Thai Basil Chicken

This is Rebecca's Version of Thai Basil Chicken quick and easy to make, full of flavor and great with rice and vegetables.


  • one pack of chicken
  • one large bunch of fresh Thai Basil (from an Asian store)
  • a few cherry tomatoes
  • 3 sliced shallots
  • a teaspoon of sugar
  • one teaspoon of peanut sauce
  • one teaspoon of fish sauce
  • 2 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1/4 chopped red pepper
  • 3 chopped spring onions
  • chopped garlic

  1. saute the garlic, shallots, red pepper, spring onion for 3 minutes in canola oil
  2. add the chicken and cook for 5-7 minutes
  3. then add the sauces and basil leaves for 3 minutes
I have some cool guest posts coming up, from Sense and Serendipity, an Iranian dish and an Icelandic dish, always on the lookout for great recipes and new blogs to share with you all and new recipes for me to make he he

Hope your all having a fab weekend, the weather was lovely today in NC Jasmine, her daddy and I enjoyed a long walk. I am also on my 4th loaf of bread!

What are you up to?

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  1. I love the sound of this dish! Feels like I can smell it from here... Yummmm

  2. delicious! I love basil chicken

  3. Looks yummy. I have been loving Thai food lately!

  4. I love that chicken dish!Sounds simple, but full of flavor.

  5. I have never had Thai basil. I must go to my local Asian Grocer and look. I am sure it makes any dish with similar ingredients taste yummy.

  6. French cooking for dummies: oh it was good get you some basil LOL Rebecca
    LK: thanks
    Lori: oh Thai rocks
    Erica: thanks
    mom on the run: oh its essential for this dish you will love it

  7. Ummm another yummy Asian dish I adore! I have my list of Asian dishes to start making this week! I saw an eggless egg salad made with tofu I thought you might like, and it looks yummy...

  8. Two of my favorite flavors! Thai and Basil! Yum!

  9. I am insanely in love with thai basil curries....totally! This looks scrumptious....bring it on!

  10. Time to use the basil in the kitchen. I could smell the dish from my room. :D

  11. Mmm...looks so delicious. Must try to make this soon. Thanks!

  12. This looks delicious...been meaning to try out some thai cuisine....

  13. yumm looks lovely, Good that you are having nice weather and not snowed in :) . Cant wait to check out the new guest posts you have

  14. looking forward to that 4th loaf of bread...

  15. Yummy! I haven't cooked for about 5 days now. We're on vacation, returning to snow and cold temps tomorrow.

  16. It's another yummy and healthy dish from your kitchen. Have a great weekend too. -Tien

  17. Looks good, but no chicken for me. My high schools last week told me they felt bad for me so i had to explain it is a matter of personal choice, personal likes and personal dislikes, so if I do not like to eat chicken, why feel sorry for me...I didn;t give up something that I enjoy. They understood that and I think that shows some level of maturity from a good of 9th grade guys. They never thought of it that way.

  18. Looks good. I really need to start spending some time in the Asian grocery stores. Some many great items I'm missing out on.

  19. Rebecca, this is a terrific Thai recipe. And will be great to have when that "Thai Attack" comes knocking on the door. Thanks...

  20. Chef E: thanks will check it out
    Sook: thanks
    Trish: smiles u make me smile
    Divina: smiles oh i love this basil
    Anncoo: thanks so much
    s; oh u will love it
    Peannuts: one coming up tomorrow!
    peachkins: yep this one had dates in it
    unplanned cooking oh but you had fun right
    Tien: thanks so much
    Melinda: well said my bro is vegetarian and my mum in law
    foodie with little thyme: u will love them
    George: thanks

  21. I confess I've never tried chicken with basil.. Sounds delish!!!

  22. I have to try this. I love basil in anything. This looks to be an easy week day recipe to make as well.

  23. the thai basil adds a nice touch - this chicken dish looks and sounds so delicious - we are staying in today - rainy day in NYC - yesterday we went to a book signing and vegan cooking demo from a fellow blogger.

  24. Lovely recipe. Easy and full of flavor.
    Warm and sunny in California, but we are expecting heavy rains this next week.

  25. This looks great! I've gotten Thai basil at the farmer's market before and wasn't sure exactly what to do with it, I'll have to try it!

  26. Wonderful! I love Thai flavours.

  27. Looks delicious. Think I might try this with the frozen basil cubes from the summer.

  28. Lovely dish! I also posted about homemade bread a couple of days ago...must be that time of year!

  29. Renata: oh its a great combo wow your cake rocks
    mother rimmy: yep tasty and easy lol
    doggy bloggy: thanks so much hope it stops raining soon
    Mimi: enjoy the sun lol
    eating RD enjoy it
    chakhlere: thanks
    Janice: thanks
    Teresa: thanks
    Natashya: oh me too
    rick:oh great idea and thanks for stopping by
    sweet and savory: oh thats cool

  30. How delicious Rebecca! Lovely flavors!

  31. This looks great! I haven't tried too many Thai dishes, but this one is going on my list. The sauce looks so flavorful!

  32. Thai food is a favourite of mine. Can't get enough of it:)

  33. Basil chicken. Thai food. Yes - it has it all. Scrumptious.

  34. Ooh, sounds fantastic; extra chiles for me!

  35. Keats the sunshine girl: smiles
    Claudia: oh thanks
    table talk: sure thing extra chili's for you

  36. I bookmarked this! I really want to try this for my family!!!


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