Banana Bread

For this Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a day Braid we were to make berry bread and banana bread, I must confess with traveling and family here I have got out the loop with the bread making group. But I just had to try this bread. I liked it loved the banana flavor and great with a cup of tea. Again quite a dense bread and hubby didn't like it nor did his Mum. Its hard to make bread when I am the only one who likes it.

Do any of you awesome folks have links to an easy bread recipe with kneading involved so I can compare the two for my own piece of mind?

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  1. I love banana bread...looks very different from most Ive seen...too bad you were the only one who liked it.

  2. I would check out the King Arthur Flour website for some great links! I'm beginning to give up more and more on this no-knead bread as's easy to mix but so hard to work with! The banana bread looks good though. I didn't get around to trying it but it's on my list.

  3. too bad huh, sometime I also can not do my favourite foods when my family members does't like it..only can buy or eat out.

  4. Looks so different from regular banana bread, but I bet it's marvelous!

  5. I made mine early and froze the large loaf and am still eating it every few days for breakfast. I am still not sure how much I like it. It tastes healthy :) I guess my family thought they were getting a cakey kind of banana bread and its definitely more a bread banana flavoured :)

  6. I ended up adapting the buttermilk bread from ABin5 to make the banana bread and I got a pretty good bread.

  7. Banana bread is the only bread I am able to bake lol

  8. Looks good for both breakfast and afternoon snack. Hope your hubby and mum will turn into "love it"!

  9. Heyy Rebecca...

    Hope all is well at ur end!! I m bloghopping after nearly 2 months.. will catch up with all the beautiful posts...

    DO sneak a peak in my blog. There is an event running on Indian flavoured Flat breads. Do participate :)


  10. Love banana bread and this looks delicious!

  11. Oh I love love love banana bread. I always have frozen bananas in my freezer to make it with. Maybe I'll make some this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  12. Oh, this looks so yummy. And not like traditional banana bread, it's looks like soda bread. I'll have to give it a try.

  13. I absolutely love anything made of bananas and just made a banana bread. Honestly its the only bread that turns out good.

  14. I love banana bread. I had a roommate once who made the best. My half was without nuts and her half had nuts. I would come home and find a nice loaf, labelled and all.

  15. One of my favorite bread - anything with banana is good in my book ;-)



  16. I love bread too but am lazy to make it. Must really start to make some because my bread machine being sitting in the store room for a very long time.

  17. I love banana bread..this looks incredibly delicious!

  18. Bo: I know right
    Joanne cool i am not the only one lol
    Sonia oh so you understand
    Sushma thanks
    adventures in domestic cooking thanks
    Carolyn you deserve it very well
    Aparna oh sounds like a good idea
    3 hungry tummies oh i bet its good though'
    the lacquer spoon oh i wish
    Sandhya will come and visit
    peachkins oh i made you miss him
    nicisme thanks
    Alex oh I bet yours is better than this he he
    betty ray oh yeah i guess it is like soda bread
    s smiles
    melinda oh thats cool
    Gera oh banana saved this bread he he
    Anncoo i bet the machine is good
    Suman thanks

  19. Very different from the recipes I have come across with.
    I must try yours ♥

  20. I guess you can see that I gave up a while ago as well on most of the HBin5. I love to make bread and make it all the time, the old fashioned way. I need to look through my own site and see what recipes I have up. I do think that the first book, Artisan Bread was great and worked really well. Don't give up all together, baking homemade bread isn't hard.

  21. i dont like to eat banana, but i love everything that is cooked with banana ... so this bread is right up my alley .. yum!

  22. It looks tasty. Was this a yeasted bread? All of my banana bread recipes are quick bread recipes.

  23. I can't get my family to eat the latest breads from HBin5. It's depressing to go to all the work and not have anyone like them. I haven't been baking as many of the assignements because I end up throwing them away. Technically they work, but no one likes the flavors. Yours looks wonderful to me.

  24. i love banana bread and yours looks lovely!
    have a sweet weekend,

  25. Ana its so so lol
    Christie oh would adore a recipe from you, so I am not the only one
    chubbychinese girl smiles
    Mimi: its yeasted no knead maybe you have a good recipe will check your blog
    Bonnie your so right technically they work but are very dense i feel so relieved that others are having the same issues as me
    Justyna thanks

  26. I think with banana breads we are all used to the batter ones, which are quite moist and sweet. After reading the other's comments about this bread I decided not to make it. The mixed berry bread I made came out OK, but don't know if I would make it again.

  27. Hi, I think I would prefer the quick bread banana bread. As a whole, I think I like the first bread better. I sometimes wonder if they had a few good whole wheat recipes and then had to fill up the rest of the pages for the book with breads like these.

    My husband did like them as muffins for his morning snack.

    I do like your picture! Adding the bananas framed it well.

  28. Elwood your berry bread looked great
    Judy he he you know I think your right

  29. I always enjoy trying new recipes for banana bread. My problem is i never follow the recipe completly. I always add extra vanilla and banana. LOL!

  30. If you need bread recipes still, I'd give these ones of mine a try, all of them are fairly "light" (especially the Challah... it's DIVINE):
    Raisin Syrup Sourdough Swirls

    Ali Baba Sesame Bread -

    Mom's Challah -


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