Crab Fried Rice

I ate in a Thai restaurant last week with a friend and Jasmine and I shared a Crab fried rice, it was delicious so the next time I went grocery shopping crab meat was on the list. This is a simple recipe, and the crab meat really gives it pizazz.

  • 1 cup of cooked rice
  • some frozen veggies
  • 1/2 pack snap peas
  • 1 tablespoon of fish sauce
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • salt to taste
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1/2 red pepper
  • 2 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • a little chili paste
  • One Cup of crab
  • One tablespoon Thai Garden seasoning from Urban accents

1. simple stir fry the onion, garlic, peppers and veggies, scramble the eggs into the mixture, mix in the crab meat
2. then add in the cooked rice little by little adding the fish sauce, chili/garlic paste to taste and soy to taste.

What creative ways have you seen to use crab recently?

and so excited my parents are coming from Scotland on Thursday!

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  1. That looks delectable, Rebecca...the red pieces of crab in the rice looks attractive :)

  2. I made crab hash topped with a poached egg the other night- I plan to post it soon (maybe even tomorrow!)

    I love the new header! (I really hope it hasn't been up for forever and I only just noticed it)

  3. that looks great!!! I love fried rice and I love crab.

    Btw, are you Scottish? :o)

  4. Awesome recipe! Bookmarked! Very colorful and tempting!I make crab cakes!

  5. oh my god this is screaming at me - I want this now and I want laurens crab poached egg on the side!

  6. A heathy, balanced meal. Lots of ingredients...delicious...mmmm

  7. Yum! This looks so great! I love crab and I love fried rice, and this is a great combo :)

  8. Once again...delicious and easy too! It is a very colorful dish as well!

  9. The beauty of fried rice. the endless combination. Crab does sounds really tempting right about now.

    Btw...I love the new layout!!! Very spring.

  10. ooh la la, i love this! i have so much crab at home and to incorporate it to one of my favorite foods - like fried rice, would be awesome. thanks for the idea! i'm gonna try it!

  11. Rebecca
    This fried rice looks appealing and delectable! We love Thai food around here but I have yet to try crab and fried rice! Your are spurring me on!

  12. My mom is crazy about crab and would love this meal. It looks awesome!

  13. Wonderful Rebecca! This is such a scrumptious looking post!
    Hugs & Blessings~

  14. This fried rice sound so good and I like the idea to add crab in this rice.

  15. Mmmm...very delicious fried rice and nice color.

  16. I never knew this was such a great delicacy..I do this stuff always with immitation crab...glad you and jasmine enjoyed it :)

  17. That is awesome that your little one would eat such a dish...I am so impressed. It looks delicious.

  18. Faiza: thanks
    Lauren: oh looking forward to your recipe, I only just changed the header Diana Bauman did it
    Sandi: English but grew up in Scotland
    Cool Lassie oh so pleased you like it
    doggybloggy oh me too!
    Mary thanks so much
    Victoria thanks so much
    Carrie thanks
    Jenn: oh thanks appreciate it
    Krissy oh cool hope you like it
    Taste of Beirut oh go on!!
    Kim: oh your Mum has good taste
    Catherine thanks
    Peanutts thanks
    Sonia thanks
    Jhonny great minds think alike
    Bridgett she loves this kind of meal!

  19. I only ever really eat crab in sushi but this looks delicious!

  20. Never heard abt this but surely sounds delicious....

  21. Very tempting! I can smell the beautiful seafood aroma from your dish :))

  22. Love your makeover Rebecca. The fried rice looks fantastic, I'll request for an fried egg with mine :)

  23. i've never had fried rice with crab - that looks amazing!

  24. this fried rice sounds amazing with crab and colorful veggies! Love this!

  25. Oooh I love crab-it's been so long since I've eaten crab. I've never cooked crab myself-but I can never forget the crab curry my mom makes!!
    Again crab isn't on hubby's seafood list :(
    BTW-did you use cooked crab meat or raw crab meat for this dish?

  26. Joanne you would love it
    Sushma thanks
    the lacquer spoon smiles
    3 hungry tummies sure fried egg coming up!
    simply life thanks
    Amanda thanks
    5 star foodie oh thanks
    Sweta cooked oh crab curry need to make it for sure lol

  27. I bet this is one tasty dish!

  28. Looks yumMy... and sounds like easy to cook... =)

  29. lori: oh you would really like this one
    Coffee machine thanks

  30. thats looks delectable,rebbecca...i lov this dish too..urs looks truly tempting wth nice colorful n flavorful!


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