Roasted Eggplant with Linguine

I just adore roasting veggies it simple brings out the best in them, I made this last week the night before our trip and took the left overs on the flight, it was even great cold, and so much better than aircraft food!


  • one medium eggplant sliced
  • 4 large cloves of garlic
  • salt and pepper
  • olive oil
  • 2 tomatoes
  • Tuscan villa herbs from Urban accent- love these
  • 1/4 red onion

  1. roast the eggplant and garlic in the oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until soft with olive oil and salt and pepper to taste.
  2. then boil the linguine for 12 minutes or until al dente and keep to one side
  3. saute the onion with the herbs and olive oil for 2 minutes
  4. add the tomato and let it reduce down to a paste for 5 minutes
  5. then toss the linguine with the onion and tomato and roasted eggplant and garlic
Garnish with Parmesan cheese, delicious!

Have you got a favorite recipe you take with you when traveling?

and finally a picture to make you all smile!


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  1. I'm always looking for eggplant recipes because we always get tons of them in our CSA box during the summer. I will be tucking this one away for sure!

  2. AAWWWWWW ur princess is sooo sweet!!!!

    I love eggplant bt hv never tried it on pasta...u just gv me an idea Rebecca!!tq

  3. what a great recipe! love roasted eggplant. your daughter is so incredibly adorable!

  4. And smile I did.
    I love roasted eggplant. This seem like a recipe that doesn't over power the flavor of the eggplant.

  5. Awww...Jas look so adorable!!

    I don't need to tell you how much I love eggplant, so this one will be perfect for me.

  6. Thats a cute kid which certainly brough a smile on my face as well...and roasted eggplant looks delicious with amazing flavours in it...surely must be good rebecca...

  7. Hmm love the taste of roasted eggplant! This looks good and so does the little one! Have you done Baingan Bharta Rebecca? If you havent check this out.

  8. Awwww....your girl is so cute!
    Love the roasted eggplant in linguine. Looks simple and delicious. I have ever brought rice with some meat and vegetables along on a flight. I can't stand the cold dry sandwiches served.

  9. I love roasted veggies, too. Simply the best.
    Cute, cute picture of Jasmine.

  10. That is a good midweek pasta and she is so cute!

  11. I love the Jasmin picture!!! Thanks for sharing this one. -Tien

  12. April: oh thats a good idea you should sign up for springpad to save it
    Zurin: thanks I adore her, oh you will love it
    Azita: thanks I know you like eggplant lol
    Mimi: well put thanks
    Jenn: yep got your name written on it
    Sushma: you will have to it lol
    Shirley: thanks will check it out
    Mary: oh rice is also good traveling food
    Dajana: thanks
    peackins: thanks
    3 hungry tummies: thanks lol
    Tien: oh my pleasure

  13. Delicious! Eggplant and pasta are best friends.

  14. Rebecca, sometimes it is the simple dishes that taste the best. This looks so good.

    I usually travel with a few of my homemade granola bars, because you never know when you might be delayed.

    The giggle photograph did bring a simile... your daughter is adorable.

  15. Nice meatless alternative! Looks good.

  16. I find that hummus and felafel travel well. My son has always loved them.

  17. you can pack my travel lunch any time - this sounds perfect!

  18. awww what a cutie...
    I love roasted veggies too :-)Wonderful combo !

  19. My husband loves eggplant!!! I have to try that recipe, Rebecca! Jasmine is very CUTE!

  20. I am a huge eggplant fan. Roasting it makes it even better too!

  21. Natashya: oh so true
    George: oh granola bars sound great
    Sarah oh thats a great idea
    doggybloggy; aw thanks
    Gulmohar: thanks
    Erica: oh hope he likes it
    Maria: oh it was lovely

  22. Oh yum! Roasting veggies really does give them a whole new life. A restaurant near me serves a pasta dish similar to this and they throw in some firm, salty ricotta salta. Your daughter is an absolute doll!

  23. I also love roasting vegetables.I am loving this with the pasta. This is a grand addition to my meatless nights. Eggplant in all its glory!

  24. I lov the smokey taste of eggplants,looks yummm

  25. Your daughter looks to be about the same age as my son. She is very cute! I love the roasted eggplant with linguine. My local grocery never has eggplant. Isn't that crazy?

  26. What a cutie!

    Much rather eat that than airplane food :).

  27. un plat bien délicieux bravo
    bonne soirée

  28. what a great idea, to take this on the plane iwth you. it looks wonderful!

  29. cookin canuck: oh I must add some next time
    Claudia: thanks so much
    Vrinda: thanks
    Kim: oh shame they can't play together you will have to ask them to order you some!
    unplanned cooking thanks
    finere: merci
    teresa: smiles

  30. I don't usually roast veggies, but this roasted eggplant pasta looks and sounds just AWESOME!

  31. Much better than airplane food!! That photo of your daughter is adorable! What a great expression! :)

  32. Awww she is adorable! Made my day.

    I love roasting veggies for pasta...they get all caramel-y and lovely.

  33. What a cutie! And your linguine is a winner! I love it.

  34. I just adore eggplant! This looks easy to pull together!

  35. Angie: oh you will love it
    the ungourmet: my hubby took it so cute
    Joanne; oh so true
    Reeni: thanks
    figtree: thanks

  36. I love the eggplant with the pasta here and how cute is Jasmine in that picture?!! She looks like she is having a great time. ;-)

  37. Hmm ... I've never tried roasting veggies before though I've been in the States for almost 3 years. I know many people there do this ... But, I'm just not inclined to do this ... LOL! Sorry ... But, thanks for sharing!

    Your princess is so adorable!! LOL! She just cracked me up!

  38. Aww, how sweet! I think eggplants are very much the "in" thing right now! And why not? Look how delicious they are!

  39. MMMM... Eggplant and noodles. I really like this recipe. I have a site about health and nutrition also but I'm kind of a beginner on it. Come check it our if you want.

    HealthJunkie's Blog

  40. This looks awesome! You're a brave woman to cook eggplant--I know it's such a simple, delicious ingredient...but somehow I always find it to be a bit tedious to work with. I'll try this though~ looks lovely!

  41. I've never tried to make a pasta with eggplant. It looks wonderful though. I have to give it a go.

  42. Deb: smiles
    Pei lin: no worries
    Trix: your right
    healthjunkie: sure
    Megan: enjoy
    Sari: hope you like it

  43. Beautiful presentation. Eggpplant recipe sounds and looks delicious. Happy eating and blogging :) from

  44. What a fantastic picture of jasmine! Love her. (and you)

  45. My goodness...just look at those toys behind Jasmine! haha.... Oh boy, my children only have one basket when they're still little.

  46. Love this. I never know what to do with eggplant! Darling picture. :)



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