Rebecca's Pumpkin Soup

So after making the pumpkin infused cous cous I had another half of a New Zealand winter squash to use, I simply kept in the fridge till the next day and preceded to make a simple soup with it.

So happy I have begun cooking with pumpkin and squash lots of fun and it truly adds a rich, sweet taste. Its one of my favorite times of year with the leaves changing, mild weather and pumpkin patches America's love of fall is infectious and puts a smile on my face.

  • half a roasted New Zealand winter squash 
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 a chopped red onion
  • 1/2 a glass of white wine
  • one teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 2 cups of vegetable stock
  • 1/4 cup of fresh orange juice and one tablespoon of orange zest

  1. saute onion and garlic in olive oil, add the squash for 10 minutes 
  2. then add the stock, wine, orange juice and zest and boil for 10 minutes 
  3. then blend the soup with a hand blender 
  4. serve with a sprinkle of cinnamon and enjoy :-)

Love the British girl in North Carolina 

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  1. You make me want to change my dinner plans. That looks so good and autumn-fresh, I am in love.

  2. Que sopa tan apetitosa, esto se ve exquisito del todo.


  3. I love the fall. =) =) Such a great and flavorful recipe.

  4. This is so inviting...especially with you holding out a bowl for me to take. Can I come over for dinner? Please!!! I love your recipe, sounds like it brings out the pumpkin flavor.

    I made pumpkin soup for a lunch at school (where I work) and this one co-worker was so disappointed in it, I think she expected it to taste like pumpkin pie, or something. I use coconut milk and had some chili peppers and ginger and I think some Indian spices. Tossed some pepitas on top...not good for her, everyone else loved it though. Isn't it funny how that one disappointment sticks out for me?

    I'm still coming over to try your! Cheers!

  5. Pumpkin soup is always a winner for cooler nights...look very warm and comforting!

  6. Love the soup! BTW, do you use a lot of winter squash in the UK or is it a US thing?

  7. How much actual squash would that come out to if you measured it? I have a huge pumpkin that I'm about to cook and definitely want to make soup for one of its tasty uses.

  8. The soup looks delicious and you are so pretty in the last photo..

  9. Soup looks heavenly. I had an aversion to gourds, pumpkins and squashes before but past 4-5 yrs I have begun to warm up to the dishes made out them.

  10. Claudia oh thanks your so sweet :-)
    Jose gracias
    Belinda: thanks
    Lyndsey oh I would love your soup sounds amazing hope you post the recipe her loss :-)
    Zoe thanks and your right great for cooler weather
    Doc I think you have more variety in the US my mum cooks butternut squash
    Tabitha um good question I guess 3 cups
    peachkins oh thanks so kind of u
    cool lassie oh I agree they are growing on me as well

  11. I love all the pumpkin recipes I'm seeing this time of year. You can't beat eating fresh and seasonal!

  12. I can have this soup winter or not... works so well!

  13. All I can say is....YUM!! I must try this

  14. This pumpkin soup sounds so warm and hearty. I bet it would be great with some curry or ginger as well!

  15. Really, Rebecca, this soup is such a wonderful color, filled with great flavor and a perfect fall warm-you-upper!

  16. I have never had pumpkin soup. It sounds so warm and comforting, though. I will have to give it a try:)

  17. Is the bumpy one the New Zealand squash? I've never cooked with one before but I do love squash and pumpkin. What a great recipe, Rebecca!

  18. Love that big cup of pumpkin soup!

  19. As I am sure you have noticed, I am really enjoying cooking with pumpkin and squash so far this fall, so this looks perfect to me! mmmmm!

  20. Very inviting, great winter soup ♥

  21. Mother Rimmy so true
    Penny smiles
    Danielle enjoy
    Sonia thanks
    Joanne oh I bet it would rock with curry in it
    Barbara aw thanks so pleased u like it
    Vrinda thanks
    Raina it was my first hope u try
    savoring time in the kitchen no not that one, it was small and round i just liked that one!
    Anncoo thanks
    Emily smiles
    Ana thanks

  22. What a cool add in the soup. I love the last picture especially! You look so cute. haha... Yeap, cute!

  23. There is a farm on LI that she and you would love- if you ever have time I will take you there, Herbs Farm down near the North Fork.

    My favorite time of year, and I have had tea lately...a bit too much caffeine, but yum none the less!

  24. This looks great - I made several variations on pumpkin soup on my blog last fall (pumpkin/cashew and pumpkin/pear). Yours looks great!

  25. Oh, I have been loving pumpkin soup--and pumpkin everything! Great recipe.

  26. my little space thanks so much
    chef E oh that place sounds cool
    Sasha oh wow love your version
    othelia thanks

  27. Beautiful photos ! and the soup looks delicious.

  28. What a beautiful bowl of soup . . . perfect for fall!

  29. Dimah thanks and thanks so much for stopping by
    thanks Roz

  30. Rebecca, your Pumpkin Soup looks so good! Would you believe that I have never ever cooked or baked with Pumpkins..I think its about time! :)

  31. Sara no worries it was my first time and was easy :-)
    Kristen thanks

  32. I had cream of squash today for lunch, infused with a sprig of rosemary. I love the addition of orange juice/zest in your soup, I wanna try this soon! xo

  33. chef pandita your a true foodie dreaming of food he he enjoy

  34. Lovely soup with flavors of orange. I am sure going to try this with Indian pumpkin :)


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