Bacon and Spinach in a Creamy Sauce

This was another meal I cooked in the Cotswolds, it was easy to prepare and very tasty with limited ingredients on hand.


  • 2 packs of bacon (oh I love British bacon more meat and less fat than American)
  • 2 small onions chopped
  • one cup of frozen peas
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 1/2 cups of milk
  • one tablespoon of corn flour
  • one tablespoon of butter
  • one pack of spinach
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • a pinch of chili powder
  • one pack of shell pasta or any type
  • one pack of chopped mushrooms
  • a little cheese of choice all I had was a baby bell!
  • 1/2 cup of white wine


  1. heat a little olive oil and saute the chopped bacon with onions, white wine and garlic for 5 minutes
  2. then add the spinach and let it reduce down add the mushrooms and peas and salt and pepper and chili powder
  3. continue to simmer on low heat for 10 minutes
  4. meanwhile cook the pasta until al dente and make a white sauce by heating the butter adding corn flour to make roux and slowly adding in the milk and cheese
  5. mix sauce with bacon and vegetables and serve over pasta
It was so much fun to cook with my Grandma she said that the way I cook its like a cooking show and was fascinated watching me, so funny!

The village Bourton on the Water on the last night we saw a hot air ballon

Feeding the ducks, next time you visit a park with ducks take some bread no matter how old you are its still fun!

When was the last time you fed ducks?

oh and I did my first Blogtalk radio show for Chow and Chatter on Istanbul's Spice Bazaar feel free to click on the icon on the top right of the blog to listen, feedback is welcome!


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  1. What a wonderful post, Rebecca. The dish looks wonderful!

  2. Aw, the pic of you and your little one is darling. How sweet!
    This looks delicious.

  3. Great recipe for a quick meal. I love all of your picture posts of your trip. My favorite is Jasmine standing in front of the bakery case, decisions decisions!

  4. I so agree with you about British bacon-it is very good!

    I love the photo too-we haven't fed the ducks in years...maybe we should!

    Take care and best wishes,

  5. Yes, after the spicy fish, I need something creamy while listening to your radio!!

  6. love your pics...and dish looks creamy and rich

  7. That looks delicious and I'm sure that it tastes delicious as well. My favorite breakfast is bacon so I'll surely ask my wife to cook this for me.

  8. Pasta, spinach, and bacon. What more could one want. :)

    Little Jas playing with the duckies. It's been years since I've done that. fun times. hehehe...

  9. Oh you and jasmine looks like you are really enjoying yourselves!

  10. What a wonderful little town!!! Feeding the ducks with your sweet one & a fairy tale!

    This recipie looks so delish I sent the link on to my mom in hopes she will make it for me :) I myself am a little cooking challenged...but if she doesn't make it...I might have to try!

  11. How fun to hear your voice to on your blogtalk radio! I have never heard of that (blogtalk) but I really enjoyed it! Thanks!

  12. How lovely to see you and Jasmine enjoying together and feeding ducks! :D

  13. Carrie: thanks so much
    Bridgett: smiles lol
    Mimi: oh i love that one as well
    Natasha go feed for ducks for me lol
    the lacquer spoon oh this is a nice recipe
    Sushma oh it was
    Michael thanks for stopping by enjoy
    Jenn: oh yeah good combo lol
    peachkins oh it was fun
    stafania thanks so much very kind of you
    Libbie oh thanks for listening hope your mom liked it

  14. Love the duck feeding photo, perfect.

  15. Lovely photos, Rebecca. I occasionally see hot air balloons over my house on clear summer mornings. Delicious pasta. Love the sauce you've prepared.

  16. That looks delicious, Reb. And wow, I don't think I've stopped by for a while (I'm sorry :(...)...your photos are looking absolutley fabulous!! And we try to feed the ducks often...Saturday was the last time we did ;)

  17. thanks Janice
    Cathy aw thanks very kind of you
    girlichef: love ya no worries thats cool I wish I had more ducks here

  18. I've always heard that British bacon is very tasty. Would love to try it. The pasta looks outrageously delicious:)

  19. The pasta dish looks very delicious! Yesterday I happened having a chance to feed a duck....yes, just was raining so hard here and I saw it looking for food on the I went downstairs with some cat food.

  20. Mmm the creamy sauce sounds delicous with the bacon and spinach!

  21. I'll definitely try this pasta recipe. Thanks as always. You're indeed doing a great job here. By the way, these health and wellness products at affordable prices might be what you're looking for. Good luck and more power!

  22. I haven't gone duck feeding since I was super little! So much fun :P

    This pasta dish looks ohmygod good! I am craving some creamy comfort food now.

  23. Never to old to feed the ducks. Living in White Bear Lake, it is a regulr occurrence! The dish is grand (I love bacon and get it from a local farmer so it is heaven). You and your cutie are so perfect - and love the shot of the hot air balloon - a sure sign of summer here.

  24. I would love to try some British bacon! Your pasta dish looks delightful. Darling photo of you and your daughter in the park!

  25. What a wonderful post! This dish looks excellent! I am loving the looks of the cream sauce! Yum!
    And I agree with you completely, Rebcecca. Feeding the ducks is so much fun! I think doing little things like that, keep you young! No matter how old I get, I'm just a kid at heart!
    Hope all is well. Hugs & Blessings to you and your family dear.

  26. I think these meals are the best! Easy to execute and loved by everyone. I had the best pasta carbonara in Derbyshire one time when a friend made it; the next day, we had lamb brochettes and they were outstanding (of course they have lamb roaming the hills there)
    so it led me to revise my negative views of the English cuisine!

  27. YUM that recipe looks good, and simple (thankfully). Its a classic spinach salad, cooked, and over pasta. Brilliant!
    Jasmine looks adorable feeding those ducks! What a cutie-pie!

  28. Rebecca, this looks and sounds delicious and the photo of your little one is really precious. I hope you and Jasmine are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  29. That recipe looks great! Thanks for sharing it. And love the picture with the ducks :o)

  30. One of my weaknesses! Pasta, and all the other is an added treat!

  31. Of course a little bacon can hurt no recipe. It's just the thing you need to add texture and salty flavor. Mmmm.

  32. Rebecca, what a wonderful pasta dish. Jasmine looks adorable and it's so great to see you back home! What a sweet time. I've been enjoying your facebook updates on your travels. Blessings my friend!


  33. Love this dish, Rebecca! Everything delicious in it and bacon besides!

    Adorable photo of you guys feeding the ducks. It is fun...I do it often!

  34. Kim aw thanks so much
    Angie oh your a ducks hero love it
    sook thanks
    Pia thanks
    Joanne heres a plate go find some ducks lol
    Claudia thanks so much oh wow that bacon must be awesome
    savoring time in the kitchen thanks so much
    Catherine oh you are so sweet I know my Grandma is crazy on ducks sorry i haven't visited in a while on my way
    tasteofbeirut great part of the country British food is great we have some of the world best chefs you know!!
    Liz, Benji and Viivi thanks so much
    Mary thanks so much for stopping by adore your blog
    C.G on my pleasure
    chef E oh mine as well
    the duo dishes well put lol
    Diana oh love ya as well love the spain posts
    Barbara clever lady

  35. oh what a simple and perfect meal!

  36. This looks delicious! I love all the ingredients here especially the bacon, yum!

  37. simply life thanks
    5 star foodie thanks so much

  38. How cute, I just love the picture of Jasmine feeding the ducks. Feeding ducks are a lot more fun than feeding seagulls, there is less...shall we say "fallout".

    The meal looks yummy! How nice of your grandma to say that. Now I want to see you cook!

  39. look like you really had fun feeding the ducks, good for you. This pasta look simple and good.

  40. Very nice bacon dish dear. Congrats on that Radio talk too. Lovely picture of you both. I like to feed the Canadian goose , that visit me often...they are very affectionate and I identify them by a strange metal ring in their leg:)

  41. Hi Rebecca
    what a lovely pasta almost reminds me of a carbonara...I do love bacon too!!!
    thanks so much for sharing!

  42. i could feel and taste the creamy-ness in my mouth rebecca! lovely photos as well. you're all over the world and that makes me so jealous haha!

  43. I love spinach with cream sauce - bacon, of course, would only make it better :)

  44. Xiao Yen thanks so much hope you try it
    Lyndsey he he your right about seagulls
    Sonia smiles
    Sonia how cool you have been there, you must rent the cottage we stayed in next time
    Viki oh you should give them names lol
    chef Dennis aw thanks chef and thanks for stopping by
    Malou oh i hope you can travel these places love ya
    unplanned cooking thanks lol

  45. O sweet Rebecca, you inspire me! I am writing this comment as I am eating this wonderful dish!! Yummmm...I have NEVER made a roux, nor a cream sauce before (even though I am Italian) so I simplified it a bit (no wine, and red pepper instead of mushrooms) to make it easier for me. But it turned out beautifully -- so tasty! Certainly wouldn't be as good without the smokiness of the bacon -- good call on that one! It of course didn't have enough "meat" to it to fill the hubby, but it's probably a new favorite of mine. It's so light, but satisfying! Wish I could stop eating it and take a pic for ya, but it's almost gone! Thank you, thank you for giving me to the confidence to try something new for dinner!

  46. Bhimiblog- oh thanks so so much you have made my day with such a sweet comment, thats what I want chow and chatter to be all about love ya - Rebecca


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