Guest Post: Chef Tiago

Let me introduce you to Tiago a chef at the Sheraton Algave, Portugal. I stumbled across his blog and just adore to admire his skill in the kitchen, he kindly agreed to do a guest post and made foie gras just look at the picture!

Here is a little about Tiago:

I am born a I am born a 09 de November from 1991 had a completely normal childhood, a boy was shy, reserved, but very aware of himself, surrounded by fields where they inhaled various flavors, various flavors felt surrounded by corn fields ... in fact a healthy environment.

Early on I began to awaken a curiosity about the act of cooking, intrigued me that you do not know why things were hard and then were so soft that they cooked ... Then, my 5 years, I gave my "first steps" in culinary world when I helped my sister and my mom make the Christmas cakes and Easter. Before finishing the 9th grade had no doubts about what I wanted to do: take the cooking course.
In 2006 I enrolled in the School of gastronomy of Santa Maria da Feira, having no place went to the school of gastronomy of Lamego. At first it was very complicated for me because it separated me from my friends, my family to go after a dream.

With 14 years then I packed for the first time, and for once spent a whole week away from home ... It was all complicated but once made aware there were any problems.
The first contact with the school was good and the "kitchen equipment" as well. I made two placements in Solverde Hotel and Hotel Sheraton Algarve, participated in two competitions a dessert of chocolate and other national-level schools.

In the latter contest, NestlƩ Professional, each school chose a student who would represent their school, a total of 17 schools across the country.
Of these 17 representatives, only 8 passed the final and I managed to pass. The finals was in my school which made me feel a little more comfortable. Still, the day before I felt very nervous and anxious. Fortunately everything went well, despite the nervousness. During the luncheon ceremony, my boss told me: "You are a caveman" (donkey) ... At that point I was completely tracked ... Soon as I heard my name in 1st place, I felt calm and glad.

Much was left behind: a moment of joy, moments of sadness, difficulties ... moments that I will not forget! Three years ... It was very good, it can be said, a launching pad.

This year then started to take the first steps in the world of work at the Sheraton Algarve: the first company I worked for

Foie Sponge


90gr Foie


80 gr Flour Type 55

2 yolks

3 white egg

QB Juice bird

QB Port Wine


Make a paste with broth and foie for birds (at least 80 Āŗ C) Cool to 40 Ā° C in the minimum join the egg yolks with the white egg and flour then add to the paste of Foie.
Reduce the port wine with honey
Place an order to your liking and bake in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Garnish with black salt flakes and saffron threads.

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  1. For such a young person you have so much talent!!! bravo! a beautiful presentation and dish..m sure it tastes just fabulous! ^^

  2. You are right Rebecca, that picture is mind blowing.

  3. Mmm...the sponge looks soft like cotton. Beautiful!!

  4. Such delicate hands and passion has made this dish, Wow!

    Beautiful talent...

  5. Such delicate hands and passion has made this dish, Wow!

    Beautiful talent...

  6. Amazing talent for such a young man, Rebecca. That photo is a gourmet's delight!

    (What chicken dish were you referring to in your comment? Did you mean Thomas Keller's Grilled Cheese Sandwich? I used Comte cheese in that.)

  7. Simply incredible that at such a young age to have so much creativity and talent. We have so much to gain and learn from Chef Tiago. What an elegant dish!

  8. Beautiful food, beautiful plating and beautiful post. How wonderful to have so much understanding and love of cooking at such a young age. What grand things lie in the future!

  9. What a professional and beautiful plate of food! So glad for you to love food so much at such a young age. Very talented!

  10. Such talent! The photo is stunning as well.

  11. Tiago, you sound like a very talented man. This foie sponge sounds amazing!

  12. A very talented chef and the foie sponge is exquisite!

  13. Tiago, brilliant post.I was wondering whether 1991 is a

  14. I can't believe that something that looks so sophisticated has such a simple sounding recipe. Great picture!

  15. perfection - I love to see greatness that will only get better.

  16. So artistic! Just like a fine restaurant.

  17. Beautiful presentation and how I would have loved to have a taste! Great to have been introduce to this talented chef!

  18. Hi all thanks so much for your lovely comments I will pass them along to Tiago, lets make a trip and eat in his restaurant!!!

    Love Rebecca

  19. Lovely coments...iĀ“m impressionated with your readers...fantastics thanks so much Rebecca...your last recipe is beautiful...congratulations....kiss

  20. wow, great story and I love the intricate detail of your presentation. I really enjoy this and would like to get into culinary as a registered dietitian somehow, but am not sure I want to be an actual exec chef per se? Any tips/ideas?

  21. What a great and inspiring story about pursuing your dreams. Wonderful cake. Thanks for the guest post, Rebecca.

  22. Olala... the sponge looks so classy! Btw, what is Foie? Never heard of it before!


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