Hi From Chennai India!

beautiful flower decoration outside a neighbors appartment

Hi all just wanted to say hi from India and share a few pictures, have had a few decent meals, but I ended up with severe food poisoning yesterday couldn't even keep water down, so not super motivated by food, just soups and bread for now LOL
But I am on the mend and its good to see family, I made a little clip below to say hi from the appartment for fun. Hopefully I will get some good food snaps as I feel better, but just wanted to say hi to you all - Rebecca


view of Chennai from roof top

Jasmine holding Jasmine!

busy evening street

evening fruit stand

 buying Jasmine flowers from a gentleman on a bike if you look closely you will see an Auto (local taxi in the distance)


  1. great pictures but I see you found my friend "food poisoning" that guy can find me every time I travel - best wishes on kicking its butt ...

  2. I got food poisoning on vacation TWICE!! I hope you're feeling better and enjoy the rest of your trip!!

  3. So sorry to hear you had food poisoning. Hope you fully recover soon and enjoy your vacation. Thanks very much for sharing Chennai pictures with us.

  4. Oh No!! Feel better soon...so you can enjoy the rest of your time =) Love the Jasmine holding jasmine...to cute ;)

  5. Food poisoning happens frequently when travelling overseas. So, both you & Jasmine should be more careful with the street food. My ex-boss(a German guy) told me that he will never touched on the street food in India but only eating in the 5 star restaurants. Just to play safe! You don't want to get sick when you're travelling, right? Great to see you & your family arrived India safely. Have lots of fun and take care.
    Best wishes, Kristy

  6. I don't mean the street food is dirty or whatever! Just that we all have sensitive belly and not easy to adapt to the local street food immediately. Just be a little cautious, that's all!

  7. Such an amazing trip! Sorry to hear about the food poisoning; that happened to me in Italy + it was not fun at all.

  8. Awe...sorry to heard about the case of food poisoning, but I'm glad your on the mend. Take it easy and enjoy the sights there in India. It's one of the countries I've always wanted to visit.

  9. Great pictures Rebecca. So sorry to hear about the food poisoning. Take good care of yourself. It's nothing to fool around with. What a shame to get it while on vacation!

  10. Oh no! Wishing you the best on a fast recovery, my friend. What a horrible way to spend part of your trip. Enjoy the rest of your stay and I love your pics. India looks fascinating.

  11. Oh Rebecca...so sorry to hear about the food poisoning. I hope you have a very speedy recovery.
    Loved the video with the mango trees and the picture of Jasmine smelling jasmine, which is one of my favorite scents.

  12. You are on holidays again :) Have a fabulous time!

  13. Hope you feel better soon! Food poisoning is no fun. :-(

    Have a fabulous visit in India!

  14. Too bad about the sickness....

    Is that a rangoli made with flowers?


  15. Rebbeca, sorry to hear that...I hope you are feeling better now.


  16. welcome to India...I have never been to chennai, but I am sure you will love the place,,don't forget to visit the temples and the sea shore..

  17. Hope you feel better soon :) Thanks for sharing these pictures with us.

  18. Thank you so much for letting us travel vicariously with you! So sorry you're sick but I hope you feel better soon and get to enjoy yourself. Jasmine is getting even more beautiful. Take care of yourself, sweetie.

  19. Rebecca: When you first feel twingy, down a cipro! It stops it immediately.

  20. hope you get feeling better, enjoy your trip!

  21. get well soon rebecca and have a lovely time in india...

  22. I hope you're feeling better too. I'd love to visit India someday. I like the looks of the fruit stand and jasmine flowers.

  23. hope you are feeling better now. have a nice trip

  24. So sorry to hear about your food poisoning. I hope you mend quickly and can enjoy the rest of your trip!

  25. Hope the wedding is lovely and have a great time!! My wedding is a week today!! I'm in Scotland now!

  26. Sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon. Great pics!

  27. Oh goodness, I sure hope that you've fully recovered from the food poisoning! What a great opportunity to go to India; love the photos of the night markets and Jasmine holding Jasmine! Enjoy your travels! I love it when you share your experiences. Roz

  28. Great pics. Like I said before I am jealous. I think food poisoning would be one thing that might scare me about India. i know when I went to China they kept reminding us about the water and foods. Feel better soon.

  29. Fun photos, Rebecca, but I'm sure sorry to hear you had food poisoning! Hope you're better by now!

  30. Take care, enjoy the rest of your trip!

  31. sorry to hear your not feeling well, love all the pics and jasmine holding jasmine is super cute!!have fun!!


  32. Glad you're starting to feel better Rebecca- poor you! Enjoy the rest of your trip. Loved the virtual visit through your video! :)

  33. Sorry for the FP, hope you bounce back and enjoy your trip!

  34. I didn't realize you were going to Chennai! Scott worked there for over 3 months. He got sick quite often when he was there so in the end he stuck to hotel food and did much better. I hope you feel better quick and enjoy your stay there!

  35. Sorry about the food poisoning...hope you feel better by now..and enjoy the rest of the trip :-)

  36. sorry to hear about your troubles there...take care and try to enjoy yourself

  37. Very nice blog.......plz visit my blog if time permits........http://lets-cook-something.blogspot.com/

  38. Hi all feeling much better miss reading your blogs limited Internet access and now super busy with wedding on Sunday poor wee lil American jas won't hardly eat here
    stopping in the uk on way home will get grandmas cakes

    Hugs Rebecca

  39. Bowl of mush have the best wedding in the world so happy for u love Rebecca

  40. Oh my goodness...I am way behind and did not realize you were posting :( Glad you are feeling better, and sorry I am about to bombard you with comments :)


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