Pancetta and Shiitake Risotto

I made this yummy risotto the other day, with pancetta and shiitake for something different.


  • 1/2 pancetta
  • one small pack of shiitake mushrooms
  • 3 baby bella mushrooms
  • one cup of vegetable stock
  • 4 cloves of garlic chopped
  • 1/2 red onion chopped
  • 1/4 cup of white wine
  • 2 cups of water
  • one cup of Arborio Rice
  • one cup frozen peas
  • a little Parmesan cheese for garnish

  1. saute the onion and garlic in olive oil
  2. then add the pancetta for 3 minutes
  3. add rice and peas and the wine and stir keep stirring the rice loses the water then add another cup, stir then add the final cup this takes about 30-45 minutes
  4. near the end sprinkle with Parmesan cheese

finally Lazaro of Lazaro Cooks kindly gave me I Love your blog award thanks so much, I am enjoying your blog, be sure to check it out everyone

What are your favorite mushrooms? I am going to try Maiitake next!

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  1. Haha seems like we both love pancetta and pes :)
    Lovely dish Rebecca!

  2. Pancetta is a great alternative to bacon. I love it! Last night we made a pasta dish with pancetta.
    The pancetta with mushrooms in your dish is a great flavor combination.

  3. Pancetta and shiitake you cannot go wrong. Wonderful dish and lovely presentation. Cheers!

  4. Ooooh, I am SO craving good risotto! I think I'll have to make some soon! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. I love the pea and pancetta combination. This looks delicious!

  6. Wow Rebecca, that risotto sounds amazing! I love shiitake mushrooms!

  7. Love the look of that risotto! I am a big fan of shiitake mushrooms and love porcinis as well - they have so much flavor - delicious!

  8. Sonia: thanks
    3 hungry tummies: love your mac and cheese
    Velva: thanks it was my first time using it
    Lazaro: thanks
    Victoria: can't wait to see yours
    Bo: oh thanks it worked out well
    a bowl of mush thanks so much
    Stephanie thanks

  9. All mushrooms are tasty, but I'm a shiitake lover! It gives a very distinctive flavour to both western and oriental dishes. Love your risotto :)

  10. Beautiful combo. Looks very delicious.

  11. i love a good risotto! the pancetta and shiitake are such nice additions.

  12. Gorgeous--I have been craving risotto and love the shiitakes with the pancetta--Yum! ;-)

  13. simply deliciousness..make a great one meal dinner..

  14. Delicious risotto, a complete meal..

  15. This looks so wonderfully delicious and hearty.

  16. Isn't risotto the best? I love that you added pancetta (I have such a hard time finding that) and shitakes. Great idea Rebecca:D

  17. I have a big bag of dried shitakes- this is a very good idea.

  18. I have a box of Arborio Rice in the pantry. I've not make risotto. I'll have to give this a try. It looks delicious with the mushrooms!

  19. This risotto sounds super delicious with shiitake and pancetta, what a great combo!

  20. Love all mushrooms in all forms! This is a lovely dish... especially for this time of year!

  21. hmm cooked to perfection!!! And snap by the way, made an asparagus and pancetta risotto for lunch too!

  22. Did you steal a look at my favorite ingredient list? Because they're all in this dish!
    Delicious, Rebecca!

  23. I"m lagging in making my own risotto. I see the arborio rice in the market shelves and yet i never to take a box. I need to kick myself for that.

  24. Shitake mushrooms are great! I haven't made risotto in awhile because I never have the patience to do it the real way. But it's soo good!

  25. the lacquer spoon thanks so much I need to use them more
    Mary: thanks
    Joanne thanks so much
    Deb aw thanks
    peachkins thanks
    s thanks
    sushma oh love one pot meal
    Anncoo thanks so much
    Kim: thanks Kim not made for my second one lol
    Penny thanks
    Lori: oh that will be wonderful
    Mother Rimmy oh you will love it
    5 star foodie thanks so much
    design wine and dine thanks
    Ruth oh great minds think alike can I have some!
    Barbara he he
    Jenn: looking forward to yours hint!
    food fitness fresh air oh go on!

  26. And I love the peas in the dish! Have been crazy for the peas recently. :-)

  27. I love risotto! I also love peas in it. I can't live without peas... :)

  28. I love the look of your risotto. Mmmmm delicious.

  29. I love risotto and this sounds a lovely combination of flavors!

  30. what lovely ingredients, love it!

  31. Rebecca, what a nice risotto, love the idea of using shiitake mushroom, as a matter of fact I just got a bag of it yesterday...

  32. This is scrumptious Rebecca. Just so welcoming. I am an equal-opportunity mushroom lover. Never met one I didn't love.

  33. This looks delicious!I love pancetta and mushrooms....Great combo!

  34. Angie: oh Jasmine loves peas as well
    Sook oh me neither lol
    Janice thanks
    savoring time in the kitchen thanks so much
    teresa thanks
    Juliana oh thats great will be using them more
    Claudia he he your funny Erica thanks

  35. Simple ingredients, delicious results.

  36. Your risotto looks amazing. Anything with mushrooms is a winner in my book!

  37. thanks Mimi
    Liz thanks so much for stopping by very kind of you Rebecca


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