Salmon Marinated in Apple Cider

This recipe was inspired by the wonderful Chef E of Food Wine Fun, a talented chef who is super creative. She commented on my salmon and grapefruit post that salmon is great cooked in apple cider and she was right:-) I served it with mashed potatoes and cabbage slowly steamed with paprika (I know this is my favorite ingredient of the moment) Be sure to tune in to Chow and Chatter Blog Talk radio tomorrow for an interview with Chef E.


  • 2 wild Alaskan salmon steaks - I always buy these as they are sustainable 
  • one -two cups of apple cider enough to cover salmon
  • 1/2 a grated apple
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 cups of thinly chopped cabbage 
  • one teaspoon of smoked paprika
  • a little salt
  • 3 cloves of chopped garlic
  • 1/2 an onion chopped

  1. marinate the salmon in the apple cider and apple for about one hr then poach for 10 minutes its that easy 
  2. meanwhile saute onion and garlic in olive oil, add the cabbage, salt and paprika and cover steam in juice for 20 minutes until soft
Serve with mashed potato and garnish with thinly sliced apple, Jasmine and I really liked this one, hubby not so sure, not spicy he he

Hope your all enjoying your week so far :-)


  1. Sound interesting. Got to try this way of marinating.

  2. Sounds easy to prepare and way so healthy! Thanks. You have a great day too.

  3. Love brining and cooking with apple cider, but never thought about salmon. Why not!

  4. Love salmon and this recipe must be really great. I have to look for Apple Cider.

  5. Oh yummie, salmon in apple cider...must taste so good, can imagine the flavor of this salmon :-)

  6. Rebecca, this sound so good and easy to prepare too, I will try this out when I can get fresh salmon from the market. Have a good day.

  7. zoe oh it works really well
    Kristy thanks love easy and healthy lol
    Belinda smiles
    Rita oh you will love it
    Juliana i loved it
    Sonia oh thats great hope you like it

  8. This looks delicious. I love using apple cider to marinate proteins, and I am sure it is perfect with the salmon.

  9. Rebecca this looks so good ;-) I wish I had seen this sooner.As We were having salmon tonight c'est la vie..

    P.S. No idea why my blog has two links at the bottom...

  10. Marinating salmon in apple cider is new to me but it sure sounds good. Will have to give it a try soon.

  11. Great suggestion, I have never even thought of marinating salmon in apple cider.
    Have a great week ♥

  12. i love salmon and this recipe is just perfect!
    have a great day,

  13. Sounds like a fun and new way to serve salmon. I love how you served it with hearty mashed potatoes and cabbage - yum!

    P.S. Is Jasmine excited about Halloween?

  14. ALWAYS looking for new ways to prepare salmon - I love it!

  15. Hi Rebecca,

    I never thought of marinating in apple cider either, but I love apple cider and I love salmon. I want to try this recipe!

  16. Sounds like an interesting combination of flavors. And healthy! Yum!

  17. very different and interesting one...

  18. Yumm! Looks fantastic and I love the flavors. Brilliant!

  19. I'll take my salmon however I can get it but the thought of an apple cider marinade sounds fantastic.

  20. Hey thanks for your sweet comment on my blog (recipe indulgence)! Your website it darling. I'm excited to try some of your recipes. They look delish!

  21. I'm always looking for new recipes for salmon, this is very creative. The apple cider must add wonderful flavor!

  22. Deb thanks
    Michelle oh theres always another time
    Biren was my first time but worked so well
    Ana smiles
    Justyna thanks but the credit goes to chef E
    Kim taking her on a spooky train he he
    design wine and dine oh I adore salmon
    Becky enjoy
    emily smiles
    Doc aww thanks
    Joanne thanks
    Rachel my pleasure great to meet u
    forthe love of yum smiles

  23. We love this dish, and I need to make it again! Add some red pepper flakes over hubby's and he will be happy!

    Thanks for having me on the show!

  24. This sounds like something my DH and I would both enjoy

  25. What a great idea for a marinade and perfect for this time of year!

  26. E my pleasure and great idea for hubbys
    Kristen thanks
    Lori thanks

  27. Oo, delicious! It sounds nice and easy and healthy too.

  28. I always love salmon! This looks simple and delicious!

  29. this sounds like a great fall recipe, rebecca! thanks for sharing! :)

  30. Rebecca, I have an award for you. Please feel free to hop over to collect it. Thanks!
    Cheers, Kristy

  31. Lovely Salmon!!! I've actually been craving for some for the last several days. I've just been lazy to go to the market to get a fillet. haha...

  32. I'm going to have to try Apple Cider, I had no idea!

  33. You always have such beautiful and healthy dishes. This sounds like a delicious way to add great flavor to salmon.

  34. Indie.tea thanks
    Angie smiles
    Jenn go on get some lol
    Emily my pleasure
    my little space thanks so much on my way over
    Naomi i know first for me as well
    Bridgett oh ditto love your blog
    sugar plum fairy thanks

  35. What a great dish! The flavor combo sounds amazing!

  36. Yum, does this look good! I am adding some meat to my tacos tonight, thanks for this inspiration!

  37. wow - this looks great! I am always looking for new salmon recipes and I love how you combined it with apple cider. great fall flavours. :)

  38. I love the use of this marinade with salmon. I would have never thought to use the marinade with a strong tasting fish. Can't wait to try it.

  39. What an interesting combination of ingredients. I'm anxious to try this recipe. We at salmon every week. It's become like chicken. I'm always looking for new ways to cook it. :)

  40. chef e he he see what u mean
    Janet thanks
    Nirmala and Mother Rimmy enjoy :_)


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