Victoria Sandwich and Coffee Giveaway

I was in the mood for cake the other day, well always am!, I wanted something light and easy to make, so I made a simple Victoria Sandwich a British sponge cake with strawberry jam in the middle. It didn't last long and hubby is asking for another one!

  • 4 oz of self raising flour
  • 4 oz of butter
  • 2 small eggs
  • 4 oz of sugar
  1. cream the butter and sugar add the eggs
  2. then mix in the flour little by little
  3. bake in the oven at 350 for 25 minutes
  4. when cool, slice in half fill with Jam and sprinkle with icing sugar
I think I may need to use 60z of each next time as my tin was large so it looked a little flat but still very tasty!

Finally on to the giveaway, a few weeks back I started to write for a website that sells Gourmet coffee beans called, the owner and his friends wanted to set up an e commerce website they are big coffee lovers so this was a nice fit. They partnered with a roaster that has green beans from around the world. When they receive your order, they roast them and ship the same day, now you can't get fresher than that.

So far we have tried the Kenyan AA, light and fruity and the Costa Rican both were excellent. For coffee to be at its best it is great to get it freshly roasted.

Chris one of the owners is offering to give the World sample pack and a pack of a coffee of your choice to the lucky winner

  1. Live in the US
  2. go to the site and choose a coffee you would like to try
  3. consider following them on twitter ( I am tweeting for them smile) and check out the coffee blog I would love to have some readers and fellow coffee fans!
  4. tweet giveaway if you wish to
  5. leave a comment I will announce the winner on Friday
Be sure to take a cup of coffee and slice of cake my dear friends!

Much love

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  1. Rebecca

    Re: your trip to Turkey, why don't we hook up on Facebook and I will tell you all I know about it (not much actually!)

    Thanks for that giveaway; I am in a cake mode too, I am making one for this weekend, my friends are coming over to help me with a garage sale!

  2. That sandwich looks delicious, I swear I'm about to go into the kitchen and make one for myself :)

    And wonderful giveaway too, I think I'd like to try the
    Sulawesi Port Icewik Organic coffee beans, mostly because of the name!

  3. I'd love to try the Organic Galapagos Island Estate.
    I follow on twitter - I had a feeling that was you!! ;)

  4. That sandwich looks fab! I would this for my afternoon tea.

  5. I was expecting a savory sandwich but this is ever so much better! A simple, sweet cake and a cup of rich coffee - what a perfect break. 8-)

  6. That sandwich looks great. I will have to make it. I would like to try the Mexico Aztec coffee. I followed them on twitter too.

  7. Your sandwich is so easy to bake and yet look delicious. Too bad, I can't join the giveaway, me and husband love to drink coffee..

  8. I am never not in the mood for cake & that Victoria Sandwich looks postiviely delicious! Thanks for sharing & look forward to your next fabulous post:)

  9. Costa Rican reserve sounds good to me!

    Also following on twitter now.

  10. The cake looks perfect, just my cup of coffee! I love good coffee and grind mine fresh. Can't wait to try some.

    I'll follow on twitter, and check out the others. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. taste of beirut: thanks I am on facebook under my name, looking forward to seeing your cake
    Madeline: oh that is a cool name
    Lauren: oh you do know me too well!
    cottage cosy: smiles
    Anncoo perfect with tea
    tangled noodle oh love the British names for things!
    waylandcook: thanks so much
    Sonia: thanks and so sorry about the US shipping
    Stephanie: oh you are so kind
    Lara: thanks

  12. I know that craving all too well. Fantastically delicious!!!

  13. me made a simple white cake...this one looks simpler!

  14. i love a victoria sandwich...the first cake I baked as a kid...brings back memories too. ^^

  15. I love a good Victoria sponge and the strawberry must be fantastic. Perfect with a cup of coffee, which I am addicted to.

  16. What a lovely sandwich and a super coffee giveaway!

    Have a great week,


  17. The Victorian sandwich goes very well with coffee!

  18. Such a pretty cake--I love a good sponge cake with jam. ;-)

  19. Haha I can imagine why it didn't last long! :)

  20. That cake looks fantastic! So airy and delicious. So...if it's called a sandwich, can I have it for lunch?

  21. mm strawberry jam is amazing(and especially when it gets warm), and is great with a cup of coffee!

  22. I'm not in the US so cant enter, but just had to mention how utterly beautiful that cup is, with the coffee beans in it!! So pretty!

  23. Wow,
    Looks fantastic. I love jam (and cake). What a perfect combination to go with some fresh roasted coffee;-). I am off to sign up at the coffe site and twitter.
    Nicely done, Cheers!

  24. Aww.. the coffee giveaway is for US residents only.I sure would love to try that coffee!
    Can you just send a slice of that Victoria sandwich here??

  25. That is the kind of sandwich my family would love.
    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  26. Scrumptious. I am ready for some. Best of luck with your giveaway!

  27. Great job, Rebecca! Such a lovely bake and what a gorgeous giveaway! That coffee bean must be sooo addictive!

  28. Oh yes, I have some awards for you! Please feel free to stop by and collect them. Cheers!

  29. That's a simple and yummy cake sandwich :-)
    Wonderful giveaway..Would like to try their Organic espresso..:D

  30. Jenn: smiles
    Jhonny: love simple
    Zurin: oh thats sweet
    Bridgett with a British hubby u get me!
    Sushma thanks
    Gera: thanks so much the same to you
    Angie: yep lol
    foodlovers; thanks
    Deb smiles
    3 hungey tummies we are 3 hungry tummies as well!
    Joanne sure why not!
    Nicole: oh so true
    Catherine: oh thanks so much
    Vrinda: thanks
    Doc: all the best for the giveaway
    peachkins: sure thing
    Maria; thanks so much
    Mimi: oh my pleasure
    Claudia: thanks
    my little space on my way!
    gulmohar: sure

  31. I love all your dishes! You must have a wonderful collection of plates!

  32. Looks delicious yet so simple to make! How great is that?!

  33. Dear,
    That Sponge Cake looks divine. Sadly, neither me nor my hubby are coffee drinkers. :(

  34. OMG I bet that was sooooo good! I love jam in cakes, such a fabulous combo :)

  35. Your jam cake is gorgeous! So nice with a cup of tea!

  36. So delicate and pretty! I'd love a slice.

  37. The Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Coffee sounds delicious!

  38. Cake is so simple and looks so soft and spongy!

  39. Cake looks great. Sumatra Mandheling look interesting.

  40. What a lovely Victoria sandwich Rebecca. Hope you had a happy St. Patrick's day. Please stop by my kitchen when you get a chance. I have something for you.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Delicious Victoria Sandwich!Love to have it with a cup of evening tea.

  43. very, very yummy cake..the simplest ones always a winner :)

    ..too bad I'm not qualified for the giveaway

  44. Dana: not that many really lol
    Xiao Zen simple and good smiles
    cool lassie thanks aw well
    Amanda; thanks so much
    Reeni: you have great taste tea and cake
    Kim: sure heres one for you lol
    GF Gidget: sure
    Parita: smiles
    fresh local and best: sure
    Sam: on my way over
    always a winner here you go your slice
    Olive thanks and so sorry

  45. I love that cake....You know I am the biggest coffee fan ;-) Great giveaway!

  46. I'm loving that Victoria sandwich, Rebecca! Never heard of it before and now can't wait to make it!
    I don't drink coffee, so will pass on your lovely giveaway and wish everyone else luck!

  47. The sandwich cake sounds so good with a cup of coffee! Great giveaway!

  48. Erica be sure to enter
    thanks Barbara will be the easier cake you have ever made!
    5 star foodie thanks

  49. I would love to try the Costa Rica Reserve!!!!!Sounds delicious.

  50. Thats quite a sandwich. I would be asking for it too.

  51. Looks so simple and yummy! I love the jam!

  52. I would love to try India Malabar Monsooned Voyage!

  53. holy cow! this looks just fantastic!!!!

  54. I would love to have the Antigua Guatemala coffee, I'll be heading there in June and would love a preview of their coffee before I go.

    micaela6955 at msn dot com


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