New Year: New Flavors

Hi all I wanted to share an article I wrote for Basil Magazine, about trying new flavors and cuisines from around the world:

What do you plan to try this year?

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  1. Great writing, as usual!

    I'm taking a Turkish cooking class this Spring. I think that counts as a bit of an adventure. :-)

  2. Great article! I am with about trying new flavors & cuisine this year. All too often, I get stuck fixing similar food and not exploring new things. I hope you will, from time to time, post some new exotic spices to try.

    Rebecca, I really enjoy your blog and articles, thanks...

  3. Great article. Indian food is my fave, but I am down to try anything as long as it is vegetarian.

  4. I experiment with flavors regularly - I am all about trying new things!

  5. Rebecca, I really enjoyed your article. Very professionally written.

  6. Great article Rebecca. Living alone, I tend to get stuck in a rut, eating and cooking the same things... But I will aim to try new dishes and flavours this year!
    ps. I nominated you for an award (see yesterday's post) :)

  7. Super article, Rebecca! And wonderful advice. Love trying new flavors and new recipes. I'll try to do more of it this year.

  8. Great article!
    I am always trying new flavors. My hubs probably wishes I would make the same thing twice, but there are just too many things to try!

  9. Great article! It definitely inspires me to go out there and try cooking with new flavors.

  10. I love trying new things.
    We just cracked open a pomello for the first time. Delicious!

  11. Congrats on the article! Looks as if you're on your way to becoming an ace food writer :).

  12. Great Job. I am an adventurous eater and I always want to try out new things..

  13. Awesome article,congrats on the publication. Way to go and keep it up!

  14. Lisa: oh thanks so much oh wow Turkish can I come as well
    George: oh thanks your lovely, I will surely do that
    Melinda: thanks and your a great cook
    doggybloggy: thats why I love your blog
    Sam: thanks so much that means the World to me
    Sybil: thanks so much, its hard when your alone but you can do it lol
    Barbara: thanks so so much, great plan
    Maria: oh thats so cool
    swankyRD: oh I am so happy it inspired you lol
    Natashya: oh I am going to get one now!
    unplanned cooking: oh I pray I can be one LOL
    peachkins: oh thats wonderful
    Doc: thanks so so much

  15. Middle Eastern flavors would be great and the areas of Turkey and South Africa and also South American. :)

  16. Great writing and great article!

    I'd love to try a curry dish this year. I've never had one before.

  17. Divina; oh they all sound fab
    Kim: thanks so much I have added a curry for you!!

  18. I am hoping to try new dish or a new ingrediant more often this year, and try and remember to take my camera with me when I head out.

  19. Nice Rebecca! I am wanting to do more Asian as in Korean and things...get out the global books and go to work. My client is also asking for more vegetarian ideas, so I have to explore that...we do tend to get in ruts on that spectrum!

  20. Peanuts: great plan
    thanks E, i am sure you will think of great recipes lol

  21. Excellent! You are such a good writer! And as usual, your blog rocks! Gonna try that egg curry...mmmmmmm

  22. Amanda; oh thanks so so much that means the World to me


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