Roasted Carrot Pasta and Bon Voyage!

I made this pasta dish a while back it was inspired by Reenis blog Cinnamon and Spice and everything nice. I roasted the carrot and garlic in the morning blended it and kept in the fridge. Then later boiled pasta and peas and mixed like a pesto it was wonderful to give to Jasmine as we were going out to watch Jerry Seinfeld!

He spoke a lot about food one quote was about restaurant specials "if its so special why isn't it on the menu!"

  • 3 large carrots
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • cup of pasta
  • 1/2 cup frozen peas
  1. roast the carrots and garlic with salt and pepper at 400 for 20 minutes until soft, then blend with a hand blender adding a little water to make a paste
  2. boil pasta with peas, Jasmine likes peeeas! and mix in paste
Healthy mid week meal loaded with fiber, vitamin C and Beta Carotene.

What quick meals do you have up your sleeve?

Just wanted to leave you with a yummy quick and easy meal, flying to London tonight and spending the weekend with family. Then Turkey next week, back to England for a week in the beautiful Cotswolds with my Grandparents and a dear friends wedding. I will hopefully be blogging about yummy Turkish eats next week, stay tuned and if you have tips keep em coming!

Much love and Hugs

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  1. This sounds very healthy and easy and quick. You always have such healthy dishes on your blog Rebecca.Lucky little girl to have a mommy like you.She'll thank you one day. :))

  2. have a good time you jet setter you!

  3. Have a safe trip babe! This pasta looks fantabulastic!

  4. so quick and delicious, have a great time rebecca

  5. Oooo, can't wait to hear all about it ! Have a wonderful time.

    Pasta dish looks so satisfying!

  6. Can't wait to hear about Turkey! I'd love to go there!

  7. A very yummy pasta dish for the Friday night.

  8. You got to see Seinfeld?!?! I'm unbelievably jealous.
    Enjoy your trip.

  9. you are one lucky girl...traveling all over...lovely idea too ..I meant about the pasta :)

  10. are going to have an awesome, wedding, fun etc. Bet we will have lots of interesting stuff to read when you return. Beautiful pasta. Enjoy your trip!

  11. Ooh the carrot pasta sounds excellent, Rebecca! I would like to try it sometime.

  12. Have a wonderful trip, Rebecca! It sounds delightful. We just got back from trip last weekend and I was going to post a recipe using the oil and vinegar that I won in your giveaway this weekend but now I think I'll wait until you return ;)

    Bon voyage!

  13. What a great idea! I've never used pureed peas as a sort of pesto. This looks so yummy. Have a good trip!

  14. yummy pasta i love this post feels hungry now

    have a great weekend

  15. Looks delicious! I love pasta. You can do just about anything with it and it is so quick and easy. I'll definitely have to try this. Have a great time on your trip :)

  16. this looks healthy and quick too...v invitin pic

  17. hope you are enjoying your trip. Sometimes peas are just really good in pasta. I don't eat them often, but this looks great.

  18. mmmm, i remember seeing htis on reeni's blog and thinking it looked awesome. have a wonderful trip!

  19. I love the idea of this pasta!! Have a fabulous trip :)

  20. Thanks for making my pasta! It sounds like a favorite in your house. And have safe and fun travels!

    P.S. I'm so jealous - love Seinfeld.

  21. Rebecca, hope you have a fabulous trip! I actually have an award for you. Please feel free to stop by. Btw, that vermicelli meal looks really tempting. Enjoy and have a great day!
    Blessings, Kristy

  22. Have a wonderful trip, Rebecca, and keep us posted on everything!
    Love this healthy carrot pasta dish!

  23. This sounds wonderful Rebecca! Hope you have a great trip!

  24. Have a great time, Rebecca!!!!The pasta looks delicious.

  25. How fun! I'm sure you'll love Turkish food. Our quick meal thing: if we grill steak and have left over, or if we can get a fresh cut of meat, we chop it into 1 inch pieces, we pan fry potatoes, then saute potatoes with meat and as many veggies as we can: onions, garlic, zucchini, squash, peppers, broccoli, mushrooms, etc... and of course spices :)

  26. thanks so much for the lovely comments, had the best day ever with family in Cambridge

    much love Rebecca

  27. Yum! Totally original pasta too; would love a bite.


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