Rebecca's Cottage Pie

Cottage pie traditionally uses mince beef and shepherds pie leftover lamb, I would call it Shepherds pie though!

I love one pot meals so hence the addition of the vegetables, again not very traditional. I added Worcestershire Sauce to it, love this stuff maybe I added a wee bit too much as Jasmine wasn't so keen. Can you believe this sauce has been made since 1897 its a British Classic.


  • one pack of lean minced beef
  • one small onion chopped
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • one cup mixed frozen vegetables
  • 2 carrots chopped
  • one cup of gravy
  • 5 medium potatoes to make mashed potatoes
  • 2-3 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce

  1. boil the potatoes until soft mash them and keep to one side
  2. heat some olive oil and saute the onions, garlic and beef for 10 minutes
  3. then add the vegetables, sauce and gravy and simmer for about 20 minutes
  4. add the mashed potato to the top and bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes
Hubby liked it and took it to work and his colleagues approved I think they always sample what I cook!
there is my precious pot again!

So do you call it Shepherds pie or Cottage pie!

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  1. Lovely click rebecca...hope u had a great weekend..

  2. you make 'cottage pie' (which I too was raised to call shepherd's pie) very similar to how I make it. Yum!

  3. Love your shepherds-cottage pie! It’s good to be able to eat my favourite mashed potato and minced beef together. Very hearty :)

  4. Happy Easter to you and your family!
    Yum yum pie!

  5. mmm i love shepard's pie or cottage pie in this case! thanks for sharing this recipe i can't wait to try it!

  6. I think adding vegetables is great, just like your version of macaroni cheese!

  7. I love it whether it is called Cottage or Shepherd's Pie. It looks delicious!

    BTW--got your comment on my carrot-tangerine-orange juice and for sure you can link to it.

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter. ;-)

  8. cottage pie or shepherd's pie...this looks wonderful either way:))

  9. This is a lovely one pot meal. My children love this. I have to cook this again. Hope you had a great weekend. By the way, you can of course feature my salmon with sambal post and link to me. Thanks very much, Rebecca!

  10. My nana called it cottage pie and my mum calls it Shepherd's pie but I think nan used beef only.. Either way, one of my favourite one of meals too!

  11. This is one of my favorite comfort foods. I usually call it Shepherd's Pie, but what's in a name, really? Looks delicious.

  12. I love shepherd's pie! Can't go wrong with potatoes & meat mixed together :)

  13. Lovely pie. I would like to call this Yummy Pie! Its looking awesome!

  14. this looks delicious, and so comforting!

  15. sushma: thanks it was nice thanks lovely and sunny
    Trish: well i must be making it right then
    The lacquer spoon: oh its a fab combo
    Parita: thanks so much
    letmeeatcake eat with me! oh enjoy
    3 hungry tummies oh your reminded love ya
    Laura: thanks
    Deb: thanks so much LOL
    Meena thanks and thanks for stopping by
    Mary: oh I loved this when I was little as well, thanks for letting me feature the recipe
    Dorothy: thanks and thanks for stopping by Rebecca
    Mardi: oh I bet your nanas was yummy
    Joanne: so wise as always lol
    unplanned cooking I know right
    Cool Lassie oh what a good name

  16. Rebecca, your cottage pie look simple and yummy !

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Looks delicious! I also like to use Worcestershire to fry egg noodle. Thanks for reminding.

  19. Oh scrumptious.Shepherd's pie with lamb, cottage pie with beef - a staple here and always grand.

  20. Love your le creuset pot! I love cottage pie - very delicious.

  21. I love one pot meals too, Rebecca. Your cottage pie has all the ingredients we love. You just can't miss with those flavors and topped with taters. And I had it often when I visited GB.
    I think I separate it from Shepherd's pie just because of the meat used.

  22. Your Cottage pie looks wonderful! It reminds me of my chicken pie, I use mashed potatoes on the bottom crust, shredded chicken,frozen veggies and gravy, then top crust. That reminds me I need to make it again, but my daughter has been asking for me to make shepherds pie! We just don't eat minced beef much!

    I would love some right now! I missed lunch!

  23. I refer to it as Sheperd's pie. Either way, it looks delicious!
    Hope you had a nice Easter!

  24. Oh Rebecca, that cottage pie looks so scrumptious.

  25. Cottage pie? Sounds yummie and very soothing, great meal :-)

  26. It looks fabulous. My mother in law made sheperd's pie for Easter. It was so good. I hope your weekend was fabulous!


  27. Yummy cottage pie! Hope you had a great Easter weekend!

  28. Nice Le Creuset ;) I love one pot meals, too - so easy, and they make clean-up a snap! I've never heard of Cottage Pie, but it looks darn tasty with those fluffy potatoes.

    Have a great day!

  29. We have our version of this dish in Colombia. I love this kind of food.Love your pot :)

  30. Sonia thanks
    Anncoo: oh and thanks for telling me
    Claudia: oh isn;t it great
    Kim: oh me too!!
    Barbara; cool you have been to my homeland
    Lyndsey wow love the sound of your chicken pie
    swankyRD oh it was nice thanks for asking LOL
    Sook smiles
    Juliana yep good ole comfort food
    Nisrine: oh thats cool
    5 star foodie thanks so much
    Jessie thanks smiles
    Erica oh man I want the Columbian Versian!

  31. Yum Rebecca, one of my favorites, and I went looking for a small Le Crueset pot and cannot find what I want, still jealous!

  32. I call it Cottage pie now after being asked, do shepherds herd cows? Regardless, it tastes great!

    Here's mine:

    and in purple!:

  33. love the rustic nature of this dish!

  34. I love dishes that are quick to pull together. Simple and delicious. Perfect after a work day!

  35. Quick and easy comfort food. this is a favorite.

  36. I call it shepherd's pie :) Looks tasty! PS I totally want that same exact Dutch oven, haha.

  37. I love cottage pies! Its its got everything in it..Very hearty and comforting... I sometimes make shepherds pie with my left overs...

  38. Chef E you will find the perfect le cresuet I can feel it!
    peachkins thanks
    high low love your versions thanks for sharing
    ravenous couple oh thanks and thanks for stopping by
    mother rimmy oh I agree
    mimi: like it
    Viktoria oh have class my girl
    Mhel great way to use leftovers thanks for stopping by

  39. My favourite shepherds pie is made with left over roast beef which goes against all the rules of the pie naming! It's how my mum made it and we used to turn the handle of the mincer that was clamped to the edge of the breakfast bar! Funny how these memories come back with the mention of certain foods!

  40. I make this same meal but with tomato soup as a binder. I think hubs would love the addition of gravy instead because he love mashed potatoes with beef gravy.

  41. I love cottage/shepards pie! I made one this winter with acorn squash puree instead of potato. It was awesome, and a great way to lower the calories and boost the vitamins


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