Carrot and Coriander Soup and Memories

I made a carrot, coriander, red lentil and pea soup the other day it brings back fond memories as the last time I made this was on Jasmines First Birthday last August. It was a wonderful day, full of laughter friends and family. Isn't it wonderful the great memories we associate with food.

This soup is easy to make and very healthy high in protein, vitamin and minerals and fiber

Jasmine still loves it :)

  • carrots - 6
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1.2 l vegetable stock
  • 2 tsp ground coriander
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • salt and pepper
  • fresh coriander/cilantro about 1/2 a bunch
  • one cup small red lentils
  • 1/2 cup frozen petite green peas
  1. heat oil and add onions and carrots, then add spices
  2. add broth, peas and lentils and simmer for 30-45 min until very soft
  3. use a hand blender to make into a puree
  4. then add fresh chopped fresh cilantro

What are some of your favorite food memories?

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  1. Most of my food memories are from childhood, like my popcorn post. We would have that on Sundays and I remember my grandpa shaking and tossing the pan while my grandma poured the melted butter over the popcorn, the shaking the salt still as he is still tossing. Other food memories are of course during the holidays. We would have Rum Tums on Christmas morning. We still try to do that one.

    The other food memory is when we were younger, my parents had a boat in a marina in Grand Haven Michigan and they held a fishing derby there. All the fresh fish was then used in a "fish boil" for everyone in the marina. I never ate fish as a kid and I thought that a fish boil sounded like the worst thing! It wasn't, it was fantastic. Of course it was the freshest fish possible caught in the Great Lakes, boiled with potatoes, onions and corn, serverd with melted butter....nothing better!

    I could go on, but then my comment will be longer than your post (if it isn't already) :-D

  2. What a cute picture of you and your daughter! Love the soup, too!

  3. Nice combo, although i rarely make soup cos hubby doesnt like soups.

  4. Love the picture of you and your daughter. You two are always laughing and having so much fun.

    Sounds like this soup holds great memories for you and it also looks delicious and satisfying!

    I have so many good memories associated with food.

  5. what a darling photo of you and your daughter. it's a lovely soup, for more reason than one.

  6. Lovely lovely soup Rebecca!
    No need to get into my food memories, that's why I have my blog lol!!

  7. Yes I do associate food and memories..mostly great memories and some not so great. Love the healthy and yummy soup!

  8. Yum, I love the coriander with carrots! A perfect pairing.

  9. soup looks lovely and delicious...and very beautiful pic

  10. One of my favorite food memories comes from my childhood. We didn't have a lot of money and I have 4 siblings. On Sunday nights my mother would make honey popcorn, kind of like caramel corn but made with local honey. It was sticky, and sweet. We'd all gather in the living room and watch my Mom's favorite TV show and eat our own bowl of yummy popcorn.

  11. Just found your blog and I love it! so many creative ideas/recipes :) can't wait to browse around!
    -Mini Baker

  12. I love the sound of this soup, perfect for a spring day. Food memories are the best, and an aroma some how can just bring them flooding into my head so quickly. Darling photo of the 1st birthday!

  13. Being Italian, all my memories are surrounded with food. I love the smiles and laughter in your photo - showing the soup is a winner.

  14. Beautiful soup. I would love it. But really love the picture of you and Jasmine...very infectious laughter...haha

  15. This looks so healthy and so delicious. Your daughter is beautiful, mine is a little bigger-4 years old.


  16. Love the picture of you and Jasmine. Full of laughter and this is definitely a healthy soup.

  17. One thing about we foodies, we probably have more food-connected memories than the average person!

    Your soup is such a pretty color and looks delicious, Rebecca.

    How cute is that happy photo with your daughter??!!

  18. I made the same by reading your article.The dish is delicious.Very Tasty.

    Nice Recipee

  19. Rebecca, your soup a day keeps the doctor away :)

  20. Hi Rebecca! you make such healthy soups . Ur family is so lucky to have you!n everytime I see ur little girl I smile..she is the cutest ever!! Like u:))

    BTW Im having a giveaway on my blog Rebecca.. I do hope youll drop by n try for it cos its only for North American readers . Since ive been off the blogsphere for a while im going around letting my NA friends know m to come over to try for hte giveawy...its beautiful. hope u drop in.

  21. Carrie: thanks
    Lyndsey: oh I love this thanks so much for sharing, and man that fish must have tasted great
    Sook: thanks
    Peanutts: oh mine always asks for it!
    Kim: sure does LOL
    Shayma: thanks
    taste of beirut oh true and I love it
    Cool Lassie oh our right it comes with both good and bad hope we all get mostly good
    stacy: oh thanks so much
    Sushma: thanks
    Bonnie: oh wow I bet honey popcorn is divine cute memory
    Mini: welcome smiles
    Christie oh thats true about smell how powerful
    Claudia: thanks so much oh love your posts with memories
    Mary: thanks he he
    Nisrine: Jasmine is 19 months now it goes so fast doesnt it
    Anncoo: thanks
    Barbara: oh thats so true
    kamagra oh thats great
    the lacguer spoon hope so!

  22. Carrot and coriander has always been my favourite soup, this one sounds even better!!
    Speaking of food memories, I know for a fact that my obsession with fish comes from my childhood, spending my summer holidays in Portugal and eating freshly barbecued fish pretty much everyday!

  23. Delicious carrot soup - I like the addition of coriander!

  24. I am so 'into" carrot this year but Carrot Soup is one recipe I've not thought to make!

  25. I love the addition of cumin and coriander!

  26. What a beautiful picture! Sounds like a delish soup too. It would be awesome to warm up on a cold night (like tonight! It's so cold in my house).

  27. Your soup looks delicious! I love adding cilantro to anything.

  28. What a sweet story Rebecca! The soup looks so delicious too!
    I have so many food memories- baking with my daughter, cooking with my son! Every meal I share with my family holds a special place in my heart.
    Have a wonderful weekend. Maybe we'll run into each other on HHM soon!
    Hugs & Blessings~
    That lemon and coconut cake in you last post looks fabulous! My family would just adore that!

  29. Good memories are one of the best parts of food (that and the taste of course!). ;-) Lovely soup--I love lentils.

  30. Ruth: oh so thats why you love fish so much!
    5 star foodie thanks
    Michelle so maybe we will be seeing soup on your blog soon
    Erica: thanks I know u love cumin
    Sarah take a bowl lol
    hummingbird appetite oh me too
    Catherine hope Jasmine likes cooking with me
    Deb: thanks so much

  31. I love foodie memories. And you guys look so happy in the picture! Love it.

  32. Nice warming soup Rebecca...Jasmine has grown up so much now :)


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