Guacamole Bread

For this Healthy Bread in five minutes a day I made the guacamole bread with tomato, garlic and avocado I added 2! in the dough. I didn't get round to doing the pesto one.
Overall we all enjoyed this bread the avocado made it lovely and moist, and it made great sandwiches or a snack for dipping in olive oil.

Be sure to click on Michelle's Blog Big Black Dogs and follow the links to all the other bread makers, they are inspiring and I am learning so much from everyone.

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  1. yay I am first to comment today hehehe, wow you are becoming quite the bread expert!!! what a combination, cant even imagine bread with avocados in it.

  2. Kids won't lie...Jasmine enjoys it so much!

  3. I loved this bread as well! It was so moist...I couldn't stop eating it!

  4. Sounds great. I love using different breads to make sandwiches.

  5. Very creative and very tempting! Jasmine is really cute, and has grown since I saw her in Paris.

  6. Sounds awesome with avocado!

  7. Avocado in bread! Sounds awesome. Such a lovely homemade, healthier bread. Your daughter is so adorable, Rebecca!

  8. guacamole bread sounds sooo good. avocados are so delicious, and I'm sure I'd love the bread!

  9. Adorable little taste-tester ;) I found this bread very tasty also but mine didn't rise as well as yours.

  10. Would that ever make a fabulous tomato sandwich! Or even a grilled cheese tomato sandwich.
    Guess I'm going to have to make this bread, Rebecca!

  11. Now that is a new one on me...makes me want dosai!

  12. Your guacamole bread looks terrific! Looks like Jasmine agrees:D

  13. A Guacamole Bread, Certainly innovative. Never heard of that bread until now. BTW, your daughter is cute as a button!

  14. That looks tasty, I love guacamole.

  15. Oh, I love this bread. What a great idea adding avocado to bread.

  16. Interesting. I've had bread with avocado, but never made into the bread. Nice!!!

  17. I would think avocado would make a very moist bread. I love the healthy breads you are posting - looking at the book.

  18. The bread sounds really delicious! I love the flavors. And what a cute!

  19. Peanutts: oh wish I could give you and your lil boy a slice
    sweet and savory: thanks
    Angie: oh so true
    Joanne: you and me both lol
    Melinda: oh it makes it so much fun
    Laura: oh she is walking everywhere now
    5 star foodie thanks
    Mary: aw thanks so much
    Emily: oh you must get the book you would love it
    savoring time in the kitchen used self raising flour by mistake!
    Barbara: oh wow grilled cheese good idea
    Chef E sure your not Indian!
    Kim: thanks
    Cool Lassie thanks
    Janice: you would love this then
    food and fate thanks
    Sari: the books I can't take the credit!
    Kris: smiles
    Jenn: smiles
    Claudia: oh it was yum
    Reeni thnks

  20. I loved this dough, it was so easy to work with and formed buns with no trouble at all.

    Gorgeous loaf!

  21. I didn't get around to making this bread yet, but I will! What a darling picture of your little tike. So sweet!

  22. We loved this bread. Your loaf is beautiful, but you really outdid yourself on that beautiful child in the bottom picture.

  23. Yum, this looks so good and how precious is that little one?

  24. I enjoyed this bread, but all three of my kiddos turned their noses up at it which kind of makes it a fail in our house. Nice to see your little one enjoying it!

  25. Your sandwich looked fantastic!

  26. I think I need to add more avocado like you did - looks great.

  27. I'm definitely going to make this bread this week. You are very creative with your dishes!

  28. Beautiful bread..........great job!!!

  29. Avocado bread, perfect for St. Patrick's Day!

  30. Your sandwich looks delicious! And your daughter's such a cutie - what a smile!

  31. Looks delicious. Glad to see your feeding it to the young one and she likes it!

  32. Your bread is is the sweetie enjoying it!

  33. Oh yes, this is what I'm looking forward to...FROM dear Rebecca! Well done again! I'm sure you're pretty excited about this bread making project. Enjoy and have fun!

  34. thanks all for your kind comments
    much love Rebecca

  35. Your bread looked great. Nice looking texture and crumb. And that sandwich, I just wanted to take a bite.

  36. I didn't think about using this bread as a dipping bread. Good idea! I liked the dough. I made pizza with mine.

  37. Catching up on loads of blogs this morning...! I heard about this avocado bread on someone else's blog yesterday, I never thought you could bake avocado and it keep it's green colour, I'm amazed! Your little girl looks like she's enjoying it too.

  38. Rebecca, your daughter gets more beautiful by the day!!!

  39. Wow - so imaginative. . .I would have never thought of this. Need to try this some day.


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