Salmon with Roasted Cherry Tomatoes and Basil

This is a simple and flavorful way to cook salmon. I kept reading different food blogs about how they were roasting cherry tomatoes and I thought why not roast some and pair it with my favorite fish.

I made this just before leaving for India and had in drafts and was thinking Chow and Chatter needs some recipes! I would love a plate of this right now.

 Looking forward to having good British food in the UK at the weekend and returning home to my kitchen next week and cooking my favorite dishes, theres no place like your own home and kitchen :-)


  • 2 pieces of wild Alaskan salmon
  • about 15 small cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 a cup fresh basil
  • 4 cloves of chopped garlic
  • ariosto Italian fish seasoning, again I like this but be careful not to use too much its on the salty side, Italian herbs would also work 
  • polenta to serve over 
  • green beans

  1. roast the tomatoes for about 15 minutes at 350 and keep to one side
  2. marinate the salmon in the seasoning, olive oil and basil for one hour
  3. heat a pan and lightly poach the salmon about 5 minutes each side and add the tomatoes
  4. meanwhile steam some green beans and cook polenta and serve
A wonderful quick and super healthy meal in no time at all 

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  1. Like the presentation of this hearty dish! Polenta and fish are good friends. :)

  2. Rebecca, this looks so GOOD! Are you already home?

  3. I love serving salmon with polenta. This looks so good!

  4. Wow - that salmon looks delicious and what's not to love about roasted tomatoes - YUM! Hope you had a fabulous time in India:)

  5. Great recipe Rebecca! Love the idea of adding roasted cherry tomatoes to salmon..thanks:)

  6. This looks really delicious! Hope you are having a great time in India! BTW, you look great in that purple sari :)

  7. Love roasting baby tomatoes - extracts such flavor! Love salmon too, my favorite fish hands down and this looks like such an easy and delicious way to prepare! Have fun in the UK -Happy Tavels!

  8. This meal is right up my alley! YUMMY!

  9. Looks delicious, I love the extra sweetness the tomatoes get when roasted!Do I espy some polenta underneath?

  10. Rebecca, what a nice salmon recipe. I make something similar and love it, so I know I would like this one too.

    Hope you are having fun in India.

  11. Hope you're having a great time! The salmon looks delicious, love it!

  12. Hi Rebecca
    Polenta and fish dish looks awesome..!

    BTW first time here..

  13. I love dishes like this! It looks quick, simple, healthy, and delicious! How was your trip to India?

    I'd love to do lunch! I have to be home by 1pm to pick up my middle child, so we'd have to do an early lunch or do it on a day when I brought a couple kids with me.

  14. What a super idea to serve your salmon over polenta. I do love polenta; I'm used to refrigerating it and then frying it, but I'd love it this way too.

  15. Great looking salmon. It's been a while since I've cooked me a nice fillet.

  16. Totally yummy. I love the polenta underneath :-)

  17. Mmmm, this salmon dish looks amazing! Did you make it home from India, I take it?

  18. Beautiful!! I should make some polenta too, I've been craving it for a while, haha.

  19. I'm a big advocate of roasting cherry tomatoes since I first tried it this year. What a delicious way to use them. We love salmon here too!

  20. Rebecca, great salmon the way you presented it...great meal :-)

  21. I adore anything with salmon, but I've never made it with an Italian twist mmm Hope you are enjoying your travels :)

  22. I love salmon and was looking for something yummy.....will try it out soon :)

  23. kenny thanks so much and I couldn't agree more
    angie: still in India fly to the UK tonight
    Lauren thanks so much
    Stephanie thanks so much it was fun here leave tonight
    Raina oh thanks hope you like it
    Biren oh thanks your too kind
    design wine and dine thanks so much hugs
    Kris thanks
    Doc ohb so true yep polenta

    Sam thanks so much great minds think alike he he
    Pam thanks so much
    jagrutu welcome will come and visit your blog lol
    Julie sounds fun I will be in touch soon when I get home
    Barbara oh I should try your way
    jenn: oh hope you try it
    dinner and dreams oh thanks
    Emily no it was in drafts
    wenn oh its my fav
    Victoria enjoy
    savoring time in the kitchen oh i bet yours rock
    eating RD thanks so much its an adventure for sure
    Jess thanks
    Sheeba enjoy

  24. An excellent meal! The salmon sounds so wonderful with roasted cherry tomatoes and polenta!

  25. Lovely pic and looks delicious rebecca...

  26. Looks delicious! Hope you're still enjoying your trip and eat some good British food for me as well :) Can't wait till your back so I can gawk over all your good looking dishes!

  27. Roasted tomatoes can seriously make a dish and I always love a good piece of salmon!

  28. You know I keep reading those post as well, and if I had time I would make some slow dried cherry tomatoes, and they might not make it to the plate, lol!

    Looks good, and I know hubby and Aaron would love this, they love salmon!

  29. You know I keep reading those post as well, and if I had time I would make some slow dried cherry tomatoes, and they might not make it to the plate, lol!

    Looks good, and I know hubby and Aaron would love this, they love salmon!

  30. I could have this for dinner right now. Thanks for the nice pictures from India, I enjoyed them.

  31. I made a similar dish, but I used salmon steaks....I am going to post it next week. Yours looks delicious, Rebecca!

  32. Salmon is my favorite and this looks delicious :)

  33. Beautiful dish. I love salmon. That's such a big piece! Hope you are having a great time.

  34. what a wonderful presentation with your salmon! I would not have thought of using roasted tomatoes with it, and the polenta was such a great touch! This looks like such a perfect and healthy meal!


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