Happy Valentines

Happy Valentines everyone I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones, I made a chocolate brownie cake and sprinkled a little heart on the top, I am not so good at cake decorating as you can see. The recipe for the cake is below, I must confess it was better the last time I made it I think I was too distracted playing with Jasmine, aw well, its the thought that counts and isn't that what valentines is all about, small gestures to show folks you love them.

For Healthy Bread in 5 minutes a day we had to make red beet buns, I didn't make these but did make the chocolate espresso bread. This was awesome you add coffee and cocoa to the bread dough and I added some coconut preserve to the top. It wasn't sweet but just right.

Chocolate Brownie Cake:


  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • one cup of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • one teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 1/3 cocoa powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 very ripe banana's mashed
  • one teaspoon baking powder

  1. let butter melt a little
  2. cream butter and sugar for a few minutes
  3. then add in the eggs, flour, baking powder, salt and cocoa and banana
  4. add to a cake tin and bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes

Love to you all, give everyone you love a hug and a big kiss!

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  1. Ooh the brownie cake looks yummy! Good thing I'm not there or else the entire edge of that brownie would be missing. :)

  2. Looks scrumptious - you can bake and decorate a brownie cake for me any time - Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Hugs to you and the family... No big fancy, or too sweet meals at my house this weekend. Just a bit on the cold side and cuddles...but a brownie bite would be nice, so have one for me :)

  4. Wow, this looks awesome!

    The perfect bread for the weekend... Happy Valentine's!

  5. That look delicious, Rebecca!happy weekend :)

  6. Scrumptious-looking cake!! Mmm ...

    Happy Valentine's & Happy Lunar New Year to you!

  7. Looks great...Happy Valentines Day!

  8. Oh, yum! I have a weakness for all things brownie.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you as well. xo

  9. Pocky: oh your welcome to it lol
    Claudia: oh thanks you so sweet
    Chef E: sure thing love ya
    George: oh thanks was fun to make have a lovely day
    Erica: thanks so much
    Pei Lin: happy new year my friend
    Bo: oh thanks and the same to you
    Natashya: thanks the same to you lol

  10. happy valentines day to you and your lovely family -

  11. Happy Valentine's to you and fam. I like the heart in the center. Makes the brownie even more special for the day.

  12. Oh that brownie cake looks delicious.

  13. Looks like your bread came out amazingly well! I love the idea of adding coconut preserves to it. yum!

  14. I agree, it is the thought that counts! Happy valentines day!

  15. doggybloggy Oh thanks so sweet of you and the same to you
    Jenn: thanks have a lovely day tomorrow
    Janice: thanks
    Joanne: thanks so much
    fresh local and best: so true lol

  16. LOOKs so good !! happy valentine!!^^

  17. Chocolate brownie is sooo yummy!
    Wish you A Very Happy Valentine's Day.

  18. Looks delicious rebecca, and a very happy valentine..

  19. Love that bread, Rebecca! And coconut preserves?? Did you make them? Sounds delicious.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  20. Happy Valentine! Your chocolate cake looks delicious!

  21. Zurin: thanks so much
    alwaysa winner thanks
    sushyma thanks same to you
    Barbara got it in the Caribbean he he
    Peachkins: thanks
    Laura: thanks so much

  22. Topping the Espresso Bread with Coconut Preserve sounds so good. I have never seen Coconut Preserve before...hmmmmm!

  23. mmmmm... looks yummy!
    Happy Valentine's Day Rebecca! :)

  24. Brownie cake! Great. Happy Valentine's Day.

  25. ce gâteau à l'air très succulent, je te souhaite une joyeuse st Valentin
    bonne soirée

  26. Happy Valentine's Day!
    The brownie cake looks fabulous!

  27. This looks so yummy! Happy Valentines Day!

  28. I'd love a piece of that chocolate espresso bread!

  29. What a fabulous cake. Happy Valentine's Day Rebecca.

  30. Michelle oh it was good i got it in Saint Martin
    Sybil: oh thanks and the same to you
    Aparna: smiles
    Fimere thanks
    Angie: aw thanks
    cookbookapprentice: thanks so much
    Mara: sure have a slice lol

  31. It looks so sweet and delicous! Kind of hits that romantic spot!!

  32. mmmm, i love the coconut! happy v-day!

  33. The bread looks great, just what I need right now....

    Hope you had a great valentines

    Gudmundur Palmason

  34. Love the idea of the coconut preserve! Will you be posting that recipe? Looks great!

  35. Your brownie is wonderful. Wish I had made that instead of the beet buns.

  36. Hope you still try the beet buns. they did turn out real good.

  37. I love the brownie cake and you are right, Valentine's Day is exactly about small gestures! The chocolate bread intrigues me. I'd love to try it, but I didn't get around to making mine this time around.

  38. Chocolate espresso bread and coconut preserves..yummmie!

  39. Love the little powdered sugar heart. Hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day!

  40. Ruth oh sweet hope you have a great valentines
    Teresa: thanks the same to you love your bread as well
    Gudmundor: thanks so much
    Ezzie: oh I bought it lol
    Petra: your right I should!
    Kim: oh I didn't do the beet ones lol I went for choc!
    Elwood: smiles
    Peggy thanks so much

  41. Your brownie cake is so cute! And the bread sounds really delicious!!!

  42. Your brownie looks so happy! I love the contrast.

  43. I tried this, and it was good! Thanks for the recipe!

  44. You are too modest! Beautiful brownie cake. I'll have to try it!!!

  45. bellini valli thanks so much
    aw thanks Reeni
    Christi thanks
    Dana; oh thats so cool
    judy oh your so sweet

  46. mmm...coconut preserves! Wow...what a great idea.

  47. Ooh that chocolate brownie looks so lovely!

    Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day!

  48. Your chocolate espresso bread looks great! Yum!

  49. I lOVED the chocolate espresso bread. I'm making more very soon! Your brownie cake looks like it was perfect for Valentines!

  50. Danielle thanks
    bowl of mush thanks
    Cathy: thanks
    Megan thanks so much

  51. Oh wow, the brownie cake looks great! Sooo scrumptious!


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