Detour 2: The Mad Hatters Cafe and Happy Mothers Day

We came back from our trip a little early and Mum and me weren't feeling well. @theroadforks on twitter recommended Mad Hatters. It was just a little way of 85 and close to the Duke University. We ordered the all day breakfast. Overall really nice place and tasty fresh food.

Yummy looking cakes just like Alice in Wonderland!

cool pictures

Jasmine tucking into an orange

A Black and White cookie readers of Chow and Chatter know this is a weakness of mine he he, my Mum really liked this as well and Jasmine got a billau cookie (thats her word for butterfly)

great cappuccino good for a mid drive pick me up!

adorable mothers day cookies

We plan to make a roast dinner tomorrow I need to learn from Mum how to roast meat without drying it out lol

Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful Mums and Mums to be!

Love Rebecca


  1. The cake looks wonderful-I like any cake with fruit.

  2. Sounds like a great cafe! Happy upcoming Mother's Day!

  3. Those mothers day cookies are so cute....and yes I am interested in doing guest posts.

  4. What a great spot! Can you believe I've never in my life had a black and white cookie? Well, sadly, it's true. I must fix this very soon. ;)

  5. Happy mothers day rebecca...cookies looks great and place is really lovely...hope your feeling fine now..take care

  6. I love the name of the cafe. Happy early mother's day to you and your mom. :)

  7. So cute cookies. I want to know how many detours in total you made! Happy roast dinner on Mum's Day :)

  8. What a great place. I love the black and white cookie. Jasmine is really growing up.

    Happy Mother's Day to you Rebecca. You're a great mom.

  9. Ummm cookies! I did not eat one sweet while on our trip, so I feel that was an accomplishment. I am staying in this year, but hope all wonderful mothers out there like you my dear get lots of good attention for the wonderful job you are doing!
    Jasmine is proof, as well as all the good food you make for them!

  10. Lovely place! The mother's day cookies look so cute. How about come over to my place to enjoy the mother's day cake?

  11. The cookies are so cute! I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  12. Sounds and looks lovely!! So loving Jasmine's word for butterfly! Can't wait for the roast!!

  13. Glad you liked it! Their strawberry shortcake is one of my favorites.

  14. All so pretty - I also love black and white cookies - hard to find in MN - so we make them! I do love the over-burdened Alice in Wonderland cake!

  15. That's a lovely place. Happy Mother's Day, Rebecca!

  16. Esme: oh I know he he
    5 star foodie: oh thanks and the same to you
    Bo: cool drop me an email
    the Ungourmet: oh you must maybe you could make them!
    Sushma much better thanks so so much
    Jenn thanks so much lol the same to you
    the lacquer spoon only two there and back he he
    Sam oh your too kind love ya
    Chef E oh you made my day love u chef E great to know you
    Anncoo wish I could maybe one day
    Kim thanks so much and you cute mum
    Ruth he he come on over my friend
    Akila thanks for the tip lol
    Sonia oh and the same to you lol
    Peachkins thanks and to you sweet lady
    Claudia do you have a recipe
    Mary thanks and to you

  17. Imagine my happiness...I am reading this post while working at Mad Hatters! I had both breakfast and lunch here today. It is a great spot! In fact, Durham is FULL of foodie adventures. LOVE your blog!


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