Thai Tom Kha Ghai

I made my first Thai soup, I have been wanting to make this soup for so long. I saw lime leaves so thought why not!
It was actually really easy to make and truly delicious Jasmine finished of the bowl I was taking a picture of in minutes! but what a healthy afternoon snack it made.

  • One can of coconut milk
  • 2 cups of water
  • 8 keffir lime leaves
  • shredded ginger about 2 tablespoons
  • 2 tablespoon of fish sauce
  • 1/2 cup frozen peas
  • some snap peas
  • a few cherry tomatoes
  • 1 cup shrimp
  • one teaspoon of red chili flakes
  • 2 tablespoon shredded lemon grass
  • one teaspoon of Thai garden spice by Urban Accents
  1. add the coconut milk and water and bring to the boil
  2. then add all the other ingredients and simmer for 20 minutes
It is that simple, I think the key is the lime leaves and the lemon grass

What's your favorite soup?

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  1. Mmm...looks very comforting and tasty :)

  2. A yummy soup great for fighting the humid and stuffy spring here in HK

  3. This is a gorgeous soup. I'm on the look out for kaffir lime leaves.

  4. Gosh, your soup looks heavenly. Difficult to name favorite soup, I have so many. Calabasa turkey leg soup, my own concoction is pretty good.

  5. I love soups of all kind but this is definitely one of my favorites!

  6. Your soup looks so good. I love that it contains coconut milk. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  7. delicious! tom kha ghai is Shawn's favorite. He gets it every single time we go for thai!

  8. Anncoo: thanks
    Kenny: come on over and get a bowl
    Kim: oh you will love it
    Eleanor: aw thanks so much oh the turkey leg soup sounds lovely
    tangled noodle oh good taste girlie
    Emily: my pleasure
    LK: good man

  9. My family and I have also been in the thai mood, eating whole grilled fish with lemongrass and lime! You soup looks delicious!

  10. It does look wonderful!
    broccoli soup is my fav!

  11. It looks simply delicious and healthy Rebecca...m not surprised u had to hurry to take the pic ^^!

  12. Delicious.. that looks awesome. I am net to try my first thai soup.. great that you have now.

  13. Mmm! Looks awesome! I wonder where you can get those keffir lime leaves?

  14. Mmmm, my favorite soup! I love this, thanks so much for sharing. Yum!

  15. Thai soup looks comforting and so healthy...and delicious as well

  16. Hi Rebecca...
    came here after a long time n such a refreshing soup you have right now..
    i love such soups though i don't use any fish sauce , the herbs are wonderful in this !!!

  17. Congrats on making your first Thai soup! It looks fantastic!!

  18. Wow, so gorgeous! Wish I could get these ingredients! Jasmine really is so lucky to have such an experimental mum!!

  19. I tried this at a local restaurant! it was great! but i would add avocados to the mix. They help you lose weight! read the facts at my blog!

  20. Now this is my kind of soup! I t looks so good and I like that it was so easy to make. I'd love to have seen a picture od Jasmine eating it :)

  21. I love thai spicy soups and stews with coconut! I often make a thai curry that becomes more of a soup, the soupy bit is my bit best! I keep kaffir lime leaves in the freezer especially.

  22. Any soup with coconut milk is a winner. Lime leaf must have taken it up a notch!

  23. I love Thai food...and this soup looks fantastic. So many delicious flavors in one bowl

  24. I love making soups like this, aren't they so wonderful? I always add a handful of hot Thai chilies to mine!

  25. Gr8 soup with coconut milk,lov it....slurp............

  26. I love those lime leaves. Your soup looks outstanding! I love all kinds of soups. It's hard to pick just one favorite!

  27. Lemon grass is delicious! It adds so much subtle sweetness!

    I love coconut-based soups lately, or Amy's Tomato Bisque -- so delicious!

  28. As always, this looks great. I love all ethnic foods, probably because I am a vegetarian and the US is one of the few places where meals focus on meat rather than complement the meal, so most ethnic cuisine has more vegetarian options. My fave soup is anything jammed with veggies and beans.

  29. What a comforting soup..thanks Rebecca

  30. This soup is perfect to drink on cold days like our weather now in San Francisco! I also love Thai tom tom soup.

  31. Tom Kha Ghai is one of my all time favorite soups. I adore the creamy coconut milk, spices, and the touch of tang from the refreshing lime juice. Great job! Tweeting this!

  32. I just found out I LOVE Thai soups - so flavorful and spicy!

    Although my go to soup? Bloody Mary Tomato Soup!

  33. Ummm, I have some c milk in the pantry, so I am making some this week, maybe tonight!

    Saw the bubble tea post, hubby loves that, I am never in the mood to try it when we are out.

  34. Ummm, I have some c milk in the pantry, so I am making some this week, maybe tonight!

    Saw the bubble tea post, hubby loves that, I am never in the mood to try it when we are out.

  35. dropped in to say Hi. Long time since we spoke :) glad to find this lovely comforting soups as well :)

  36. I love Thai soup. This looks irresistibly good...mmm

  37. Rebecca,
    That looks so fantastic! I was thinking of some Thai flavored recipe for the little bit of tuna left and you answered the call!

  38. Delicious! I Love Thai soup. So fragrant.

  39. Oh, coconut milk adds such wonderful flavor! Looks so good!

  40. This is very interesting Rebecca... what a great thing that Jasmine ate it too! Take care

  41. Oh, I really need a bowl of this yummy soup right now - tom kha is always our choice of soup when we have a cold, but we always get a takeout, now I know how to make at home, thanks!

  42. Megan: oh that fish sounds lovely
    foodie with little thyme oh thats a good one
    Zurin: smiles
    Nostalgia: it will be you next lol
    Sophia: oh I got them in Whole Foods
    gaga: my pleasure
    sushma: smiles
    sangeeta: love ya no need for fish sauce
    sook: aw thanks
    Ruth: oh your sweet
    Matt: oh nice idea thanks for stopping by
    Lyndsey: oh will add a pic of Jasmine soon
    Sarah: great idea with the freezer
    cool lassie yep
    doggybloggy: smiles
    Cathy: oh so true
    trix: oh your right I need to make it more often
    Vrinda: some left for ya
    the ungourmet: smiles
    Nicole: great description
    Melinda: oh would also make a great veggie one
    trendsetters thanks
    gulmohar my pleasure
    Xiao Yen: oh heres a bowl and thanks for stopping by
    fresh local and best aw thanks
    biz 319 oh that sounds interesting!
    chef E enjoy the soup
    Jhonny: hi my friend on my way to visit your blog, sorry its been a while Rebecca
    Mary: thanks
    Mimi: thanks
    Doc: smiles
    Natasyha oh me too
    cottage cosy: thanks
    Nour oh she is great
    5 star foodie here you go lovie!

  43. You've made it look so easy, it just couldn't have been that simple. It sounds divine. I will have to give this a try.

  44. Thai soups have been on my list for a while. This one looks good, no wonder Jasmine polished it. Am sure my kids would love it too.

  45. I can't pick just one soup but Tom Kha Ghai is a favorite of mine. Your version looks delicious! ;-)

  46. Rebecca
    Thanks so much for a great recipe! Here we love anything Thai and usually only eat it when we go out. I can't wait to make that soup, I live the addition of lime leaves, they are so fragrant!

  47. Trying to find kaffir lime leaves is the limiting factor for me making thai food. I need to get me to an Asian supermarket!

    This soup look delicious. I love coconut milk soups.

  48. I love Thai soup too, very delicious. Your soup looks very tasty. No wonder it was gone in minutes!

  49. Christie it really was that easy lol
    Shirley: hope you try it
    Deb: oh a i love your soups
    tasteofbeirut oh you will love it
    Joanne: hope over to China town girlie
    Christine thanks


  51. Looks wonderful, Rebecca. I've never made a Thai soup. I'm crazy about anything with coconut milk. In fact, any recipe that calls for milk, I use coconut milk!

    I think my favorite soup is my sister's Seafood Chowder. She is the best soupmaker!

  52. Ooooh - I love Tom Kha Gai and the ingredients are surprsingly easy to get here. I like to make it in the summer when I grow my own thai basil!

  53. mmm looks wonderful! I love how Jasmine has such an adventurous palate and will try different foods, just goes to show what proper upbringing and exposure to foods can do! Kids don't have to have an aversion to everything 'healthy'.

  54. I love Thai flavors!Looks delicious,Rebecca!

  55. Wow, this looks really fantastic. I have some friends who love Thai stuff with coconut milk in it, I will have to tell them about this!

  56. Queen B maybe you can get some frozen and keep in on hand
    Barbara: oh I agree
    eating RD thanks so much for the kind words I agree
    Erica: thanks
    Emily: thanks

  57. That is simple! I have some organic coconut milk in the cabinet, so I'm putting kaffir lime leaves and such on my shopping list. Thanks!

  58. I can literally feel the aroma from this soup and love the creaminess of this soup. Thanks for sharing.

  59. Oooohhh - lucky you - you got lime leaves!!! I'm jealous, I've been hunting high and low for them. I just started venturing into Thai cooking and mademy first red chicken curry. I'm still puzzled that houston, with such a large Asian population, didn't have the original ingredients in stores.Ot I'm just looking in the wrong places....
    Thai soup is next!

  60. Oh wow-looks yummy!! My fave soups are the chicken soup my mom makes and of course mulligatawny/pepper rasam!!!

  61. I love this soup-I may need to go by the Asian market and make this for dinner.

  62. Stella sounds like a great plan lol
    Thas my pleasure
    Ann: oh that is strange as its a big city hope you find some
    sweta: oh I need to make it
    Esme: enjoy

  63. Mmmmm I love love love Tom Kha! This looks so good :) Can't wait to try this.

  64. I have all the ingredients that i purchase online from a great Thai food store! The first thing that I do before putting any spoon in this soup is breath in a deep aroma of this incredible soup! Roz


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