Pork Floss Pizza

The lovely Ann of Anncoo's hobby sent me and my family some pork floss from Singapore, it arrived today, it really made my day that she would do something so sweet.

A while back Zurin from Cherry on a Cake did a great guest post on Fish floss and I mentioned how much I wanted to try it, and low and behold sweet Anncoo send me some. Its delicious, crunchy and when it melts in your mouth it tastes like BBQ pork.

So what better way to use it than for a pizza topping. I have bread starter dough in the fridge from the healthy bread in 5 minutes a day, so I topped it with tomatoes, Italian herbs, spinach, mozzarella and the pork floss, yummy.

Here's a slice for all of you with love have a great weekend..

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  1. lovely click rebecca...have a lovely weekend and take care

  2. First I've heard of this. Now I want some pork floss!!! ;-D

  3. That's very sweet of Ann to send you the pork floss. Now I'm missing it. I remember I used to snack on them back home. They are just so delicious. Your pizza looks mouth-watering!

  4. Well I assent to but I contemplate the post should have more info then it has.

  5. Fun! I have not had pork floss since I was in Singapore years ago. I love how you have used it on the pizza!

  6. I just brushed my teeth..can I use some pork floss?? Then I want to eat a slice!!!

  7. Shucks. That is so sweet of anncoo...This pizza looks really wonderful

  8. Ed: me neither thats the beauty of blogging and blogging friends lol
    Sushma: thanks
    Jenn: oh it is good
    Mary: thanks its good she is lovely
    Deb; great topping smiles

  9. figtree: he he your funny
    peachkins: I know so so sweet

  10. I love a good pizza and I'm never heard of pork "floss"....and I've never had pork on a pizza either!

  11. Hi Rebecca, thanks for your mentioned. So happy that you liked this and you're so creative topping pork floss on pizza. I love it!
    You might like to top this on peanut butter jam & bread~~equally yummy :)

  12. Rebecca, what a cleaver idea. I learn and discover so much from my food blogger friends. I have some pork floss and have been wondering what else I can do with it. Right now, I just eat it, or top salads and sandwiches with it. Thanks for the post!

    Ann, I never thought to top peanut butter and jam with it! I'll have to try that too.

  13. I have never heard of fish OR pork floss! Need to seek these out.

    Excellent use of that HBinFIve dough! I love homemade pizza...

  14. I see this kind of stuff in chinatown and have been told by friends that it was typically a snack nibbled on as is - using it as an ingredient is a great idea....

  15. That pizza looks and sounds woderful,lucky u....

  16. Pork floss! I love them! The pizza looks exquisite!

  17. How unique. Never heard of it...pork floss. I, like you, love to hear and try new things. Totally cool!

  18. OH that is so kind of Ann to send you the pork floss! What a great way to use it...on pizza!! lovely .

  19. Wow, Anncoo is so nice. Pork floss is so yum and it is literally good on anything for me.

  20. Haha, I've never thought of putting pork floss on pizza! That's a great idea, yummy!

  21. Never heard of pork or fish floss. Your pizza looks fab.

  22. sweet and savory oh you would love it
    Anncoo: thanks again love ya
    Lyndsey: oh love blogging gives us inspiration lol
    Joanne: oh i bet you can get it in China town
    doggybloggy: oh can't wait to see what you do with it
    Vrinda: thanks
    daily freebies thanks
    Angie aw so sweet of u
    Trish: smiles
    Zurin: smiles
    Kenny: oh I think your right
    gaga: thanks
    Janice thanks so much

  23. Looks great & I guess great minds think alike-just finished a smoked salmon lemon curry hollandaise pizza.
    Hope you are not too snowed in!

  24. I keep reading about this 'floss' snack and keep getting curious, but with the snow I do not want to go out and search...wish I could call in and order a slice of yours!

  25. I had not idea about pork floss. I love all the new foods you bring to your kitchen.

    This pizza looks amazing.

  26. this pizza looks so delicious! i have never heard of pork floss!

  27. Oh wow, this looks soo yummilicious! I love chicken floss! What a great flavour. Bravo, Anncoo!

  28. i've never even heard of pork floss, but i'm so intrigued, great pizza!

  29. Doc: oh no snow is not so bad here wow your pizza sounds divine
    Chef E:or you are welcome to a few slices
    mom on the run: thanks so much
    Azita: thanks
    my little space: oh thanks so much
    Laura: me neither thanks Ann
    Teresa: thanks you can make it with the HBin 5 so easy love ya

  30. Thanks for that slice Rebecca...That was so sweet of Ann :-)

  31. So cool!
    I was at an Asian market yesterday and saw various flosses for the first time. I had no idea what they would be used for.
    Great idea to put it on pizza!

  32. I want me some........I love the way you're dishing out the dough....

  33. I've never had pork floss! You make it sound so delicious! Good idea for pizza.

  34. Never heard of it either! Learn every day! Is this product available somewhere in the US, or in what specific market can one find it? the pizza looks great by the way!

  35. Pork floss??? Never had it. This pizza looks awesome. Don't you love foodie friends that send you cool stuff!

  36. Never heard of pork floss before, but I do believe that I would love it. Looks like it made one excellent pizza! So sweet that she sent that to you!

  37. Reeni: thanks
    tasteof beirut i think you can get in in Asian stores but when I asked they said they could have to order it
    Family Fresh Cooking yep its wonderful
    Kim: oh shes wonderful thanks

  38. Oh wow, I've never heard of this before, but it sure looks scrumptious!

  39. I've never heard of pork floss! I would definitely like to try it - the pizza sounds awesome!

  40. Never heard of Pork Floss before..hmmmm thank goodness for Google!

    Good looking pizza too!

  41. Wow, never heard of pork floss pizza before but if there's nothing on the fridge, we use it as a filling for breads. :)

  42. I had never heard of pork floss or fish floss before this post! That is awesome.


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