Pumpkin Gnocchi with Roasted Vegetables

Here's another simple recipe (what Chow and Chatter is all about :-)) I simply roasted vegetables with garlic and shallots and mixed with Gnocchi. I am slowly plucking up the courage to try making Gnocchi especially after reading Kristy's lovely blog My Little Space she made it look straight forward.
Who else has made it?

  • one pack of pumpkin gnocchi another cool find, but it did make my chuckle as the pumpkin only made up 1% of the ingredients!
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • olive oil
  • one zucchini sliced 
  • a few cherry tomatoes halfed
  • 1/2 an eggplant thinly sliced
  • 3 small shallots sliced

  1. heat your oven to 350 and place a roasting pan with eggplant, garlic, shallots, and zucchini on it and roast for about 15 minutes until soft
  2. meanwhile saute the tomatoes in olive oil and cook the gnocchi and combine!
Here follows a few snaps from our little trip to Asheville NC unfortunately the leaves haven't changed all that much but still was fun, met Sommer for lunch had a stroll downtown then enjoyed The Grove Park inn for a night (they have web specials still expensive but the view from the restaurant is so worth it, you can see all the Blue Ridge Mountains!) 

our two little babies with pumpkins!

Asheville is blessed with great cupcake shops (These are from Cupcakes Mcmullin sisters and I got great sandwiches and bread from The City Bakery)

Meeting Sommer from The Spicy Perspective a very talented food blogger who teaches cooking classes in her home, be sure to check out her blog.

 I got a chocolate orange cupcake there wow what a great combo what's your favorite combo?

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  1. Oh you met Sommer!Lucky you! And went to Asheville! Double luck. This dinner has "autumn" written all over it. I love the flavors but my gnocchi making skills are just horrible. I wind up - with blobs that sink in your stomach!

  2. That's hysterical that pumpkin is only 1% of the gnocchi! Ha! I bet homemade would be to die for!! Very fun paired with roasted veggies, I'm sure. And I LOVE Asheville! I have eaten at the Laughing Seed Cafe and the French Broad Chocolate Lounge... oooooohhhh, so good! Such a cute city, isn't it? We took the Doberhound and she seemed to like it :)

  3. Great success! You named two of my favorite bloggers! Asheville is so great this time of year.

  4. Lovely pics...and gnocchi looks too good...

  5. Yes i already love Sommer's blog .
    The gnocchi looks gorgeous though i thought they are homemade pumpkin gnocchi but as you say they just have 1% pumpkin :)
    The finished dish looks great.

  6. I have been making gnocchi and loving it! Lovely dish Rebecca!

  7. I made gnocchi for the first time the other day, and it wasn't as hard as I thought =) I've never had gnocchi before though, so I'm not 100% sure that it's right =) haha.....
    This looks like a really yummy way to have gnocchi!!

  8. That's so fun to meet another blogger. I'm sure you had great fun. Love your gnocchi. I have to make soon...sweet potato gnocchi I hope :D

  9. Ooo... thanks for mentioning ME! Those are store bought gnocchi? Frankly, not much colour in that store bought gnocchi because I'm expecting some kinda orange colour pumpkin gnocchi! hee... But you've made it looks awesome delicious. Bravo. Let's give her applause! yay... Hope you're enjoying your day, sweetie. Btw, Jasmine looks so adorable in that photo. Will hop over to check out your dear friend after this.
    Blessings, Kristy

  10. gnocchi is new to me, i must find one day to try it out. Have a nice weekend Rebecca!

  11. Oh I really want a huge bowl of pumpkin gnocchi now! Delicious dish and fun meet-ups!

  12. Your babies are beautiful! What a great sounding recipe; looks fantastic.

  13. I made my own pasta once but never gnocchi! I love rustic dishes like this! Love the picts too!

  14. Very new to me..sounds gr8 for this fall weather...

  15. YUM! I've made sweet potato gnocchi--a process for sure but totally worth it! (http://www.thesweetslife.com/2010/04/sweet-potato-gnocchi.html & http://www.thesweetslife.com/2010/04/pesto-sweet-potato-gnocchi-with-spinach.html)

  16. Gorgeous dish! Just bought squash to make gnocchi this week as well!

    It was great to meet up--hope the rest of your trip went well!

  17. Glad you were able to meet up with Sommer! It looks like you had a really nice time in Asheville. I was up there a couple weekends ago as well and was hoping for leaves but no such luck.

    Your dish looks easy and tasty, right up my alley! Hope you're doing well and have a great weekend!

  18. Gnocchi is actually on the menu for tomorrow night! I've never made it myself before so it will be interesting to see how it turns out. Cupcakes and meeting a blogger - what could be better!

  19. I love to have pumpkin in my pasta dishes. I have never had it in gnocchi.

  20. Oh wow, this looks so amazing. What is it about fall and vegetables that makes everything so delicious? I want to make this! Oh and thanks for your comment on my blog about me getting pregnant, it made me laugh! ;)

  21. Claudia oh mine may be the same way he he she was sweet
    The Food Hound: I like it but a little isolated for me
    Belinda oh for sure its great in the fall
    Sushma thanks
    Sangeeta i said I am planning to make it LOL
    3 hungry tummies thanks, share it on your blog!
    Von oh thats wonderful your so brave in the kitchen
    Mary i bet yours will rock hope to meet u someday
    Kristy I will try and make it very soon with your recipe to guide me hugs
    Sonia have a great weekend as well lol
    Joanne smiles
    Rita oh thanks so much
    design wine and dine oh I need to make pasta as wel your a star
    vrinda so true
    Natalie on my way over to see your recipe
    Sommer it was great thanks loved Grove Park lol
    Julie she mentioned that trying to get her to Statesville so we can all meet
    savoring time in the kitchen enjoy yours smiles
    Melinda oh it was nice
    emily he h no worries

  22. I've never made gnocchi but I think I'm going to try now. Didn't think it was going to be so easy. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Looks like a nice simple meal :) I too need to try my hand at gnocchi one of these days! I've shaped some before, but never made it myself start to finish.

  24. Pumpkin gnocchi !!!
    I am a real fan and love making them, when possible of course. http://magicflavours.blogspot.com/2010/05/squash-gnocchi-nhoques-de-butternut.html

    Lovely photos.
    Have a great weekend ♥

  25. Nice meal as usual! Great week night dinner idea!

  26. Great recipe! I have never heard of pumpkin gnocchi, but it sounds really good. I have a potato gnocchi recipe on my blog. I was nervous to try them too, but they are actually pretty easy to make.

  27. Oh hubby would love this! Hmmm, can it fit my eating style?

    I will make it work! I have not made it in a while...so its on...

  28. So good to know they sell pumpkin gnocchi. I've never seen it. Your dish looks delicious!


  29. Nirmala we will both make gnocchi for the first time
    Victoria oh yours will rock
    Ana thanks so much for the links
    Erica oh thanks
    Raina good to know I so need to try
    Chef enjoy smiles
    Nisrine thanks so much

  30. This looks very healthy to me,I’m going to try this one.Hoping to learn more from you.Thanks for the beautiful life you share.=)

  31. I haven't made gnocchi yet, Rebecca, but I love it. What a brilliant find...pumpkin gnocchi. I haven't seen it anywhere. But 1%? I'm still smiling. Could you taste pumpkin at all? It would be like one grain of salt!

  32. Rebecca, I've made potato gnocchi, but not recently because I watch my carbs so carefully now. It's really not hard at all, just don't overhandle the dough. No harder than spaetzle, and that's pretty easy.

  33. I haven't gnocchi in such a long time. I haven't tried making them with pumpkin before. I gotta give that a try sometime. With maybe a cupcake for dessert.

  34. Hi Rebecca, I love making and EATING tender gnocchi! I've never had them prepared this way, but talk about fresh!!! WOW! I'm not trying to be self-promoting in any way, but may I add this very seasonal recipe to my Seasonal Saturday get-together? I won't unless you say OK....but I'd like to highlight it next week. Thanks, Roz

  35. Healy my pleasure thanks for stopping by
    barbara well a little bit he he
    Judy thanks for the encouragment
    Jenn looking forward to seeing your pumpkin creation
    Roz I would be more than happy to link

  36. I made sweet potato gnocchi and they were amazing. I'm sure these are very similar and I must try. Found you on Fresh Friday!


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