Spicy Turkey Keema

This is another simple, lean and tasty Indian dish, my hubby normally makes it, but he was working nights so he told me what to do, and liked the outcome!


  • one park of Organic Turkey
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 2 green chilis' chopped
  • ginger/garlic paste
  • mustard seeds, coriander seeds and a few cumin seeds
  • salt to taste
  • curry leaves
  • 3 small cooked potatoes (I boil separately and then add them)
  • 1/2 cup frozen peas
  • one spoon garam masala
  • and one homemade masala (from India!) or any other multi purpose masala powder.
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 3 chopped tomatoes

  1. pop the mustard seeds in hot canola oil, add the curry leaves green chili, coriander seeds and cumin for 2 minutes
  2. add the onion, ginger/garlic paste and turkey and brown for 8 minutes
  3. then add tomatoes, turmeric and masala powders, salt to taste, cooked potatoes and peas and simmer slowly for 20 minutes.
We ate this with rice and broccoli, very tasty Jasmine had her own version with less spice, she's still not so keen on spicy foods her Indian genes are not kicked it he he .

and Scott from Fight the fat foodie gave me this award, thanks so so much. He has a great blog and has lost weight and keeping it of the right way, with a healthy lifestyle and tasty eats, check out his blog.

We are going to Saint Maartin for 3 days this week, can't wait to try the food in the area, 1/2 of the Island is French and 1/2 Dutch. Will take pictures, in fact we are rented a cottage from a French couple and she told me she is going to teach me how to make chocolate mousse I can't believe I have made another foodie friend before even arriving!!

Has anyone been there? any tips?

Love to you all

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  1. This dish does look healthy-delicious too.
    I really enjoy Indian food and the complex blend of flavors that it offers.

  2. Looks fabulous and delicious. I love turkey and spices so this dish would go down well in my family with rice....yum.

  3. I love lamb keema but rarely make it as lamb mince is so fatty. It's daft but it never occurred to me to make it with turkey so thank you very much for the inspiration.

  4. This dish looks delicious! I like the combination, it's a meal in one!

  5. this looks excellent, I am bookmarking this recipe and I sure would like to know whats in your homemade masala - did they tell you? St Maartins - sweet!

  6. Looks lovely and really delicious. and healthy...the spice combo sounds good.

  7. I like meat and potaotes,Indian-style, especially in the winter season!

  8. c'est délicieux j'aime beaucoup
    bonne soirée

  9. Oh good, another Indian dish to try. I have been using my Indian Spice box so much and I'm loving it.

    You'll have so much fun, trying the food on St Maarten. We went there on our honeymoon, way before I was blogging:)

  10. Looks delicious! Another trip!? Lucky! That is great--enjoy your time there. ;-)

  11. It really been way too long since I've had some kind of Indian food. i used to frequent this one place where I used to work. Maybe I should take a trip down for old times sake.

  12. Velva: thanks oh me to
    Mary: oh hope your family loves it
    Sarah: oh it works great with turkey love that you wrote daft it reminded me of home lol
    Fresh local and best: thanks
    doggybloggy: will ask my mum in law for you lol
    Zurin: thanks so much
    tasteof beirut: oh so true great at this time of year
    aux delices des gourmets: merci bourcou
    Lyndsey: thanks, oh love spice boxes
    Deb: oh we are blessed hubby works very hard though and is always planning the next place
    Jenn: sounds like a plan

  13. turkey keema....cool!
    I've only had beef keema...and this looks good! Another winner!

  14. You're so lucky you have a job that allows you to do so much traveling! That's so nice. I'm jealous.

    This meal looks fantastic. I LOVE spicy foods, love love love it!

  15. This looks tastey and healthy. The perfect combo!

  16. Keema is my favourite! This one is a winner!

  17. Indian inspired food is always delicious! Have fun in Saint Martinn.
    good luck with the chocolate mousse lessons!

  18. Trish: oh you will love this one
    Gina: oh we are lucky hubby works very hard, many extra shifts
    Kathleen: thanks so much
    3 hungry tummies: oh thanks
    Sarah: thanks so much will keep you posted

  19. This sounds very delicious and healthy. I love the combination of meat, potato and all the spices, another great recipe!

  20. Wow! This looks so great. I love Indian food! This looks like it's packed with yummy flavors! Congrats on the award.

  21. I was looking forward to this recipe and sounds even better than expected. The chinese grocers here sell Indian spices. I know, weird isnt it lol but at least I can give this a go! Looks so good!

  22. This looks really delish! Love the ingredients in it.

  23. I feel like another having Indian food today. :D

  24. Rebecca!!!! You're going on a vacation - FUNNNNN! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy ~ bring us back some mousse! ♥ P.S. Your dish looks delish!

  25. This looks so delicious, lots of spice and flavors.

  26. Nope, never been to Saint Marteen! But I'd love to!

    Mmm! Always want to try your Indian dishes! Deeelicious!

  27. Indian food is usually a winner, isn't it? Have never done any of it with turkey. Looks splendid -all those flavors. Enjoy your trip!

  28. This is just bursting with awesome flavor!

    I have watched programs on t.v. about St Martin. It looks like such a fantastic place. Hope you have a wonderful time!

  29. Have fun on your mini-vacation! This dish looks delicious. I would like mine extra spicy please! I'm sure Jasmine will grow out of it.

  30. Azita: oh thanks so much
    Sook: oh you can make this one as you have the recipe lol
    Ruth: oh well thats cool you can get the spices
    Divina: smiles
    my little space: thanks so much
    the imperfect housewife: thanks so much your so sweet
    mimi: take some lol
    Nicole: come and get some he he
    Claudia: thanks smiles
    The ungourmet: thanks so much hugs

  31. Joanne: good advice, and thanks for he kind wishes heres yours with more spice!

  32. Love this spicy dish, Rebecca! And the fact that is is a good dish for dieters.

    Congrats on the award, I'll visit his blog.

    I've been to Saint Maartin, but we day-tripped from Anguilla. Have fun!

  33. Delicious, I love Indian food.
    Have a wonderful time, you lucky thing!!!

  34. Have funnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Take care and ♥ to Jasmine!

  35. Nice turkey dish...sounds delicious with all the ingredients in it :-) Yummie!

  36. Wonderful! So sweet that you and your hubby both cook :) Enjoy Saint Maartin and take more pics for all of us! :)

  37. Barbara: oh thanks yep true a healthy dish for health consious folks
    Natashya: thanks so much come on get in the case!
    kitchen butterfly: oh thanks will pass on a kiss from you to Jasmine
    Maria: thanks so much and for stopping by lol
    Juliana: thanks for stopping by lol
    Ju: yep I am lucky to have a hubby who cooks, will take pics and learn recipes for us all

  38. I love the spicy flavors here! Have so much fun in Saint Martin!

  39. Thinking about the fragrance of mustard seeds popping---really like this one!
    We were in St Maartin in April; on a cruise though, so my only experience was a snorkel trip followed by a nap on the beach---very pretty island.

  40. I love Indian food!!!The flavors are incredible.That sounds simple and delicious.

  41. After asking if you'd be posting, I almost missed this! Looks so delicious.

    Have fun on your trip and safe travels!

  42. Yum...that does look delicious

  43. WOw spicy turkey keema sounds wonderful...always had only lamb keema, this must be a good variation for me to try, thanks for the recipe:)

  44. This looks like a great recipe with wonderful and complex flavors.

  45. Looks very yummy. Just a note - this recipe reappears here:

    Thought you might want to know


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