A Day of Mentions!

Hi all I just wanted to say what a cool day of mentions I am having earlier on I got an email from a Winston Salem Blogger Liz of Dovecote Decor a cool home decor blog, that we were mentioned in our local Smitty's notes heres the link its under blogs the writer found my blog through twitter!

and a fellow RD and Published Author mentioned Chow and Chatter in her Top Ten Nutrition and Healthy Eating blogs I am so happy

I love you all and your sweet comments make my day sorry if I don't read all your blogs daily but you are in my heart


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  1. it always feels good to be mentioned! You do a great job! congrats and have a great weekend!

  2. Aww that so nice! Well you do deserve it! Keep up the good work, and I know how busy you are. That is such a cute photo of you and Jasmine. :D

  3. Congrats! It is always nice to hear good comments about your blog and know that people are reading (and enjoying!) it!

  4. You deserve it. Balance is a hard thing to find in home, kids, and the blogsphere, but you seem to be doing just fine!

  5. Good for you dear. Congrats! Happy weekend!

  6. Congratulations! Have a nice Mother's day.

  7. Congratulations!!!!Have a great weekend, Rebecca!

  8. This is a nice post. Love the flowers and the pictures of you and your little cutie. :)

  9. That's sweet! Have a great Mother's Day weekend!

  10. How nice! Love the picture of the two of you :) Happy Mother's Day!

  11. Great job. Well deserved. Cheers!

  12. Lovely photo of you and Jas.

    Hope you enjoy your weekend.

  13. To be mentioned is like receiving little nice rewards for the love we put into our blogs, well done Rebecca!
    Happy mother's day!

  14. How wonderful, congratulations! Have a terrific Mother's day!

  15. Congratulations, Rebecca! YOu deserved it! I guess this is the best Mother's Day gift ever. Have fun! Wishing you Happy Mother's Day!
    Blessings, Kristy

  16. Congrats on the mentions--it is very well deserved! Have a great weekend!

  17. Lovely pic rebecca & have a lovely weekend

  18. Great to know the news, congrats, Rebecca! And your blog makes my day too :)

  19. yey!! congrats , and happy mothers day to you. have a lovely week end

  20. Nour: thanks so much so do you lol
    Lyndsey: thanks so much lol
    Sweet and Savory: oh your right its lovely
    Chef E thanks hope so
    Cool Lassie: thanks have a good weekend
    Mimi: happy mothers day
    Erica thanks my friend
    Sook: oh thanks very kind of u
    Peachkins have fun on Mothers day
    Amanda oh the same to you
    Lazaro thanks so much
    Jenn thanks so much
    3 hungry tummies oh your right its so nice
    5 star foodie thanks
    Kristy thanks so much
    Deb oh your so kind
    Sushma oh your too lol
    the lacquer spoon thanks smiles
    peanutts thanks

  21. Congratulations! Happy Mother's Day!


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