My First Risotto!

So happy I made my first risotto the other day, I have wanted to do it for ages, when Doggy Bloggy/ Christo of Chez What posted a Risotto I asked him for directions he kindly replied:

Risotto is so easy only time consuming. You are anchored to the process for 20 minutes - you cant walk away.
> You need to start with arborio rice - it is exclusively used for risotto.

> Basically you have your broth and your rice - start with a cup of rice and a cup of broth and simmer until the broth is gone - slowly add more broth and stir gently - continue doing this until the rice is al dente stirring gently the entire time- this is what gives risotto its naturally creamy texture as you activate the starch - this is about 15-20 minutes into it - at the al dente stage you can add some cream if you like or your favorite cheese, or butter and some herbs or mushrooms - its up to you at this point how you want to enhance it - pumpkin puree instead of cream would be good -
beet root puree if you want a purple risotto - the possibilities are endless.

After you see what this cup results in you will have an idea how much to make for future endeavours - I believe a cup is good for two servings.

So I got to work:

Rebecca's Mushroom, Pea, Shrimp and Romano Risotto

  • 1/2 cup frozen peas
  • 1/2 cup shrimp
  • Romano cheese to taste
  • olive oil
  • one cup of water
  • 2 cups of vegetable broth
  • one cup of arborio rice
  • 1/2 pack of mushrooms I used baby bella
  • 1/4 red onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  1. Saute the mushrooms, onion, garlic in olive oil for 3 minutes
  2. then add the rice and shrimp
  3. slowly add the water and broth little by little, when it soaks into the rice add the next cup, takes a good 20-3o minutes
You do need to stir and watch it but the end result is so worth it, as my little darling shows. I was taking a picture mid afternoon I cook when she naps, then snap a picture and she often gets a good afternoon snack he he

Have you made risotto? and if so what's your favorite recipe for my next one!

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  1. your risotto looks delicious and healthy! your daughter is so adorable!

  2. Looks like you have a big fan for your risotto! That's enough of a ringing endorsement for me. 8-)

  3. wow..your baby is so cute.. risotto is fun and a easy eat! one of our favourites because you can mix it up for different combinations!

  4. your risotto looks delicious. i use carnaroli rice sometimes. it's a little easier to work with and is less likely to turn to mush. it also has the little extra starch bead that arborio does, so it gives the same creamy effect. it's a little harder to find, but i find that it allows for much more consistent results with less stirring and fuss.

  5. the risotto does look good! i have to say, a risotto of my own may just appear on my own blog someday have me feeling so inspired...and maybe a tad hungry! :)

  6. yay! great job! risotto is fabulous and such a cinch once you get it down!

  7. I love risotto! And Christo is so's super easy and yet super impressive. All you need to do is stir. This looks great!

  8. I have never made risotta-I think the only time I had it was with truffles.

  9. she is very very cute and risotto looks delicious

  10. Wonderful looking risotto...your daughter is so cute...It looks like she liked the rissotto too.

  11. Haha, that looks perfect, and I LOL-ed when I saw the cute little fingers pawing at it!
    Ah, I MUST buy arborio rice soon!

  12. I've never made risotto! I'm loving all of the new dishes that you are sharing on your blog. This will be on my to do list once things settle here. Love seeing Jasmine's hands on the plate.

  13. Your first risotto, yay! It looks so delicious.

  14. oh darling once you have done your first risotto you'll never look back again! Good work!

  15. I still need to make risotto. And I love to eat the dish too.

    Aww...look at the little cutie pie with her plate of risotto. I think I have a similar pic of myself with I was a kid. hahaha...

  16. I still need to make risotto. And I love to eat the dish too.

    Aww...look at the little cutie pie with her plate of risotto. I think I have a similar pic of myself with I was a kid. hahaha...

  17. Wonderful looking risotto and great ingredients.

    One of my favorites was The Barefoot Contessa's butternut squash one--it is delicious.

  18. Congrats for making your first rissoto. It loks dlish and jasmine looks like she's enjoying it!

  19. Well done. The recipe turned out quite well. Your daughter is so beautiful.

    Theresa111 HHM

  20. Well done, Rebecca, for your first risotto! Looks delicious...even your girl likes it :D

  21. I often make risotto and you're 100 per cent right in everything you say. A couple of days ago I made a pea and ham risotto but I really like this one and am going to have to try it. By the way, my favourite is seafood risotto! Risotto really is such a vesertile dish!

  22. She is such a sweetheart! Great job on your first risotto!

  23. Risotto was the Daring Cooks challenge for the month, so there are lots of posts this weekend. Your looks creamy and delicious!

  24. Delicious! And well timed. It is definitely risotto week!

  25. thanks for the shout out - and by golly those are my words verbatim...I am glad you enjoyed it because it is certainly enjoyable....

  26. I love risotto! Congrats on your first - it looks great! I've only made it twice, but I loved a primavera version - it has peas, asparagus, leeks, and fennel.

  27. Congrats on your first risotto! It looks absolutely mouth-watering...but your baby totally steals the show! So cute!!

  28. I love risotto. It is soooo easy, but people do get intimidated by it. Yours looks delicious. I always make mine with goat cheese, peas, and roasted garlic. Yum!

  29. I had never tried risotto before. Looks delicious and I can see Jasmine is enjoying this risotto very much.

  30. Looking mighty good for a first attempt dear.Yeah, the difficult part is standing and stirring the entire time.

  31. you have the most beautiful little girl in teh world!!! and a beautiful risotto doesnt hurt either ^^

  32. I love making risotto with my own chicken stock and then add peas and the final pieces of chicken that drop off the chicken carcass. It's a fantastic dish for leftovers. And freshly grated parmesan cheese on top is a must.

  33. I want to start playing around with risotto. It seems like such a great starting point for experimental cooking. Just get the base down and then add according to taste...

  34. This looks fantastic. I have never made risotto before, but I bet we could do that for one of our from scratch weekends meals. I love risotto, but often when I want to order it at a restaurant, it is made with chicken stock.

  35. Your risotto turned out so great! I always love the pictures of your daughter. She is a beauty:D

  36. That is not quite how we learned in culinary school, but it looks good!

  37. Now that you have experienced success you will be hooked! Risotto is so versatile...I always have arborio in my pantry, so often times I grab what I have in the fridge and in it goes!

  38. risotto is awesome! yours looks delicious!

  39. Jasmine is so cute! Thanks for sharing her with us. Congratulation on your first risotto. I love my grandmother's standby rice flavored with saffron and Parmesan cheeses, we always called it Swiss rice, but I think the Italians call it risotto Milanese.

  40. Azita: thanks
    Tangled Noodle: thanks
    Megan: oh looking forward to my next one!
    Citrus Quark thanks for the great tips
    Kati: looking forward to seeing your risotto
    LK: oh thanks your kind
    Joanne: smiles
    esme: oh wow would be great with truffles
    sushma: thanks
    Bo: oh shes a true foodie
    Sophia: oh you must lol
    fresh local and best: oh you guys inspire to try new things!
    sook: thanks
    3 hungry tummies smiles
    Jenn: she will have so many pics of food!
    deb: oh that sounds great
    peachkins: oh she was
    Theresa: aw thanks
    Sophie: thanks so much
    Mary: shes a star tries anything!
    Ruth: seafood I could have guessed love ya
    Penny: thanks
    Barbara: oh I will look forward to reading the posts
    Nastasha my sixth sense
    doggybloggy: thanks for teaching me
    Amanda: thanks
    Meghan: oh wow leeks now your talking
    high low smiles
    Gina: oh yours sounds fab
    anncoo looking forward to yours!
    Cool Lassie thats true
    Zurin: lol
    Sarah: oh love the chicken idea
    unplanned cooking well said
    Melinda: oh would make a great from scratch post
    Kim: oh can't resist sharing
    chef E smiles
    table talk oh love it
    Teresa thanks
    mimi: oh sounds lovely

  41. Yep, it's that 20 minutes tied to the stove that puts me off. I tend to make Delia's risotto recipies which you do in the oven!

  42. Congrats on your first risotto, you are going to be risotto mad now :)

  43. I made risotto yesterday!Yours looks wonderful....Jasmine is really enjoying the risotto. Great job!

  44. for the first time, was great is look fabulous....congratulations

  45. Love risotto, it is a very popular rice around my kitchen! I tend to make it on the spur of the moment too. Great try Rebecca.

  46. wow, looks delish, waiting to get hold of arborio rice to make risoto

  47. We love risotto! As far as a recipe recommendation, just check my blog. We tend to just sort of throw whatever we happen to have into the pot and call it a day!

  48. Very yummy, looks like Jasmine enjoyed it! I've only made risotto a few times and not recently. But now I have an idea of how to save time - I'll get Hannah to stir it and do the main dish in the meantime.

  49. Congrats on your first risotto! And now that you've started - you'll never stop. Put on a good CD and stir away. For my risotto - whatever is fresh! Jasmine knows a good thing when she sees it.

  50. Since Jasmine is enjoying it so much! I'm sure that is a successful risotto ever! Frankly, it looks really delicious and perfectly done even I've never make this before I can feel the texture is really good. hehe....

  51. Hi this is my 1st time here, I like you, also like to cook new recipe and read other blogger to get some new inspiration. I will sure visit you often from now.

  52. Ooooh this looks delicious! What an adorable little girl too :)

  53. Janice: cool you can do it in the oven
    Goumundur yep smiles
    Erica: thanks
    Tiago: thanks it means a lot to me that you like it
    tasteofbeirut love all the tips for making it for leftovers
    peanutts hope you find it
    GF Gidget sure thing
    5 star foodie oh sounds like a plan
    Claudia thanks so much great tip on the CD
    my little space: he he thanks
    Sonia: thanks so much love your blog too
    Catherine thanks

  54. I've tried to make Risotto twice, the first time it came out perfect. But the second time it was mush! Not sure what I did wrong but I'd like to try it again as it was good.

  55. I just discovered your blog and I must say I love it, you have another follower!

    Best wishes,

    Doña Masita

  56. Risotto is one of my all time favorites! Yours looks yummy!

  57. She is so cute! We love risotto and you did a great job with yours!! It will become a staple, I swear...

  58. Michelle hope you try again lol
    Donna thanks so much on my way over to your place
    Trix; oh it was
    Doc; thanks
    Kelsey: oh I think u may be right!

  59. This looks fabulous! I am so glad I discovered your blog!!

  60. Yours looks so good! I still haven't gotten around to make risotto! It seems like it's everywhere! Argh ...!

  61. Once you crack risotto....that's it. And Jasmine looks lovely, having a plateful!!!!!!!


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