Broccoli and Mushroom Soup

This is a quick and easy soup, I made with limited ingredients in the fridge and it was really good.

  • 2 heads of broccoli chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 3 cups of vegetable stock
  • 1/2 pack of mushrooms
  • olive oil
  • 1/4 red onion
  • Italian herbs
  • soft cheese as desired
  1. saute the onion in the olive oil with the mushrooms and garlic and herbs, then add the broccoli and stock and simmer for 10-15 minutes until soft
  2. use a hand blender to blend and mix in some soft cheese
I also want to share an article I wrote for a wonderful site for woman about life and love.

Moms: Be Yourself

All too often I feel moms get caught up in the hustle and bustle of busy family life and being a good mom, and they forget to be themselves. Remember who you were before your little one or little ones came along, the career, going out with friends, shopping for clothes and having your time. I feel it’s important to keep being yourself, making time to exercise, getting your hair done, going on a course, or whatever you desire.

Your identity should be you as an awesome and talented go-getting individual first for someone to look up to and follow because in no time at all, your child or children will grow up. Find their own path and start their own journey. Of course, you will always be their mom and have a special place in their hearts, but where will you be if you live your life through your children?
Here are some tips to still be you:
  • Attend professional meetings and network. If you stay home with your children, stay in the loop and up to date so it’s easier to join the workforce later on.
  • Make time to exercise and to take care of your body.
  • Don’t let naptime be all about chores. Your body is your most important asset.
  • Make time to see your girlfriends and laugh. Continue to put on makeup and buy nice clothes and be a sexy momma!
  • Follow your dreams -- it will inspire your kids in more ways than you can ever imagine.
for more great tips check out the site....

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  1. Comforting, healthy and nourishing....and the soup is too!

  2. This is a perfect soup for those cold days. Yum!!!

  3. Very healthy recipe, :) I am one of those momma's who are ready to scream heheheh, well some days , other days are a breeze , but thanks for the tips, still waiting for a chance to get the hair done hehehe, yes I do get the hair done now and then even if its hidden under neath a scarf ;)

  4. Such a hearty & comforting soup! Btw, I have a TAQ for you. Please feel free to check out my blog. Thanks & have fun!

  5. great idea to make yummy your winter menu! loveluy recipe rebecca!
    have a sweet day,

  6. What a lovely combination of soup. I'm not a mom but it's a dream one day. Thanks for the tips and advice. :) It's very helpful and a great reminder for moms and single ones too. :)

  7. Simple, healthy and delicious soup. I love it. Useful tips and info. Totally agree with you that all moms, whether stay at home or at work, must make every effort to take care of their health and look through food, exercise and clothing.

  8. Thats an interesting combo,looks healthy and delicious...

  9. This is comforting and healthy soup!
    Thanks for the tips.

  10. Jy favorite way to use broccoli - in asoup.Loving it. The advice is so good - I didn't follow it of course. Nap time was when I did chores. Oh well.

  11. Perfect soup for this chilly winter...

  12. Soup looks wonderful! You are such a helpful source of information for people to be their best self.

  13. That IS an easy bowl of soup. And it looks fabulous.
    I've been a mom (somehow I made it through intact)and you gave some great advice!

  14. Rebecca, I love the simplicity of your soup. A very easy healthy way to use ingredients from the fridge.

    I am forwarding your article on to several friends. I know that they will do the same. Great writing & information. Thanks...

  15. very well said Rebecca and a very good soup too!!!

  16. mmm, this looks great! I would probably make is without the mushrooms, because my body doesn't deal well with mushrooms (SO SAD!). Now that I have a magic bullet I need to start making more soups...from scratch ;)

  17. Looks delicious...and simple! Right up my alley! Great article, Rebecca! You're totally's need an identity, too!

  18. I love broccoli soup but never have added mushrooms! great idea!

  19. joe: hi
    Aruna: thanks
    Cottage cosy: thanks smiles
    Jenn: thanks was tasty
    Angie: thanks
    Peanutts under the scarf or out still need to pamper ourselves he he love ya
    my little space will check it out for sure
    peachkins: oh she did
    Justyna: oh you to lol
    Divina: you will make a wonderful mum
    Sari: thanks so much
    Mary: well said lol
    Sushyma: thanks
    Anncoo: my pleasure
    Trix: smiles
    Claudia: oh I don't always follow but try to lol
    Vrinda: smiles so true
    fresh local and best: aw thats sweet of you
    Barbara: oh thanks means a lot to me
    George oh thanks your kind,
    Zurin: thanks so much
    Gina: oh thanks wonderful to start making from scratch
    Nicole: smiles
    Jennifer: thanks

  20. I love how creamy this soup looks - even though it's all veggie! Beautiful.

  21. What a lovely and healthy bowl of soup. Perfect for this time of the year.

  22. Aw I love the part of being a mom--a good reminder for many of us!

    And excited to try the recipe. We end up many times getting the canned cream of mushroom and broccoli and I know I can make it at home, much healthier... thanks for sharing! This would be great with all the snow we're getting in Virginia :(

  23. Rebecca- I so loved the bit about being a mom. I couldn't agree more that we moms easily loose our own identity. This is why I love my part-time job at the mall. It is fun, exciting, lets me get all fixed up and just enjoy myself and some girl time.
    Broccoli soup is one of my favorites and I love that you added mushrooms and soft cheese:D

  24. i love it! great flavors and perfect for a weeknight.

  25. The soup sounds amazing with the mushrooms. Totally healthy yet indulgent. I totally agree with taking care of yourself and making time for yourself. It helps so much.

  26. Sounds great with broccoli and mushrooms together!

  27. Looks scrumptious Rebecca! I love this soup, everything about sounds great.
    See you at HHM soon!

  28. Kris: thanks and thanks for stopping by
    Natashya: thanks so much
    Joanne: smiles
    Sam: thanks lol
    Nour: oh hope you like it
    Kim: its great you have some thing you enjoy and you look so cute
    teresa: thanks
    Bridgett: well said lovie
    5 star foodie thanks
    Cattheine; sure thanks

  29. that's great that you were able to whip up a great soup with leftover ingredients in the fridge. this soup looks so silky and refreshing - considering the two main ingredients are fabulous!

  30. I've never put mushrooms in my broccoli soup before, but hey why not.
    Great tips for moms.

  31. I love quick and easy soup! It looks delicious. ;-)

    Nice article too--very well written.

  32. Love your Mom tips! And the soup looks great too.


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