Egg Curry

As part of FoodBuzz taste maker program we can get samples, when offered some eggs from Egglands Best. I thought sure why not they are great eggs and some even have extra Omega 3 in them. So I made a traditional South Indian egg curry, my sister in law asked me the day I made this was it a Chennai or city version or village version. Its a city version as the eggs are boiled and added in the villages the eggs are dropped into the curry and poached in it. I remember when I was dating my hubby this was one of my favorite dishes he made.

  • 5 boiled eggs (they can also be poached in the curry)
  • 1/2 onion,
  • 3 green chilies
  • a few curry leaves
  • 3 cloves garlic chopped
  • a pinch of mustard seeds
  • one tablespoon masala powder
  • a little frozen coconut
  • salt to taste
  • pinch of chili powder
  • 2 big tomatoes chopped

1. heat canola oil pop mustard seeds, add curry leaves and green chili, and onion then saute for 5 minutes
2. after a little while add masala powder and red chili powder and salt and diced tomatoes, then turn it down to a low heat and simmer for 15 min, then mix in the coconut
3. while this is cooking boil some eggs, peel and chop in half and then layer on the top of the curry, garnish with fresh Cilantro

I know its sounds a little different, but go on give it a try you will love it, great served with rice and steamed vegetables. Its a healthy and simple vegetarian recipe and one you will make time and time again!

and the lovely Sybil of Nutrition Nibbles a fellow RD from Canada with a wonderful blog full of fun nutrition and health facts gave me this award, thanks so much

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  1. Wow, this is new to me...boiled egg in curry sauce, I would love to try this boiled eggs and I am sure that the curry will make the eggs taste even better...yummie :-)

  2. I'm always looking for a new meatless dish. I love the idea of coconut and curry with the eggs.

  3. I never use masala when I am doing curry. I shall do next time I do one. as you kknow .. I LOVE curries!

  4. I just love eggs...and this recipe looks delicious. My recent blog post is all about Greek yogurt...and my tuna patties!

    Have a great week, Carrie

  5. This looks amazing Rebecca! I know I'd love it! Anything with curry is awesome! :)

  6. Rebecca,
    Perfect! This is exactly how I make my egg curry! Except for the coconut. When you say frozen coconut do you mean grated coconut?

  7. I'm always on the look out for new things I could do with eggs. I love this!

  8. I have never thought of adding eggs in curry! Sounds perfect to me. :)

  9. Another of my favourite dish. I love to deep fry the boiled eggs and then add into the curry.

  10. That looks so good and something both me and Ryan would really enjoy. Thanks for the recipe.

  11. i just love eggs! i need to try this recipe!
    have a sweet day,

  12. You always come up with the best recipes, Rebecca! I would love this egg curry for lunch! And what a super (and unusual) brunch dish this would make.

  13. Hi Rebecca! Long time! This is a favorite eversince my Indian friend cooked this one. I have een getting her to give me the recipe but she is so busy. Thank you for sharing! I will try this soon!

  14. I love egg curry, cant get enough of it hehehe, now have got a new way to make it , yay!!!

  15. I love eggs! I should probably eat less of them for my cholesterol's sake but they're just so damn good. I love the sound of this egg curry and I've never tried it before. Any chance you might want to ship some to NY ? ;)

  16. Is this dish as fragrant as it sounds with the curry leaves and all? Looks good. :)

  17. Yum, what a great brunch recipe. Where do you get your fresh curry leaves?

  18. I love egg curry....this looks so authentic...its making m ehungry!!

  19. WOW..that looks spicy and yummm,my all time fav...

  20. Rebecca, this sounds like a wonderful dish. I am always looking for ways to add eggs to my diet without just scrambling or in a omelette. I love curry, so this will be added to my "must-make" list. Thanks...

  21. city, chennai, village it all sounds good to me - nothing like an egg that has absorbed a delicious curry flavor. So this is how your husband landed you huh? Very clever!

  22. Juliana: thanks hope you try it lol
    Christie: oh you will love it
    Laura: enjoy
    cottage cozy: oh tuna patties sound great
    the ungourmet: oh hope you like it
    Shirley: yep grated get from indian store hard to get Fresh here and hard to break open he he
    peachkins: smiles
    Sook: oh its yum
    Mary: oh that sounds good
    Melinda: my pleasure
    Justyna: enjoy lol
    Barbara: oh it would be fab for brunch good idea
    Marya: oh thats cool that you have the recipe now lol
    peanutts: oh you will have to share how you cook yours
    dhale: sure lol
    kitchen masochist: sure is lol

  23. Doc: from my local Indian store, 5 min from my house smiles
    Zurin: you have good taste lol
    Vrinda; thanks
    George: it follows from yesterdays post lol enjoy
    doggy bloggy: he he it worked!!

  24. I love egg curry. Looks totally delicious!
    Now I am hungry for some and will have to make it soon.

  25. WOW! Rebecca, looks like cooked by an Indian family~~~ I had tried this before really yummy!

  26. This is a new curry to me but it sounds wonderful. I love the fact that a dish has a 'city' version! Congrats on your award.

  27. Looks delicious with full of flavours in it...nice recipe...

  28. Interesting! I have never heard of egg curry before but eggs are such healthy protein sources (despite the bad rep they get) that I definitely need to try it!

  29. I would love to try this egg curry, sounds super yummy!

  30. Hi Rebecca,
    Thanks for your comments.
    I love that you LOL a lot, he, he.

    These eggs look delicious!!! Spicy, wow! I love eggs, have to have them every morning, I have to try your recipe.


  31. Gotta love those omega-3's. This year curry is definitely on my list of things to make. I need to convince the other members of the household to try it first, but then again if they don't that would mean more for me. hehehe...

  32. I love curry dishes! And this looks so yummy!

  33. I love curry, but this is new to me. Looks delicious.

  34. I would love to try this! I would eat it anytime. It sounds so good!

  35. Love this..I made it yesterday also as a side dish for chappathis..I add coconut milk instead of coconut :-)

  36. Sounds yummy Rebecca! Have a great week!

  37. Natashya: oh thats cool you have good taste in food lol
    Anccoo: thanks well my better half is Indian he he
    Bridgett: smiles
    Sushma: thanks and thanks for stopping by
    Joanne; very well said, they are a great part of a healthy diet
    5 star foodie: pull up a chair
    Alba: hope you like it
    Jenn: oh you can convert them!
    Angie: thanks
    Mimi: thanks
    Lydsey: smiles
    Gulmohar: oh wow love chapatti
    Catherine: thanks so much

  38. Yum and oh I made an egg curry too but mine wrapped with minced lamb.

  39. I've never heard of an egg curry before, but I would like to try it. I'm on the lookout for curry recipes lately.

  40. Wow, this looks delicious. I would have never thought to do this, but thank you so much for posting. I always get hungry when I pop over here!

  41. I love curries - egg curry is new to me. But I am intrigued enough to want to try it. Now, where do I find curry leaves in Minnesota in February? Hmmmm

  42. I had this cooked for me once many years ago and thought it rather odd at the time. Now, things have moved on and I'm thinking, this looks delicious, I should have a go at making it myself!

  43. What a lovely curry. We don't have curries often enough at our house. I'll have to do something about that.

  44. Look wonderful!! Curry always adds that special zing to a dish!

  45. I'm sure this curry will go well with naan or roti canai, nice colour!

  46. Cherie: thanks so much for stopping by
    Claudia: oh no need for curry leaves optional
    choclette: go for it
    Sam: hope you try it lol
    Annarasa: oh so true and thanks so much for stopping by
    cheah: oh yeah


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