Gumbo and Olive Oil Bread

So for Healthy Bread in 5 min a day we were to make an olive oil bread and goat cheese focaccia. I made the olive oil bread overall it was pretty good, but quite dense surprisingly it was much lighter as focaccia. I didn't have all the ingredients for the cheese one, so I topped it with roasted garlic and rosemary it was really good.

Just had to add this picture can you see Jasmine little hand touching it as I was taking the picture!
So as you all know I got a Le Creuset last week and have been cooking up a storm in it. My neighbor kindly lent me a Le Creuset cookbook! and I found a great recipe for a Charleston style gumbo. Ever since Ed did the Gumbo guest post, I have been craving it.

This recipe is quite unique as it doesn't use flour to brown it. It thickens with the okra and potatoes it was simple to make and hubby gave it 8/10 good for him!

  • 4 rashers of bacon
  • one spoon olive oil
  • one small red onion chopped
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 3 sticks of celery chopped
  • one green pepper chopped
  • one cup of okra chopped
  • one cup of wild shrimp
  • 2 small red chilli's
  • 2 small tomatoes chopped
  • one cup of vegetable broth
  • parsley
  • 3 medium potatoes chopped
  • some cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. cooked the bacon for 3 minutes add the onions, garlic and celery for another few minutes then add the pepper, chilli's, potato, tomato, okra
  2. add the broth and the rest of the spices turn the heat low and simmer for 10 minutes
  3. then add the shrimp and simmer for a further 15 minutes
Great served with rice or bread.

While I was on twitter the other day after making the Gumbo Adriane a native of Louisiana told me she makes great Gumbo in fact the sausages are even homemade by her uncle, she just tweeted this snap, doesn't it look amazing, she even sells, sweets from her Grandma's recipes

Even Megan from Tomato Tots made a Gumbo after chatting on twitter be sure to check out hers as well!

Has everyone tried Gumbo? if not go one you will adore it!

also Amy from The Wayland cook gave me the Sunshine award thanks so much

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  1. I have got to try that bread it looks delicious.

  2. The bread is beautiful and I love gumbo! I'm so jealous of your le crueset. My birthday s next month and I've been dropping hints to the hubby. ;)

  3. Much jealousy over the Le Crueset. I went to an outlet store a few months and drooled over all of the pots.

    I love gumbo! It is so good on a cold winter night!

  4. The bread and gumbo look so good! I love cooking with good quality cast iron, it make the best soups and stews.

  5. The bread looks divine...I am hoping next time I can sneak some okra and hot peppers into mine! Thank you for the mention.

  6. I want a Le Creuset too! I have yet to try gumbo but would love to try making it soon!

  7. Oh that bread looks great with the soup! yummy combo!

  8. beautiful loaf! and wha ta lovey n perfect combo with the gumbo ..! ^_^

  9. wow that looks delicious and perfectly baked bread

  10. Good day, Rebecca! Your bread looks so successful. I love the texture as well. Great job, sweetie! And the gumbo sounds pretty inviting too. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Cheers always,

  11. oh my, this meal combo looks aaammmaaazing! :)

  12. Gorgeous bread and so perfect along with the delicious gumbo! Excellent meal!

  13. The bread and gumbo looks sooooo good!

  14. Your bread looks superb! This was one of my favorites so far.

    I am so craving a good hearty gumbo after seeing both of these pictures. I could use it after all this cold weather!

  15. Greg: thanks so much get the book its great
    LK: I am sure your hubby will get the hint he he
    mom on the run: hope you get one soon lol
    fresh local and best: oh you are so right
    Megan: oh the okra is great in there and my pleasure
    3 hungry tummies can't wait to see you Gumbo
    Sook: thanks
    Zurin: thanks
    Sushma: thanks
    Kristy: oh thanks very kind of you
    Kenny: good taste
    5 star foodie thanks
    Mary smiles

  16. Joanne; can't wait to see your Gumbo hope it warms up in NYC

  17. Both of these items are delicious looking! Gumbo is a real southern staple and this recipe is really marvelous.

    Keep posting these wonderful le crueset inspired delicacies....their all great. Thanks

  18. Jasmine is just tapping it to make sure it is hollow. :-)

    That's a gorgeous meal; you've really taken off with the bread making, haven't you? Girl after my own heart. We need to exchange some recipes soon. I'll be in touch. :-)

  19. Oh, I love Jasmine's chubby little hand! And the bread looks delicious!

  20. Both your bread and gumbo look wonderful and perfect for a winter's day!

  21. I've only made gumbo using a flour roux, but I do know that okra is also a traditional way to make it - okra actually originates in Africa. Your gumbo and your bread looks great.

  22. When dining out,I always ask for seconds when served with freshly delicious baked bread, I'm certain I'll do the same with this bread...

    I haven't had gumbo in awhile... this looks wonderful... and your le crueset, i want to have one soon too... have to check when it's on sale hahaha!

  23. Rebecca, the bread is professionally baked! Maybe I should get one Le Creuset...

  24. Looks delicious, and you know how much I love bread. Yummy! Glad you are enjoying your le creuset. I want one and I know that I need a dutch oven so I may be ordering something soon. My mortar and pestle are le creuset too.

  25. That bread looks delicious-I just bought okra yesterday-I will have to come back and try this.

  26. Your breads are looking good! I still can't bake a good loaf.

    I just had lunch and your gumbo is making me drool, Adrienne's too!

  27. wow, what flavours. that bread really is beckoning me and the le creuset, just adore it!!

  28. Congrats, Rebecca! I miss you! I'm not making it over to Chow and Chatter (or anywhere else!) enough busy!!!

    That bread looks out of this world. I just showed the picture to Mark and he said, "Please make that soon!" :)

  29. Looks like your Le Crueset is getting a real workout.

    I love mine and don't know I did without it for so long.

  30. That gumbo looks insanely delicious Rebecca! The olive oil bread goes prefectly!
    Hugs & Blessings~

  31. What a beautiful loaf of bread! And the rise is just wonderful! Good job!!

    Gumbo is one of my husbands favorites and before we left FL, he got his share doubled!

  32. The weather is turning. It is our first day of autumn here. Time for gumbo! And I love the smell of fresh bread as well.

  33. George sure will smiles
    lisa yep thats what she is doing lol
    Laura thanks so much
    Justine oh your right great for winter thanks for stopping by
    Trix are u sure your not African lol
    Malou hope u get one
    Angie i wish i could gift u all one
    Melinda oh i need one of those
    Esme u will love it
    Lyndsey u can do it
    Sanjana aw thanks
    Ruth thanks
    Nicole no probs i understand
    my mans belly it sure it lol
    Catherine: thanks so much
    Michelle your hubby has good taste

  34. I have tried gumbo, yes it's yummy! Your looks awesome as does your bread.

  35. I got to try this one...looks yummm

  36. I love the way you have the rosemary sprig incorporated in the loaf! Looks fabulous!

  37. I've never made gumbo, but it looks so tasty I'm going to give it a try. I know it would be delicious with your beautiful bread.

  38. Amanda: thanks so much
    Gulmohar: thanks
    Ezzie: oh thanks
    Cathie hope you like the gumbo lol

  39. I've never tried making gumbo but it sounds like a wonderful combination with the olive oil bread!

  40. Your Foccaccia looks beautiful and I love Gumbo!

  41. Great idea to just push in the garlic and rosemary. Great job!

  42. I love the combination of garlic and rosemary! Soup and bread is always a perfect comfort food!

  43. Your focaccia is gorgeous and I can tell that Jasmine excited to have some:D
    Your le creuset pan looks very nice too!

  44. Oh my goodness, I want to make this Gumbo. It sounds divine! And the bread would be perfect for dipping too. :)

  45. Wonderful meal. A hearty gumbo and fresh bread...yum.

  46. savoring time: hope you try it
    Bonnie: thanks so much
    Raelyn: aw thanks
    lululu: thanks
    Kim: thanks
    Laurie: oh you will love it
    mimi: thanks

  47. Your focaccia style WW looks lovely. I'm beginning to think maybe if I had mine a flat bread, we might have liked it better!

  48. You must be loving your le creuset pot. I would do if I have one. The bread looks fabulous. I think you'll be baking more bread in the future.

  49. I am playing catch-up from the last few days. Thank goodness I didn't miss this one! I do love a good, dense olive bread - but that gumbo - that is in my near future. Delizioso!

  50. Apnarna: oh yeah was better as a flat bread
    Sarah: oh you must try it
    Divina: oh use it all the time!
    Claudia: aw thanks

  51. Your Focaccia looks really good. I love the combination. That gumbo looks pretty good too! I like this dough, it's very versatile.

  52. taht bread looks awesome! love the rosemary sprigs on it.

  53. The gumbo looks great. I think it would go well with this bread. Never heard of wild shrimp, though. Have to look them up.

  54. Finally, I have a copy of this book....looking forward to making delish bread soon.....

  55. thanks Petra
    thanks Cathy
    Jenny; oh it means wild caught not farm raised
    thanks Judy
    Kitchen Butterfly: oh you will love it

  56. You could add avocados to the mix!
    they are cancer fighters!
    read my post on avocados


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