Caribbean Pork Colombo

While we were in Saint Martin I got some spices from the grocery store. I always do this while traveling get something I have never heard of before to take home a foodie souvenir! it smelled so good, just like an Indian curry powder.

So when I got home after reading online and looking for recipes I came up with Pork colombo or Caribbean pork curry. It was easy to make and oh so good. The colombo powder is a mix of toasted rice, cumin, coriander, mustard seeds, peppercorns, fenu greek, cloves and turmeric. The thing that makes this curry powder unique is the rice base giving it a nutty flavor.


  • one park of stew pork
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 cups of chicken stock
  • one tablespoon of sugar
  • 1/2 pack, about 3 tablespoon Colombo powder (you could make it or get it online
  • 2 carrots diced
  • 2 diced sweet potatoes
  • 4 sprigs of fresh thyme
  • a few green beans chopped

  1. Heat some olive oil and brown the pork with a little sugar for 5-10 minutes slowly adding the chicken stock so it doesn't stick.
  2. then add the carrot, beans and sweet potato and colombo powder and simmer slowly for 30 minutes

Have you ever got an ingredient from a trip and experimented on your return home?


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  1. I'm going to have to find that Colombo powder, it sounds heavenly! I'm a big fan of spices, looks wonderful :)

  2. Ummm that looks good...I have been on an Indian food kick since hubby left for work...but I might have to take a trip to the Caribbean for my dinner tomorrow!

  3. that looks so like a wonderful meal!!

  4. hmm, this sounds so good! You really are making me crave curries right now!!

  5. Great pork dish Rebecca. Bringing back spices as a souvenir is a terrific idea when you travel. I'll remember that.

  6. Going grocery shopping/checking out the local spices is the first thing I do when I go to a new place!

    Good buy and even better dish! Looks delicious.

  7. Such timing! I would not have known what Colombo was until a week or so ago.
    Delicious dish!

  8. Rebecca, this stew looking so good. Love your idea of bringing home some new spice from your various travels. Great way to try different dishes.

  9. I love shopping in grocery stores and markets in other lands...this brings back so many fond memories...the black trumpet mushrooms in france, the arequipe in columbia...ahhh, color me nostalgic!

  10. Never heard of colombo powder before but your dish looks beautiful!

  11. eating RD: if I find a good online store will let you know keep looking
    chef E: oh you will love this one lol
    Zurin: thanks
    Ruth: time you made one he he
    Sam: oh can't wait to see what you bring back and made lol
    peachkins: thanks
    Joanne: clever minds think alike
    Natashya: oh me neither so cool to learn new spices to cook with
    George: smiles
    doggybloggy: wow Columbia must have been fun

  12. Mmmm. Wish I had some Colombo powder. This sounds delicious!

  13. Yum, this looks good! Now to convince my husband to like curry :)

  14. How yummy! I love travel inspired eats! And the spices...makes me want to stick my nose in the pot :-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  15. That looks so good and so perfect for the weather we're having right now! YUMMMM ~ ♥

  16. What an international artist you are! You make us travel everywhere, your posts inspire travel!

  17. Krista: oh it was good, lol
    Mireya: i used to be like your hubby but he will get into it lol
    Sophie: thanks
    Devaki: my pleasure
    the imperfect housewife: oh you can say that again
    Laura; smiles

  18. This looks delicious but I've never heard of colombo powder.

  19. That looks delicious!

    when in Jamaica, I couldn't help myself, I bought more than one exotic sauce and seasoning.

  20. It does look totally good. I like the sound of this Colombo spice powder.No connection to SriLanka?

  21. you always have the simplest, nicest and so very flavorful recipes in blogtown :)

  22. That looks wonderful, Rebecca! Never heard of Colombo powder until now. Will do some investigating.
    I often bring spices home from my travels. Usually have something in mind to try that I've had on the trip.
    And we brought home tons of vanilla beans from a trip to French Polynesia a few years ago.

  23. une bonne combinaison entre les saveurs, j'adore
    bonne journée

  24. I'm intrigued with the Colombo powder, and the pork sounds very flavorful!

  25. That sounds great..thanks for this exotic dish, Rebecca !

  26. Rebecca, the Caribbean pork dish looks delicious. I think that is so wonderful that you select spices to bring home from your travels. That is a wonderful idea.

  27. Sari: I saw it for the first time in the store there and got it!
    Katherine: I got some jerk powder as well do you have a recipe?
    indosungod: yep i think the Shri Lankan traders influenced it
    Jhonny: aw thanks sweet of you
    Barbara: oh I bet that vanilla was amazing
    sinful southern sweets: yep lol
    Finere: Merci it was a great trip
    5 star foodie thanks
    Gulmohar: my pleasure
    Velva: thanks so much

  28. I can't eat pork. Do you think chicken works instead?

    I never thought of bringing spices back from travels. But, the last time I visited a new place was before the foodie developed in me :) I'll make sure to do that in my next trip

  29. I love to buy and unique things on trips--I am never happiest than when I get to visit local markets and grocery stores. This looks delicious!

  30. That looks rich and delicious, Rebecca!I love pork and good spices.

  31. Nour oh i think any meat would work, or fish yum
    Deb: spoken like a true foodie lol
    ERICA; thanks

  32. I thought I was the only one who did that. My friends think I'm nuts. That is, until they taste one of my "treasures" in something then they want to get some.

    I just picked up some tongue numbing chili's from China.

    I love this recipe of yours.

  33. I think the colombo spice sounds really unique with the toasted rice. Looks delicious.


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