Sunday Roast and Highland Games!

On friday me and my Mum made a Sunday Roast she roasted the beef in oil and water at 350 for about 2 hours it was just right. The last time I roasted beef I think I overcooked it and didn't add enough fluid so its cool to have had a lesson with Mum. I made the Yorkshire puddings though and they were perfect they rose perfectly.

Yorkshire Puddings:

  • one cup of all purpose flour
  • 2 eggs
  • about 2 cups milk

  1. mix the flour eggs and milk with a blender to a nice pancake type batter
  2. heat the oven to 450 degrees then add a little oil to the bottom on muffin pans and heat
  3. remove from oven after a couple of minutes and add the pancake batter don't over fill
  4. bake for 10-15 minutes until they are nicely risen and golden brown
We went to the Winston Salem Highland Games today it was so much fun even saw Irn Bru a Scottish soda and Haggis!

Me, Jasmine, Sachin and Jasmine with the pippers in the background

Love this tree, hope you get to take a minute and rest under the shade
especially the busy Mums


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  1. Happy Mother's Day Rebecca! :)

  2. Lovely meal. Happy Mother's Day, Rebecca!

  3. Lovely looking meal dear.happy Mother's day !

  4. Drool the perfect roast!! and the perfect pix too!!! Loving that tree!

  5. Happy Mothers DAY!!Boy this meal brings back family is from Wales..every Sunday my Nana would prepare something very similar.....

  6. Happy Mother's Day Rebecca! What did your family cook for you?

  7. Happy Mother's Day! This looks like the perfect Sunday meal.

  8. I miss Yorkshire puddings. It always reminds me of my host mum's cook when I was in South Yorkshire :) You have happy mother's day!

  9. I miss my grandmother bringing chicken n dumplings and we all would go to Lake Worth to swim...

    Happy Mother's Day my friend!

  10. Ooh Scotland's other national drink! Can't stand it myself but hey ho, lol! Do you celebrate both Mother's Days? The UK and the US? Must be lovely to have you mum with you and look at that sun shine!

  11. Happy Mother's Day! Great photos! No one makes roast beef like moms. That's the way I remember it, yummy! We have Highland games here in Sarasota too, held at the fairgrounds. Sounds like a fun time for all!

  12. Roast beef is one of my fondest childhood memory "mom" meals. A Sunday regular at our house.

  13. This looks so great! Would love to try using Kamut Khorasan Wheat flour for added nutrition!! Thanks for the yummy recipe :)

  14. Olive: aw thanks so much
    Mary: happy Mothers day
    Faiza: thanks so much
    Susham: thanks lol
    Ruth: oh loved that tree as well
    figtree: oh thats so cool I bet your Nana was fab
    Laura: thanks so much no I am the cook he he
    Joanne oh it was
    thats Ron oh thanks so much very sweet of you
    peachkins thanks the same to you
    the lacquer spoon on thats wonderful my Grandma is from Yorkshire
    chef E and the same to you love ya
    Janice: oh its lovely its a treat yep do both he he
    Lea Ann oh thats lovely
    smilinggreenmom oh good idea

  15. Great meal, the Yorkshire puddings sound terrific! Happy mother's day!

  16. How delicious with the Yorkshire Pudding! Happy Mother's Day to you and your Mum!

  17. I love yorkshire puddings! Hope you had a fantastic mother's day!

  18. 5 star foodie thanks
    Reeni thanks so much
    Kim a lady after my own heart!


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