Chaumes and Sumac Spiced Salad and a Turkish Spice Giveaway!

I made this wonderful salad last week and got to try out the Sumac seasoning I got in the Spice Bazaar. Sumac is a plant the drupe or flowering part is ground to make a spice powder that imparts a citrus taste. I was fortunate to receive some Chaumes cheese from ILE de France a Southwestern French Soft Cheese, with a creamy taste and lovely texture.


  • a big bowl full of mixed greens
  • one tomato quartered
  • a hand full of blueberries
  • one small Persian cucumber sliced
  • one tablespoon of good quality extra virgin olive oil
  • one tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
  • sumac powder sprinkled on the top to taste
  • about 8 wedges of chaumes

  1. simple toss all the ingredients together and enjoy with fresh ciabatta or a French baguette 

So Turkish spiced cod, Turkish meatballs and a Turkish spiced salad has been featured on the blog. 
Now onto the fun part, I brought back an extra pack of meatball spice and sumac to giveaway from Istanbul's Spice Bazaar, all you have to do is leave a comment with what you plan to cook!
 Its open to anyone, anywhere in the World.

I will announce the winner picked at random next Friday June 25th

 happy cooking with new spices!

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  1. Rebecca, this is a new salad for its colourful and delicious combination. And it looks so pretty too.

  2. Hi, Rebecca. Thanks for the chance to participate. I like the idea of Turkish meatballs, though a kebab on the grill this summer with Turkish spices is awfully appealing to me.

  3. Wow, what a healthy and delicious salad. It is also very appealing to look at as well as it draws you in!

  4. This is a healty and delicious salad, Have a nice weekend ahead.

  5. The salad looks super delicious! I love Sumac! I have it at home and use often so don't sign me up for the sumac giveaway... the Turkish meatball spices are very appealing though... I heard their Turkish meatballs are quite unique...

  6. Rebecca, what a gorgeous salad. I've never used sumac. I have a lot of learn.

  7. Given my addiction to Middle Eastern food and flavors, I think this is an AWESOME giveaway! SO cool.

    I've never had chaumes cheese but I love trying new cheeses. The salad looks delicious!

  8. Adding blueberries is rather refreshing. Great work Rebecca.

  9. nice looking salad. Wow, we get to benefit from your trip :) , well, would love to get my hands on some sumac , mainly because I have never tasted it and want to find out what it tastes like :) . What would I make of it? hmmmmm, honestly not quite sure yet, but definitely something where sumac is the star flavor in it. :)

  10. the first shot is so tempting - what a perfect looking salad

  11. A friend who lives in Turkey brought me sumac (and also black cumin) and I wasn't sure what to do with it. THank you for this recipe and idea!

  12. Angie: oh thanks so much very kind of you
    Islandeat: oh love the kebab idea
    Bridgett: thanks I need to make more salads!
    Sonia thanks and the same to you
    Sushma thanks
    Nour oh would love some recipes from you
    Sam you should enter to win!
    Joanne thanks all the best for the giveaway
    3 hungry tummies aw thanks
    Peanutts all the best to win lol
    doggybloggy thanks that means a lot coming from you as your a pro

  13. Laura oh thats cool so pleased i could help lol

  14. Such a flavorful and delicious salad! I would love to try the Turkish spices, so cool!

  15. What a lovely salad. It look so yummy! I am always looking for more ways to use my sumac. I've used it to make Zaatar, and put that on before I grill chicken and my Olga bread.

  16. Oh, I love this recipe. I got some sumac from a friend who just got back from a trip and I'll use it this weekend on this salad! Thanks Rebecca!

  17. The sumac sounds delightful. I must try this salad; it looks so good. Thanks for sharing.

  18. yummy... looks like a wonderful salad...

  19. Thanks for such a great giveaway! I'd like to try the meatball spice on lamb kebabs, accompanied by a yogurt dip. And then I've heard that marinating chicken in sumac makes it really tasty, so I'd like to try that too!

  20. lovely salad.
    I love Middle eastern food and would love to use the spice mix on any minced meat based dishes.

  21. delicious food , i like this post

  22. Beautiful and interesting salad. I'd love to make those meatballs.

  23. Love that you used blueberries in this salad. I have never had that cheese, great combo! I would love to try the Turkish spices.

  24. The first time I heard about Sumac Spice was watching Anthony Bourdain No Reservations. It will be interesting to know how it taste like.

  25. It looks very interesting! I will definitely try it in the near future...

  26. Hi Rebecca
    what a beautiful salad !! I have to admit I have never used sumac, or even seen it for that matter... its great to be able to learn new things everyday!!
    thanks so much for sharing!

  27. Mmmm, wonderful Rebecca! I will give this a try!

  28. I love sumac- its a great spice for someone who likes the flavor of lemon.

    Love that pic too with the sunlight shining on the salad.

  29. What a gorgeous salad Rebecca! I love that you added blueberries. I would make meatballs just like you!

  30. adventures in domestic cooking thanks so much
    5 star foodie thanks all the best
    Lyndsey oh tell me more do you have a link?
    Christie oh thats wonderful enjoy the salad lol
    Jessica my pleasure and thanks for stopping by
    Megan thanks
    Madeline oh like the chicken idea i may have to try that one!
    sheba thanks love your idea and thanks for visiting
    knk thanks
    Lea Ann oh thanks have a fab weekend
    Marla oh thanks and all the best for the giveaway
    i cook for fun all the best
    Julian thanks
    Chef Dennis would love to see what you create as a pro
    Catherine thanks so much
    Lori thats cool I will look at the pic more closely
    reeni: oh yours would rock

  31. Lovely salad, hope can have the spices too.. ;DD

  32. I love different spice profiles. Your salad looks wonderful. I think I would do a chicken kabob on the grill if I won the spice.

  33. Ancoo smiles
    Penny oh that sounds good

  34. This is a great salad, wonderful spices too. I would love to try sumac. I hope they are not hard to find.

  35. I LOVE sumac, it gives a dish such a subtle flavor.

  36. Madin oh hope you find some
    Trix knew you would know it lol

  37. How did I miss this salad, it looks really great! I just found out that we will travel to Morocco when we go to Spain- I hope to bring back some yummy spices!

  38. E wow what is so cool, my bro is going there in August

  39. O wow Rebecca a giveaway open to any part of the world! I'd love to have the spices, would experiment basically on anything


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