Mocha Spice Biscotti

I made this biscotti the other day was easy to make and had a wonderful seasonal taste in fact I took some to our adopted American families house for thanksgiving. I made biscotti over a year ago for the first time, and was reminded after chatting with my brothers friend on the chow and chatter facebook page about it.  As he mentioned he was going to make it from the chow and chatter recipe app!, he even told me he had made the Colombian style chicken for his girlfriend what a thrill to hear of the app being used. 

Its always so much fun to re visit recipes and make them better (this one will be on a future update for sure, and I am thinking about a pumpkin version!)

  • 1/2 cup canola oil 
  •  1 cup sugar
  •  3 cups all purpose flour
  •  1 tablespoon baking powder
  • a handful of almonds
  • 1/2 a teaspoon of allspice
  •  2 tablespoon of cocoa
  • dash of vanilla essence
  • one tablespoon freshly ground coffee 
  • one large egg


1. Preheat oven to 375 and grease cookie sheet
2. beat egg, oil and sugar together
3. slowly add in flour and baking powder , nuts, cocoa, vanilla essence, coffee beans and allspice and stir, it makes a thick and sticky mixture.
4. put on cookie sheet and press down to 1/2 inch thickness.
5. Bake for 25-30 min until golden brown, then remove and let it cool
6. slice the biscotti then bake for about 3 minutes on each side, in fact the word biscotti in Italian means twice baked :-)
7. enjoy

What's your favorite type of biscotti?

and the lovely Dimah gave an award, I am to say 7 things about myself and pass it along, but I will share with you all - as I love learning more about ya!

1. I am British
2. I can be a bit of a chatterbox!
3. I love dancing 
4. Love a good cup of tea
5. Adore traveling
6. I eat a little chocolate every day :-) portion controlled of course
7. I am a registered dietitian in the UK and the US

want to know more ask away!!!

Dimah - - The Versatile Blogger

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  1. Gosh, I am going to make a cup of hot chocolate to enjoy your awesome biscotti ♥

  2. Those look delicious, Rebecca! I like Ana's idea of making a cup of hot chocolate to enjoy with them - YUM!

  3. Im going to brew some espresso too , to add to the hot chocolate Ana, is simmering , so we can all sit and enjoy some delicious biscotti bites!
    Thannnxx a ton for having us over :-)
    And now that the hols are coming, am holding a cute giveaway and wud so loveeee for u to join in too:-)

  4. Perfect with a cup of coffee... My favorite biscotti is chocolate hazelnut...

  5. Such a yummy biscotti! I love all the warm winter spices :)

  6. I love the coffee-chocolate flavor combination and your biscotti looks delish. It's nice to learn a little bit about you, Rebecca. I love to travel as well.

  7. I really love this! I never think to make homemade biscotti but it's a great time of year to give it a whirl! Would make a great gift! :)

  8. A very pretty layout for an afternoon tea :D

  9. I love the presentation...they sound great for my favorite biscotti...I love any and all of them.

  10. Ana thanks good idea
    Jose thanks
    Stephanie good idea heres one for your hot choc
    Belinda smiles
    sugar plum fairy yep good idea
    jhonny thanks
    peachkinds oh love hazelnut
    nutmeg nanny oh thanks
    Cathy oh thanks ask any questions u like anytime
    kelly thanks
    design wine and dine your right would make a fab gift
    zoe thanks
    Bo he he you sound like me
    summer thanks

  11. love the presentation reb... would love to have this with a cup of coffee...

  12. I don't think I've ever made a true biscotti....but it is the season for hot chocolate, and these are a perfect match!

  13. Nice presentation, I have not made any biscotti yet, must try one day.

  14. I would love to receive these as gift anytime. Looks fabulous!

  15. Love to see you in action again! ha! Love your biscotti. I've also just made one batch and it's my first attempt too. Bookmarked this for later use. Thanks for sharing. Hope you're having a wonderful day.
    Blessings, Kristy

  16. I'm beginning to gather biscotti recipes for Christmas and this is definitely going on my cookie tray! Delicious.

  17. I haven't made biscotti in ages... the mocha addition is a great idea and love the way you plated it...

  18. Rebecca, Those looks so good and I love your presentation, beautiful :)

  19. Biscotti is another item on my to do list that I have yet to pluck up the courage to try! Yours looks so good!

  20. These biscotti look absolutely terrific. Great sweets with a cup of hot chocolate.

  21. I love biscotti, and chocolate is a personal favorite :) Glad to see the app is being used! I will definitely post something about it this week!

  22. Yum, delicious sounding biscotti, I love biscotti!

  23. Des biscottis délicieux. J'aime beaucoup.
    Bonne semaine et à bientôt.
    See soon.

  24. I have yet to try making biscotti. Yours looks delicious!

  25. They look wonderful,Rebecca!I would love those with tea or coffee!

  26. Rebecca- I love the picture of your biscotti with the flowers and also learning more about you. I'm a chatterbox too and although I try to eat only a serving of chocolate per day, sometimes it's more. LOL.

  27. A friend of mine makes biscotti for public sale, and I wish I could eat them...I bet they go wonderfully with tea...I also saw you crepes below- YUM on that combination, I love orange flavoring in many things!

  28. Rebecca, your biscotti sure look yummie, can I have some, so I can dip it into my coffee :-)

  29. Awesome.Guess you had a great Thanksgiving and good luck with your app :-)

  30. that sounds just heavenly for this time of year!

  31. Your biscotti sound like they'd go perfectly with a mug of spiced hot chocolate. They're beautiful!

    P.S. Congratulations on your app. =)

  32. Delicious biscotti, I love the addition of allspice here!

  33. Malou come on over
    Danielle oh all this talk of hot choc i need one
    Sonia yours will be great
    3 hungry tummies :-)
    Kristy he he you just love to see me baking
    Joanne oh thanks
    lostpastremembered thanks so much
    Anncoo thanks very kind of u
    Jeannie go on girl
    katerina smiles
    Victoria thanks no rush
    emily oh me too
    Nadji thanks
    Julie thanks
    Erica yep i would take either as well
    Kim he he we need to talk on the phone one day!
    Chef E aw thanks
    Juliana sure heres a couple
    gulmohar thanks
    teresa thanks
    Ree thanks and thanks for visiting
    5 star foodie thanks

  34. I love my coffee so I should start making some biscotti!

  35. It's biscotti season in my house! And I will be making yours. Congrats on the app, Rebecca. It is so cool!

  36. Fantastic! these sound extremely delicious!

  37. Penny you will love it
    Claudia wow thanks thats a compliment
    Dimah thanks

  38. I love biscotti and these sound wonderful :) Congrats on your award as well :)

  39. Biscotti looks gorgeous and tempting, Rebecca.

  40. mmmm biscotti, who doesn't love dunking it into their coffee. Your looks yummy. I also love chocolate dipped biscotti!

  41. thanks Alisha
    Sanjeeta thanks
    for the love of yum oh choc :-)

  42. Has anyone else noted that there are no eggs in the ingredient list but they need to be beaten in the second step of the recipe?? I want to make the biscotti but am unsure of how many eggs to use. 2? 3?

  43. so sorry I missed the eggs its one large one - Rebecca


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