How to Make: Baking Cup Turkey

My first craft post just for fun! - love to you all and feel free to sent craft links my way great to know with toddler 

love Rebecca

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  1. I can see that you enjoy making this video very much. Great tutorial :D

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!

    That video was just adorable. It really made me smile. Your daughter is precious and you are a wonderful mom:) Love the little turkey too!

  3. Aaawwww Rebecca your daughter is so adorable and so cute. I love this video!! Looks like so much fun! :)

  4. When I was little, my mamaw made a craft with us for Thanksgiving. She traced our hand on construction paper that was brown. We colored the four fingers to be different colored feathers. The thumb was used as the turkey head. We glued on wiggle eyes and colored a gobbler on the neck. I think we may have made pipe cleaner feet or something. Anyway, we put the name and date and you could see our hands grow over the years. She'd glue refrigerator magnets on them and line up all the cousins hands. That's the only Thanksgiving craft I recall, other than running around with a pilgrim or Indian hat on.

  5. How sweet of you! And your little Angel (Hallo, Jasmine!)looks so cute!
    More videos like this, please!

  6. Thanks for your video, really amazing moments.
    I am really looking forward to spend sometime with my niece and family next month.
    Happy Thanksgiving ♥

  7. Aww fun! you guys are adorable! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving babe!

  8. WOW! This is fun. Thanks for sharing this tutorial :)

  9. aw thanks everyone always trying to think of fun things to do with Jasmine and cool idea Tabitha will do that one next
    Ana have fun with your niece
    Angie he he will see still waiting for yours

  10. Jasmine is so adorable...and getting so big!! Time flies, doesn't it? I hope your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Reb...big hugs :D

  11. Those fuzzy things are pipe cleaners, or that is what they called them in my day!

    How freakin cute! Jasmine too!

  12. Heather thanks so much hugs back at ya
    thanks E for letting me know


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