Chocolate Flapjack and Chocbite Giveaway!

My Brother and Sister in law came at the weekend, I made the Baked Portuguese Cod and a very easy cake/flapjack. Its so simple and very tasty and I added a little slice of strawberry to the top. Oh and a flapjack is an oatmeal bar in the UK, just in case you were wondering.

  • 5 oz self raising flour
  • 8 oz butter or margarine
  • 5 oz sugar
  • 3 oz shredded coconut
  • 3 oz Oatmeal
  • one tablespoon of cocoa
  • melted chocolate

  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees
  2. melt the butter/margarine over a low heat
  3. stir in the sugar, coconut, oatmeal and cocoa
  4. turn into the tin and level with a knife and bake for 30 minutes
  5. when almost cold cut into squares
  6. then cover with chocolate
And now......

It is with great pleasure to offer you all a cool giveaway.

I meet Adeline a fellow Brit living in Austin Texas owner of on twitter and have written a few blog posts for her site. She is lovely, and has a great concept and may I say delicious chocolate I have tasted it!

On the website you can design your own chocolate bar and it is made and shipped to you, how wonderful is that!

She has kindly offered to give not just one but seven bars away all you have to do is go to, have fun! and choose a bar you would like, write a comment with the bar you would like and why and who knows you could win it!

She just opened her business, the rules are below but I would also like to ask you to consider following her on twitter and spreading the word, as I love for new business's to succeed LOL

Rules of competition:

1. Must post name of bar, reason for name and design using the chocolate types and CHOCtops located on on

2. Must tweet design including @chocbite in the message

3. Must do all this by March 19th,

4. Only open to US residents

There are 7 bars to giveaway!! Win yours now!!!

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  1. Wow wonderful dessert - totally my style with melted chocolate and strawberry on top :)
    So cute your daughter with the dog ;)
    The giveaway of course would be perfect for me!



  2. Sweet! I'm not sure how to do this, but the bar I built was CHOCdark with Macadamias, Slivered Raw Almonds, Walnuts, Blueberries, and Strawberries. I would name it "Fruity Crunch" since it is made with fruit and crunchy nuts :-). Creative, right?! I'll tweet too as cygirl88:

  3. oh what a lovely flapjack,and what a wonderful giveaway too...sounds exciting...

  4. Thanks for the nice comment, Rebecca. Of course you can pass along my recipe and sweet.

    This dessert looks so yummy...and your little one walking the dog is just priceless!

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  5. I admit that I thought the flapjacks here were pancakes (favorite!). But I am not going to turn down these scrumptious oatmeal bars!

    Great giveaway - I'll have to check out Chocbite and return to enter properly!

  6. What a great sweets! Love the idea of adding strawberry atop.

  7. This looks gorgeous! What a perfect treat to pamper myself!hehe....

  8. my kids love flapjacks. never thought of puttign a strawberry on top tho. good idea ^^

  9. Ooooooooh flapjacks,love them but first time seeing cococnut added into it.

  10. This is a wonderful giveaway although I am not participating.

    What fun it must be to design one's own chocolate bar. I hope she does well with such a clever idea.

  11. The flapjack looks marvelous! Yum!

  12. Adding the sliced strawberry is a very nice touch! Sounds like a nice day with the family. The photo with your little girl is so cute!

  13. Oh look at the cutie Jasmine!

    Now I am wanting another wasabi pea dark chocolate bar! Oh you, and its only six something in the morning, lol

  14. Glad you're enjoying making the cod!! that flapjack looks gorgeous and would go so well with some cream yum!!

  15. Oh...wonderful giveaway but I love your plate more...haa..haa...

  16. Definitely macadamias. Perfect in chocolate. I can never get enough chocolate.

  17. Delicious flapjacks...nice pic of Jasmine,gr8 shot....

  18. Just found your blog! Love it! What a great giveaway!

    My bar was Chocwhite with Creme de Menthe Chips
    Mini M&M's®
    Jumbo Heart Sprinkles

    I'd name it "Full of Love" because I love white chocolate and I added cute little heart sprinkles :)

  19. Lovely bars. I will check chocbite soon and see what I can build. It should be fun!
    Great shot of your daughter!

  20. Gera: thanks Gera and thanks for the RT
    Ashley: oh love it great choice
    Sushma: thanks
    Carrie: thanks so much, love ya
    tangled noodle he he come back and enter you will love em
    Shirley:I will check with the Boss!
    Angie: aw thanks
    my little space: thanks
    Zurin: clever kiddies I love them as well he he
    peanutts: oh love coconut in there lol
    sweet and savory: thanks I hope she does as well
    3 hungry tummies; oh she is so cute he
    chef E: oh go one enter and win one
    Ruth: keep the recipes coming girl
    Anccoo: thanks
    Vrinda: thanks
    feet in motion good choice

  21. Your flapjack bars look yummy! Love all those oats in them. And your daughter is so cute - walking strong now.

  22. Such a pretty and healthy bar! I was wondering - because I think of a flapjack as a pancake. Thansk for the clarification! That photo is so sweet - it would melt all the snow in my yard.

  23. flapjack look terrific..and a cool giveaway, Rebecca..

  24. My bar is CHOCMilk w/ toffee bits, cayenne pepper, salt, and cashews - I call it Cayenne Crunch. Spicy, salty, sweet, creamy, crunchy-so many tastes and textures are going to make this a great bar! And I tweeted!

  25. The flapjack looks delicious and I love the addition of the strawberries on top. I love the pic of your little one walking the pup. How sweet!

  26. I love the flajacks with the strawberry on top.

    I would like to try the Mexican bar with the pepper and mango, sounds spicy and delicious which is one of my favorite combinations.

    A wonderful giveaway!

  27. The chocolate flapjacks sound so yummy! going to check out those bars!

  28. I called mine Chocolate Explosion: It has pop rocks, key lime flakes, and black and white sesame seeds on a dark chocolate base. Weird but intriguing :) The name says explosion because of the pop rocks, which I guess are self-explanatory.

    Awesome giveaway!

  29. The flapjack looks awesome.

    So for this giveaway I went to the site and came up with a dark choc bar with pomegranate bits and chick peas and I will name this bar pom-pea. I am going to tweet now too.

  30. Chocolate flapjack sound delicious. What a cute picture of Jasmine walking the dog.

  31. oh I also tweeted!!

  32. Awww...cute little Jas walking the doggy. That's just so adorable. It just made my day. :-D

  33. Yay for chocolate... thanks for the recipe and giveaway. I learned a chocolate dessert from my mom similar to this using graham crackers..the oat is a great addition though!

  34. Yay for chocolate... thanks for the recipe and giveaway. I learned a chocolate dessert from my mom similar to this using graham crackers..the oat is a great addition though!

  35. Crazy! Here in the US, flapjacks actually refer to pancakes (which is why I was very confused by your picture). Those look great though!

  36. flapjacks are granola bars - then what are granola bars? Milk chocolate with toffee sounds good to me and Jasmine looks cuter than cute.

  37. You would think we were coming upon Valentines day with all the fabulous chocolate recipes I have seen today. This sounds delicious!

  38. I need to make these flapjacks. I have not had it but would love to try it.

  39. Strawberries adn chocolate is a great combination that just can't go wrong. YUM!

  40. So tHAT is a flapjack! Cool! UK stuff always sounds so much cooler. Hee hee.

    Mine is a milk chocolate bar, with black sesame seeds and salted pistachios! yUM!

  41. Silly me...I thought you were going to post a pancake recipe?? I do like these bars, they look very yumy with the berry on top.
    Love the long shadows in the pic.

  42. thanks for all your comments and wishing you luck in the give away

    much Love Rebecca

  43. You are making crave some chocolate right now! I will definitely look into her business especially since she is near me.

  44. Your dessert looks delicious. I wish I'm in the States to qualify
    for your giveaway :P

  45. Hi Rebecca, I WAS wondering what a flapjack was. :) They look delicious! Your little one is just adorable!!

  46. I was just reading about flapjacks in BA, looks delicious!

  47. Great giveaway, would love coconut macadamia and banana with chocolate oh man~ thanks

  48. The chocolate dessert looks great, but I think I love the dog and child even better. Great blog

  49. Good one. I am trying hard to keep away from desserts for a while.

  50. Good one. I am trying hard to keep away from desserts for a while.

  51. What a lovely dessert Rebecca. Anything with chocolate is great in my book.

  52. I'd love the milk chocolate with toffee, macadamias, and salted pistachios. Yum!

  53. How about ChOCdark, with savory sumac, slivered almonds, and salted pistachios.
    I'll call it "Middle Eastern CHOCdelight"
    I'll tweet that under NourRD


  54. Mmmmm...flapjacks and chocolate. I'm glad it's afternoon here because this would have put me right over the edge if I hadn't had breakfast already.

    Okay, I played around with (cute site) and came up with CHOCdark w/ dried blueberries, salty peanuts, cashews, pecans and pistachios. The name is just too obvious - GONE CHOCONUTS! (Does this give away where I am right now?)


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