart condition riding his 47 year old motorcycle named the Indian Scout.

He saved for years to make the trip to America often working on his bikes way into the night. On his first trip he came to America on a cargo ship, in order to pay for his trip he worked as the ships cook!
It just goes to show with dedication and hard work no matter what your age you can achieve your dreams.

So what are you waiting for whether its getting your dream career, improving your health to be able to run up that flight of stairs, making that all important trip with your family just follow your heart if Burt can it his 60's so can you!!

"If you don't follow your dreams, you might as well be a vegetable" Burt Munro.


  1. So true. Its never too late to follow your dreams. Wishing you much happines for the New Year.

  2. so inspiring! so true tho-its NEVER too late.. love it!

  3. This is quite an inspiring post. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Oh, how I wish my mom would at least understand that I can't be a vegetable forever is she's holding me back. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Never heard of this movie, Rebecca, but it sounds so very inspirational.
    I hope we can all accomplish our 2010 dreams, aims and hopes!

  6. Yes, I agree~~its never too late to follow your dreams. Wishing you all the best.

  7. we all need these inspirational reminders.....thanks!

  8. Thank you for sharing such inspirational words, Rebecca. Love reading your blog :)

  9. I saw that story. It was a great story- very inspirational.

    Happy New Year to you and your family.

  10. Great post Reb! I just added the movie to my Netflix queue.

  11. Love it! thanks for sharing!
    Happy New year!
    pop over, I need your help with some English Toffee!

  12. We in some way prod each other on don't we, encouragement, and reminders that we are not the only ones that fall down, and have to get up and move onward...

    Beautiful movie, I saw it I believe this past year as well...

  13. Lovely post. My daughter changer major this summer; my son withdrew from his PhD program because he realized he didn't want to write grants the rest of his life and I made the jump from NYC to MN changing from an actress to a playwright. You can always evolve.

  14. Very true, and good news for us oldies! ; ) Happy New Year, my dear!

  15. figtree: thanks the same to you love Rebecca
    ktbwood: smiles
    jessica: smiles
    Fresh Local and best: my pleasure
    Divina: you can do it love ya
    Megan: no problem
    Barbara: oh me too
    Anncoo: thanks so much
    doggybloggy: oh we sure do me included!
    Sanjana: thanks so so much
    Lori: wasn't he something lol
    Meet Virginia: you will love it
    Foodie with little thyme on my way, but i can't make it just eat it!
    chef E oh love encouraging others and it encourages me at the same time!
    Claudia: very true love u
    Tasty Trix: thanks

  16. Even vegetables have dreams, Rebecca...think of zucchini and carrot cake,...tomato pesto and tapenade.....thankfully, we too have hope! Thanks for the reminder and encouragement!!

  17. True words of wisdom.Best wishes for 2010 :D

  18. I loved this movie, too! Those kinds are my favorite! Have you seen the Hoosiers? It is a great follow your dreams sports movie!

  19. I couldn't agree more. I've been lucky to surrounded by people who've always encouraged me to follow my dreams. That's what I'm doing now and I'm very happy on my decisions with it.

  20. kitchen butterfly: smiles
    aux delices des gourmet happy new yr thanks so much for stopping by
    Yasmeen: thanks so much happy new yr to you as well
    Jenny: oh I will have to get that one let me know of any more love them!
    jenn: your an inspiration to us all love ya

  21. Beautiful post, Rebecca! My dream was to teach people from other countries about my culture and food.....I am doing it now ;-)

  22. Erica: oh thats wonderful and you do it so so well

  23. Thanks for this reminder! It is NEVER too late :)

  24. mom on the run: no never
    foodie with little thyme: my pleasure did chef E help you

  25. Thanks for the inspiration Rebecca!

  26. You know what, Rebecca ... seems like this is everywhere on the Net ... If I happen to have the ingredients needed, I'd love to try making it ...


  27. Couldnt agree more! A very very valuable post!!!!!!

  28. Reeni: my pleasure
    Pei lin: you will love it
    Ruth: smiles

  29. How inspirational Rebecca! I to hope to achieve my dreams, would love to write a cookbook one day ;)

  30. Very Very true, life is too short not to do something we love. I'm working on that ;)


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