Purple Potato and Leek Soup

I saw these beautiful purple sweet potatoes in Whole Foods the other day grown right here in North Carolina so got a couple. The amazing color comes from the antioxidant anthocyanin I decided to make a potato and leek soup, its one of my favorite soups and its so easy to make. It was a lovely soup and just look at the color, but it tasted like beet root!

2 big leeks
3 purple sweet potatoes, chopped into very thin slices
4 cloves of garlic
one liter of vegetable or chicken stock
Italian herbs

1. saute leeks and garlic for 3 minutes in olive oil
2. then add the sliced potato and some Italian herbs
3. add the stock, and simmer for 20 minutes

Its that simple and yummy

Has anyone ever seen these before and cooked them?

http://www.saurapride.com/recipes.htm Here are some recipes on the growers website, check out the creme brulee!

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  1. This soup looks so enticing! I think I've seen this purple sweet potato before. Does it have pale beige skin or a purple one! Either way it's intriguing!

  2. The color is just gorgeous that it makes you want to dig in. What an easy and delicious recipe.

  3. I've not cooked with them before but I do love their color. I'm so glad you shared this, I'll be on the look out now!

  4. Interesting that it tasted like beet root.

  5. I love the purple color of the soup! I've never seen a purple sweet potato, how neat!

  6. Fresh Local and Best: oh the skin is light colored
    Bridgett: thanks, I know awesome color
    Foodie with Little Thyme: hope you find some
    Mimi: well thats my opinion lol
    5 star foodie: oh can't wait to see what you make

  7. Never seen those before! Looks wonderful!

  8. Oh I bought purple potatoes once because I liked their color! Love that soup too, whether with purple or yellow potatoes!

  9. Looks good, I came over thinking we might see a pureed bowl of purple, which would be something new on the scene of blogging, I think, maybe not! I bet this was good, leeks and sweet potato must be delish!

  10. I've seen purple regular potatoes and smashed them (http://tastytrix.blogspot.com/2009/11/technicolor-dinner-to-cure-blues.html) but I've never seen sweet ones, how cool. I call it Dr. Seuss food! Yeah, the non-sweet ones didn't taste like beet root, that's so interesting. Oh, and I read that if you want to keep them really, really bright purple, add a touch of vinegar or lemon juice after they're cooked!

  11. looks wonderful and delicious! that's a great soup!

  12. that looks like a very interesting dish and purple potatoes look delicious!!!

  13. I have seen these but I haven't used them in a recipe...yet. Your soup looks wonderful, healthy, and delicious! :)

  14. I've never seen them live, or tasted. But I do love the colour. And I love the beetroot, so I guess I'd love these too. Love your soup.

  15. WWooww!!!such a catchy and delicious soup!!!

  16. What a wild colour! They would be lots of fun to make chips with.

  17. Wow those things are crazy! beautiful color. I've never seen them before...but will definitely keep an eye out.

  18. Thats a beautiful colour and nice flavourful soup, nice and comforting anytime...

  19. Yes, purple sweet potato is available here. I used to either steam or boil the potato in sugar syrup as dessert. There many ways to cook the potatoes in Asia.

  20. First time seeing purple potatoes,looks gr8

  21. I've seen purple potatoes before, but not a purple sweet potato. Very cool!

  22. Rebecca, love the color of those purple potatoes. And your soup surely does look delicious.

  23. I don't think I've ever seen a purple sweet potato before. Whole Foods is on my errand list today and I'm going to check for them. There are some yummy recipes on the grower's site you've provided. It's always fun to find something new.

  24. soup looks really delicious .. first time seeing puple potato .
    You can check my tomato soup for the color i used beetroot ..urs look fabulous

  25. mmm looks interesting! I've never tried purple sweet potatoes before, so they don't taste as sweet?

  26. Wish I could find some fresh ubi taros here too. They taste really great.

  27. How I miss Whole Foods and their purple potatoes and heirloon carrots! The color is beautiful!

  28. Amanda: thanks
    tasteofbeirut: oh love color
    Chef E thought bout it then decided not to!!
    Trix: thanks for the link lol
    Azita: thanks
    Zurin: thanks
    the ungourmet: make a muffin with them please!
    Dajana: thanks
    priya: thanks so much
    Natashya: oh that would be cool
    Joanne: hope you get some,
    sushma: thanks
    Anncoo: oh wow sounds great
    Vrinda: smiles
    Kim: love new things
    George: thanks
    cathy: oh can't wait to see what you make
    foodlovers oh your soup also sounds great
    eating RD not to me
    Angie smiles
    Katherine: oh I have whole food close by so lucky

  29. Hi there, I am new to your blog, but so far, I like it! This recipe looks really interesting! One of many I need to try!

  30. Incredible looking soup!!Where did you manage to get the purple potatoes?I so wanted them a while back and I could not find..

  31. welcome Emily
    Shri my local whole foods lol

  32. never seen these before but very interesting! I love beets, and they look like beets, so that a must try :)

  33. We'd love to be able to grow one of these in the UK. Unfortunately our climate is not as warm as North Carolina. I've never seen one, but have heard of purple ones. I hadn't expected it to taste like beetroot. Is it the purple anthocyanins that do this?

  34. Purple potatoes are one of those things you just can't get in the UK, apart from a short period a few years ago when Jamie Oliver had featured them in one of his books and Waitrose briefly stocked them. They're a good colour but I don't recall them tasting especially different to normal potato!

  35. I've always used purple potatoes - but never knew there were purple sweet potatoes! I'll have to look for those!

  36. Nour: oh I bet you could cook something great with them
    Choclette i am living in the right place then!
    Sarah oh thats interesting
    Lara: oh hope you find some

  37. This looks interesting! No additional flavouring!

  38. What a beautifully colored soup :)! I'm a fan of purple potatoes, we can only find them in the summer months here, but they've got such a nice mild flavor.

  39. Beautiful coloured soup and perfect for entertaining, how impressive.
    I already grow leeks and I am now inspired to try and grow purple potatoes.

    Mary Bailey
    Wickford, Essex, U.K.
    English Garden


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