Saint Martin Eats and Awards

Cheese dip

So we had a great few days in Saint Martin (spelt this way on the French side) or Saint Maartin on the Dutch side. It is a beautiful little Island in the Caribbean. With amazing beaches and decent food. We rented a lovely cottage from a French couple on the French side. It was fun as we love French food and the local Grocery store is full of it!
The Island unfortunately doesn't grow anything or seem to have much fresh fish, hard to believe as its surrounded by Ocean!
All of the fruit sold by the roadside is imported from Santa Domingo or The Dominican Republic. Also we found out that most of the fish served in restuarants is frozen, quite disappointing really. I did stock up on British tea, French cookies and chocolates, and local preserves and spices. Also coffee from the Dominican Republic. Its a nice place but to be honest we much prefer Costa Rica, It has its own identify and more to offer with mountains and beaches and its own cuisine, but thats just us.

Anyways the first night we ate in Calmor Cafe in Grand Case a great place for drinks and on the beach but the food was so so and expensive.
Last night we managed to get fresh Fish our friend had tuna tartare which he enjoyed and we shared the red snapper, this was nice. The Chef, added Herbs De Provence and baked it, so will try this at home for sure.

This menu made me smile!
Red snapper
Tuna Tartare

I am also lucky to receive a couple of Awards one from Kathleen from the Geeky Gourmet, a witty and fun food blog

and one from Ruth from I love flavor me, I love her, she is an awesome Mum and teacher, now living in Milan and not to mention one heck of a cook, be sure to check out her blog.

All in all was fun, but so wished the Island had its own food and a more united cultural identity, coming home to possible snow aw well will cool my sunburn down!!

Love and Hugs

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  1. What a cute menu cover! Love that cheese dip and tuna tartare. My boys would certainly love that!

  2. What a great place to vacation! Congrats on your well deserved award! Roz

  3. Congratulations on your awards! We have a cruise stop in St. Maarten in March. Did you make it over to that side of the island. How fun to have your own little cottage!

  4. congrats on the awards. cute looking menu ehhehe, have a lovely weekend

  5. Congrats on the awards. Also the cheese dip looks so good. I'm craving it right now. :)

  6. That snapper looks great..altho it surprises me that they dont have fresh fish! its an island!! lol..gald u had a nice vacation!:)

  7. Wow, what fun times you have been having! I have been away from blogging for a couple of weeks so have just caught up with your news and your awards and your yummy recipes! Hope that you are all well and thanks for sharing that cute menu cover!

    Best wishes and Happy weekend, Natasha.

  8. I can't beleive no fresh fish on an island. I guess I am super lucky here. My fave thing is when the server is like, fresh fish, found it in the ocean, this fish is local, just found here. They are so cute, and I was sold before they told me all that anyway. I would love to go to Saint Martin. Sounds so nice and warmer than here.

  9. Glad you had a wonderful holiday! The menu is rather cute!

  10. Congratulations on your awards. I know it must be warmer there than North Carolina.

    When we lived in the Bahamas, they didn't grow much food either due to very poor soil. We had a thin layer of soil in our yard and underneath was coral rock. Hard to grown anything in rock. However, fish and lobster were plentiful there thanks to the great local fishermen.

    My husband caught a 35 pound tuna while we lived there and we had tartare. Fabulous if you like raw tuna and we do. We lived only about 8 minutes from the drop off line in the Atlantic where you find the big fish.

  11. Nice menu and congrats on all ur awards...

  12. Oh that menu cover! That is so sweet. The fish just looks fabulous. Sounds like the perfect get-away. Congrats on the awards!

  13. I'm glad you had fun anyway, but I'm sure disappointing food is just awful for such a foodie as you! I bet you brought home some good memories ~ ā™„

  14. The menu looks so cute and the food looks great. Have a nice weekend.

  15. Rebecca, it all sounds like a bit of paradise! And the food looks wonderful, too.

    Congratulations on the awards... they all are well deserved, because you are always sharing & giving through your creative post.

    Have fun...

  16. Oh- I'm so envious... It's -20 Celcius (-4 F) here today :(
    Have a safe trip back...!

  17. Looks wonderful! I've always wanted to try making whole fish, but have been intimidated :) plus it's so hard to come by here. Congrats on the awards, much deserved :) Have a nice weekend.

  18. I'm so glad to hear you had a good time!

    That menu is adorable and the fish looks awesome.

  19. what a wonderful trip! congrats on the awards!

  20. Oh my god! I'm DROOLING over that red salmon dish! Man, when I was in Saint Maarten, I wish my family had eaten the local food there. It must have been spectacular. We barely eat locally when we cruise. :(

  21. The cheese dip looks delicious! And the menu is adorable! Congrats on your awards.

  22. lucky lucky you - but I feel like I am there too...

  23. I wish I could feel sorry for you having a sun burn but I'M FREEZING!

  24. Oh, what a vacation!! I love French food, too! The huge bowl of cheese dip drove me nuts!

  25. That menu was too much! Congratulations on the awards, love the cheese dip-it looks divine.

  26. Wish I could visit Saint Martin!

  27. The red snapper would be my choice! The menu cover is fun.

  28. There's an award for you on my blog too! Take it and showcase it on your blog :)

    The Day

  29. Fun to hear about your trip to St. Martin. Where have you been in Costa Rica? I'd love to go there someday!

    Congrats on the awards!

  30. Trish: oh yep the cheese was goood
    Jenn: smiles
    Bella: thanks so much
    Barbara Bakes: yep saw the whole Island only 37 square miles lol
    peannuts: thanks so much
    Sook: now that was one good food item on the trip
    Zurin: I was also surprised, aw well was nice all the same lol;
    Natasha: welcome back have a great weekend as well lol Rebecca
    Melinda: oh you are lucky enjoy lol
    3 hungry tummies: smiles
    Sam: oh I guess the soil is like that then, but so many Islands can grow stuff like Dominica and Domican Rep. you were lucky with the lobster and wow your hubby is a good fisherman
    Vrinda: thanks
    Claudia: oh it was lovely we so appreciate it now we are in the snow!!
    the imperfect housewife: aw well I can cook now at home, it was pretty though love ya
    Anncoo: thanks so much
    George: oh you are too kind lol
    Sybril: oh your poor thing hope it warms up
    Laura: thanks
    eating RD: oh I should also try a whole fish lol
    Joanne: thanks so much
    teresa: thanks smiles
    Pauline: oh next time go to the Island directly lol Rebecca
    Reeni: thanks so much
    doggy bloggy: smiles
    foodie with little thyme: smiles he he
    Pei lin: dive in to the cheese
    Christie: smiles
    hummingbird appetite hope you get to sometime lol
    Angie: yep good choice!
    Bhavesh: thanks

  31. Emily: oh we went all over Costa Rice loved it feel free to email me anytime

  32. Congrats on the awards! I would love to go to both St. Martin and Costa Rica, and it is good to know your preference.

  33. That is so much fun! Oh wow.. can you actually finish the whole snapper! Looks huge!

  34. That red snapper had my name written all over it lol! Looks like you had a lovely time (lack of fresh fish aside lol) Love the menu and the pic of you and your gorgeous littlun'

  35. Yummy! That is a lot of food. The menue is hillarious.

  36. It is sad when a tourist economy destroys the indigenous culture, that's happened so many places ... but the restaurant looks nice, and at least you got to relax!

  37. I have always wanted to go to St Martin/St Maarten... thanks for taking us there!

  38. I can certainly appreciate a travel destination with character and identity. I think foodies by nature are more observant in this realm. Still sounds like you had a good time, got plenty of sun and enjoyed at least a few good meals.

  39. Ohhh wonderful trip! This island must be a gem and lovely menu :)

    Congrats for your awards!!

    Happy weekend,


  40. travel eat love: oh both are good just different hope you get to go lol
    my little space: love your humor me hubby and J shared it
    Ruth; thanks love the un!!
    Stevie: smiles
    Trix: oh thats very true well said lol
    Mardi: oh my pleasure
    Velva; its in our blood I guess he he
    Gera: thanks so much

  41. Glad you had a nice time. I am surprised at the lack of fresh fish though.

  42. the menu cover is too cute! What a great vacation...I realise i too need one..

  43. Oh that tuna tartare sounds so good!

  44. I love the menu!!!! Eating a whole snaper is very popular in Colombia. That looks fantastic.

  45. Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.

  46. s hope you can get a vacation soon lol
    Lori: oh it was lol
    Erica: see another cool Columbian dish
    anonymous thanks

  47. Honestly St. Maarten was the best vacation we've ever been on! We were there for 3 wks and it was the first time I was not ready to come home. We stayed on the Dutch Side because I love to watch the ships coming into harbor!

  48. Michelle thats cool, happy for you, love the World and all the amazing places in it everyone can find special places

  49. I have always wanted to check out this place!


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