Chow and Chatter App: First Review

I am thrilled that agreed to review my app today out of hundreds of requests see the link below and please retweet I really really appreciate it . The app has sold in 6 countries so far.Also if you have downloaded please leave a review on itunes I need so many to get a rating. Sorry if you think I am annoying, please let me know honestly if I am! just want to get the word out ;-)

I hope it sells so I can break even and save money to get hubby a cool birthday pressie next year its a big one. I also want to add more recipes in future and keep making the app better and better :-)

I also want to say if anyone has anything they want to share an etsy store, a cookbook something they are proud of would love to help you and spread the word. We are all part of an amazing community if there is anyway I can help budding Entrepreneurs I would love to :-)

I can add a post to Chow and Chatter, tweet, link to facebook or have you on my radio show :-)

Lots of love and Hugs 

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  1. Congratulations on your app! I hope it takes off for you. I do not have an Iphone and don't tweet yet. I know hard to believe. But I will pass this on to all of my family members who do:)

  2. Rebecca- So cool that you have an app. I don't have an iphone either, but the app looks great!

    Best of luck with it!

  3. Oh Rebecca - if knew exactly what an app was (so you can see I don't have an i-phone - I'm not sure how to work my cell either)...

    You are truly a blogger with generosity of spirit.

  4. How very cool, Rebecca! I hope it sell very well for you. I don't have an iPhone but wish I did ;)

  5. Raina thanks so much hugs
    Kim thanks your kind
    Claudia thanks hope i can help others
    Savoring time in the kitchen he he ask Santa

  6. I tried to review it the night I bought it, but my review never showed up...I'll try again.

  7. Congratulations on your app! That's really cool.

  8. Congratulations and best of luck.
    Have a great weekend ♥

  9. Congratulations Rebecca. We all wish you well. Now if only Santa would bring me an Iphone.....

  10. Sonia thanks so much hugs
    Bo thanks maybe it did take it just looked 7 reviews are there now LOL rebecca
    Angie thanks
    Ana aw thanks have a fun weekend
    Sam he he hope he does :-)

  11. reason number 157 why I need to get an iphone.

  12. I will post our review when hubby gets home from CA, for now he has the IPad with him...darn! LOL his biggie pressie for the year...

  13. Damaris I guess thanks
    Stevie thanks so much
    E no rush lol

  14. Awesome! I'll drop a link to your app to everyone I know with an iphone! Good luck! Mine is out in early 2011!

    Georgie Fear RD

  15. thanks Georgie and all the best for yours :-) Rebecca


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