Turkish Meatballs

I made Turkish Meatballs last week, easy to make and very tasty. Made with the meatball spice I got in the bazaar -

Köfte Spice (Meatball Spice)


This is a spice mix composed of coriander, black pepper, cloves, bay leaves and wild thyme. - So you can make your own LOL


  • one pack of lean beef mince (ground chuck)
  • one small onion chopped
  • 1/2 a bunch of parsley chopped
  • one egg
  • 2 slices of bread crumbled
  • 2 tablespoons of meatball spice
  • a little salt
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • one can of chopped tomatoes

  1. mix all of the ingredients together except the can of tomatoes
  2. heat some olive oil in a thick bottomed pan then add the meatballs and slowly cook for 10 minutes stirring all the time to brown evenly
  3. then add the tomatoes and reduce down to a simmer for 20-30 minutes
In Turkey it was served with mashed potatoes but we ate ours with rice and broccoli.

Later this week I will share a salad recipe with the sumac spice mix and allow you to leave comments to win a packet of sumac and meatball spice in the giveaway!- stay tuned.


I am sending this post to Girlichefs two for tuesdays all about REAL food, made from Scratch.
I adore Girlichef in fact her blog was one of the first I started reading she is my first guest on Wednesday 23rd at 6pm on Chow and Chatter Radio!!!


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  1. Sounds Delish! They look great too!

  2. Oooo! I like the spices that makes these meatballs a full flavor treat! Serving them with rice and broccoli makes this dish a more balanced meal. Although mash potatoes would be heavenly. LOL!

  3. This is definitely a REAL meal I would love to sink my teeth into! I may just have to throw together some of this spice mixture and make my own meatballs. Thanks for submitting it to 24T's...it's perfect fit. And looking forward to being your first guest! =)

  4. Hi! Heather at girlichef told me about your post! Thank you in advance for posting it up to Two for Tuesdays Recipe Blog Hop! I adore middle eastern food and will definitely be trying this turkish recipe! You have a lovely site and I am now following you and grabbed your Rss feed! Thanks again! Alex@amoderatelife

  5. That's a great blend of spices for meatballs. I'm defiantly going to try this!

  6. Chef E thanks
    fresh local and best: he he your funny but RD's do like balance
    girlichef: love ya thanks for being my first guest
    Alex: thanks so much great to meet you
    Bo thanks so much
    sinful southern desserts oh you will love them

  7. I love the sound of that spice blend! Mmmm meatballs.

  8. Turkish meatball sandwiches, anyone? :)

  9. This looks a really good example of how tomato sauce goes well with mixed spices, yum! Looking forward to your radio :)

  10. I seldom make meatballs. This looks simple to make and delicious. Would be so good with rice or noodles....mmm

  11. I love meatballs--these look delicious--loving all the spices in them! ;-)

  12. Already trying new recipes! How great. You're so curious!

  13. oh that looks so yummy! a very satisfying meal you ve made there Rebecca. I could eat that anytime esp when there is rice!

  14. Looks delicious Rebecca. We have a Turkish shop here so I'll check out their spice mix selections.

  15. I took that Turkish cooking class and none of the food came out as tasty as yours. You definitely know what you are doing. :)

  16. Yum, what a lovely meal. I know I would enjoy the spice blend you've used in the meatballs. This is my idea of comfort food.

  17. I love meatballs and this looks very delicious!

  18. Fantastic!
    Do you know how much bay leaf in the spice mixture (as we should not ingest too much of that)?
    Looking forward to the radio -first one was great!

  19. The turkish meatballs sounds delightful. The spice mixture makes them extra special:)

  20. This looks so hearty and delicious. I love Kofte and in Pakistan, we have a spicy curry type version too. :)

  21. These look amazing! Comfort food for sure, thanks for sharing the recipe!

  22. Rebecca

    You are so diligent! I brought back similar spices from the Bazaar and have yet to make anything! Did you get some apple tea? I love that tea!
    Love your meatballs, remember how much I lovd Turkey and their cuisine!

  23. I did a little Turkish meze myself this week. We shoulda shared. GREG

  24. Oh Rebecca, these meatballs look so tasty...love the spices in it :-)

  25. Joanne oh its so good lol
    Jenn love it!
    the lacquer spoon aw thanks so much
    Mary oh it would rock with noodles good idea
    deb thanks
    Laura smiles
    Zurin thanks so much
    3 hungry tummies oh thats cool hope you get some great spices
    Lisa aw your too kind
    Angie thanks
    Cathy oh so true
    Sonia thanks
    Azita thanks so much
    Doc oh not sure always learn something from you
    Kim oh your right
    fortheloveofyum oh adore Pakistani food
    design wine and dine my pleasure
    taste of beirut yep I think I will have a cup now!
    Greg oh thats so cool will check out your blog
    Juliana thanks

  26. I love the spices in there. I wouldn't be able to resist.

  27. How delicious with that spice mix Rebecca! Such a good idea to make meatballs with it. My favorite!

  28. Mmm, I think I'm going to try that spice mix in meatloaf. I've been on a meatloaf kick lately!

  29. These sound delicious with the spice mix!

  30. I believe I had something similar to this when I was in Qatar. I love Turkish food.

  31. Bridgett oh you would love this stay tuned for a giveaway
    reeni thanks so much
    butterpoweredbike wow thats a cool idea
    5 star foodie thanks
    thomas oh Qatar would be fun and thanks for stopping by

  32. These meatballs sound so good! Thanks for posting them on Two for Tuesday!

  33. Love the spices in this. Meatballs are so adaptable to many cuisines. I'm glad I joined Two for Tuesdays.

  34. Bethany oh my pleasure
    Penny oh thanks and thanks for stopping by on my way over to your blog


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