Lemon and Spice Drizzle Cake

I made this wonderful cake the other day, and made my first glaze icing. In fact my Grandma's friend brought one of these cakes to her birthday party and it was delicious so I had to try it. 
I added a touch of all spice to it and some Meyer lemon, loved the combo. While we were in India we visited a coffee plantation in Coorg and I went on the tour at the beginning the guide passed us all a leaf to break and sniff and guess the spice it was. Most of all thought it was a citrus plant but at the same time it had a cinnamon/ nutmeg smell to it. Can you guess what it was? yep Allspice apparently the British named it this as they thought it was a combination many spices!


  • 4 oz butter I used Echire a special French one :-)
  • 4 oz sugar 
  •  4 oz self raising flour
  • 2 eggs 
  • a pinch of allspice
  • a little juice of Meyer lemon
  • 2 teaspoon of lemon grated lemon peel
  • 2 tablespoon bakers sugar
  • hot water

  1. cream the sugar and butter till light and fluffy
  2. mix in the eggs and flour and a little lemon juice
  3. bake at 375 for 20-30 minutes
  4. let the cake cool
  5. then mix bakers sugar with hot water and the lemon peel to make a glaze, pour over the cake and let cool, sprinkle with allspice
  6. enjoy with a cup of tea - Heaven!

How do you use allspice?

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  1. Sometimes it's one ingredient in a recipe that can make it astounding. And you've used fancy French butter and allspice--that makes 2! A lemon cake is a simple, delicious dessert that you elevated with those ingredients.

  2. I love the touch of spice you add in..want some now! :)

  3. Allspice is a spice that I haven't cook with very much. Fun to know it's a bit citrusy. The cake looks lovely.

  4. How did you know? I've been craving a lemon cake! This sounds great, looks great!

  5. Lovely texture and a perfect cake piece for tea time. Nice clicks, Rebecca.

  6. Interesting root of allspice. This cake is perfect with some afternoon tea.

  7. nice to know about allspice...cake has come out well

  8. It sounds so flavorful with the all spice in it.

  9. I love...I love lemon cake for it's flavour and taste. I hardly add spices into my cakes so this is new to me.

  10. with the touch of allspice, i bet your lemon cake must be tasty.

  11. This post made me miss my gran! She passed away in June... I miss her! Lovely recipe :-)
    Robyn x

  12. I love your bake! lol. Hubby must be craving for this. haha... Btw, I went to your fb but can't find those photos! Under which album?? Thanks & have a great day.

  13. I bet that allspice had a wonderful aroma. The cake looks terrific!

  14. So pretty - the lemon brings summer, the allspice brings fall. I love using allspice and would jump at a chance to smell the aroma of a fresh allspice leaf.

  15. I agree with Duo, and also if you can get Jamaican Allspice, it is stronger but wonderful on fish with lemon or orange!

    Pass me a piece through the internet please!

  16. That looks really good. I do not think we really use allspice, but I am certain we have some somewhere in this house. My problem with spices now is the humidity here. Even when in a sealed container it can still get clumpy. For salt we have even tried rice, but that has not worked.

  17. Fabulous Cake. It looks so soft and moist. I want it.
    I use Allspice in cakes and bakes.

  18. Your comment on one ingredient making the difference made me think of a question. Have you tried orange blossom water (aka orange flower water)? I'm trying to find it in Winston-Salem and thought you might have tried it and even might know where to find it. Thanks!

  19. This looks like the perfect cake for tea or coffee and I enjoyed learning how allspice got its name. I would love to try this!

  20. Wow, this cake with spices in it sounds terrific...would love with a cup of tea.

  21. Interesting about the allspice. I wondered how it got it's name! This glazed cake looks really tasty!

  22. You know, I'm not going to lie.. I thought allspice was a combination of spices I never knew it was one all its own!? wow.. now I feel silly.

  23. The Duo Dishes: oh thanks your so sweet
    3 hungry tummies: heres a slice for the tummies!
    Sushma thanks
    Barbara: oh thanks smiles
    Renee: oh hope you get some lol
    Sanjeeta thanks so much
    Belinda oh so true
    Neha thanks
    Anncoo oh its a nice spice but only in small amounts lol
    Mary and me my first time he he
    Sonia turned out well so happy
    Robyn oh so sorry hugs
    Kristy my personal face book add me as a friend
    Kim thanks so much kind of u
    Vrinda thanks
    Claudia oh now I know why your a writer LOL
    Chef E heres your slice oh yum I will add to fish love knowing a chef he he
    Karin sure
    Melinda oh sorry the spices are not keeping well there
    Cool lassie thats cool to know folks are using it
    Tabitha oh no worry never used it or seen in Winston sounds cool though
    savoring time in the kitchen heres a slice
    Juliana here you go
    Julie i know I loved to learn about the name as well
    Evan no worries I thought the same thing he he

  24. Mmm I adore lemony desserts! This looks fantastic!

  25. I adore cakes like this - so simple! Love the allspice and lemon- sounds perfect w/a cup of coffee ot tea!

  26. Love the bit of allspice in your lemon cake, Rebecca. I've never seen that combination and it sounds wonderful. The cake looks lovely and moist too.

  27. sound delicious, lemond and spice, I will smell the fragrant from here.

  28. The cake looks lovely! Will put it on my list of things to try.

  29. Oh, that would be so much fun, Reb!! Your cake sounds absolutely delightful!! I love adding a hint of allspice to any of my autumn-y dishes =)

  30. I love lemon cake and with allspice, oh how lovely..great pic


  31. Favolosa questa torta. Ciao Daniela.

  32. Interesting info about allspice. Your cake looks delish. Lemon and spice sounds very nice:)

  33. Joanne thanks
    design wine and dine simple is good as I am not a good baker he he
    Barbara thanks so much
    Jess oh it did have a nice smell
    Lynn thanks hope you like it
    girlichef thanks
    sweetlife thanks so much
    Daniela thanks
    Raina thanks smiles

  34. I love using fresh pumpkin. In several of my pumpkin dishes I will add allspice:)

  35. Lovely cake. I'm curious about the flavor combination of lemon and allspice.

  36. Spice and lemon sound like a perfect combination
    Thank you for the inspiration


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