Egg Fried Rice

Here's a great recipe for fried rice, we ate it with a salmon fillet marinated in Masala powder yummy. Fried rice is such a versatile dish as you can add anything and its great with limited ingredients in the house!

1 cup of cooked rice
some frozen veggies
1 tablespoon of fish sauce
5 cloves of garlic
salt to taste
2 eggs
1/2 onion
1/2 red pepper
2 tablespoon soy sauce
a little chili paste
a few frozen shrimp

1. simple stir fry the onion, garlic, peppers and veggies, scramble the eggs into the mixture
2. then add in the cooked rice little by little adding the fish sauce, chili/garlic paste to taste and soy to taste.

Have a wonderful easter weekend everyone, what's your favorite Easter treat? I miss the big chocolate easter eggs in the UK, when I was a kid they had one with chocolate inside so you smashed the egg and had an extra surprise in the middle.

Also the talented and sweet Anncoo gave this award to me

I will do like she did as she's lovely and pass it along to all of you.

Remember whatever you do this weekend, that GOD loves you

Much love

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  1. Egg fried rice looks so delicious...and congrats on your award rebecca

  2. I love fried rice. It's such a versatile dish. You can make it anyway you like it. This is one delicious yet simple dish to make.

  3. Ooo, I do like fried rice just for that reason! It looks like a scrumptious meal! Yum!

  4. Lovely oriental dish with lots of vegs! I have some steamed rice in a fridge, so better to cook the recipe tonight. Thanks!!

  5. I love fried rice...this looks yummy...augh I'm so hungry right now!

  6. Happy Easter to you ! fried rice is easy and yummy!

  7. Mmmm....simple and delicious. I love fried rice. Just cooked some yesterday.

  8. Looks delicious. I make extra brown rice in order to have leftovers for fried rice. I love it for breakfast.

    Have a happy Easter!

  9. Have a superb Easter Holiday Rebecca. Love X X X

  10. I'm with Deb, it's great for breakfast. My one boy usually shares it with me while his brother looks horrified. :-)

  11. I agree with you. You can add anything to your fried rice and it would taste good...

  12. Egg fried rice looks good, Rebecca. Happy Easter....Tien :)

  13. Perfectly cooked fried rice...

  14. I agree.....Fried rice is a versatile dish!!!!Yours looks delicious with salmon on the side.

  15. I love fried rice, haven't made it in awhile and was looking at recipes yesterday. Seeing your post definitely means it an omen! Make fried Rice!

  16. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  17. One of my favorite foods is fried rice but I've never tried making it at home. I'll have to give your recipe a try. Thank you!

  18. Fried rice is a wonderful dish to make at home at the end of the week with what is leftover. Yours looks delicious.

    Happy Easter to you and your family.

  19. Splendid looking Fried rice. Very colorful and mouthwatering! I posted my version like sometime last week.
    Happy Easter to you, dear!

  20. Sounds delicious!

    Happy Easter! Hope the Easter bunny brings little Jasmine a chocolate egg :)

  21. Homemade fried rice is WAY better than take-out! Sounds delicious.

  22. Ooooh, looks good! I am liking fish sauce so much lately. It smells SO bad until you heat it and then, bam! It helps bring some amazing flavors to the party! Great recipe!

  23. I love egg fried rice, I should say any fried rice :-) Congrats on the award Rebecca...

  24. I love the versatility of fried rice. Congrats on your award.
    Happy Easter!

  25. Happy Easter Rebecca. I won a fab Hotel Chocolat Easter Egg on another blog, so I will have one of those huge chocolate eggs to eat! Your fried rice looks great and much more healthy ;)

  26. Fabulous as always. I have curry coated salmon recipe and your rice would be perfect with that; nice pairing!
    Are the eggs the Cadbury egss-I love those!
    May you and yours have a Happy Blessed Easter (Hope non one has to work!)

  27. Yum, its been a while since I made this, so its on the menu tomorrow for our movie night!

  28. Ah, fried rice. One of the great things about it is that you can add so many different ingredients. Yum!! I like to eat this for breakfast sometimes.

  29. Your egg fried rice looks yummy with shrimp! Happy Easter! XOXO

  30. just visited your blog, please would you want to visit my blog again, I hope my blog will give you a new information, thank you

  31. Fried rice! Great idea! I should make it ! You are right it is so versatile and a great way to use up leftovers too

  32. Amanda: oh thanks hope you like it smiles
    janice: oh so jealous have a great Easter
    Doc: hubby working aw well me and jasmine are not smiles, oh Cadburys cream eggs yumm
    Chef E oh cool wish i could come over
    Jenn: so many folks like it for breakfast cool idea
    Reeni: thanks Happy easter
    elghantnodes: thanks for visiting will come to yours
    tasteofbeirut: thanks LOL

  33. I love fried rice! It's a perfect catch-all for leftover veggies and meats.

    Have a fabulous weekend!

    I miss a big family supper. We don't really do them anymore and I could never host them in my tiny apartment.


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