Crepes with Nutella and Orange

Pancakes or crepes make the best breakfast living in America fostered my love for pancakes at this mealtime.  I love to make them thin more like the French or Brits, they bring back memories of my Dad making them for us as kids and showing us how to flip them, or walking in the streets of Paris with a warm nutella one on a winters day.

 I made these the other day with nutella and fresh oranges slices from The Orange Shop  I have started to get monthly shipments of grapefruits and oranges from the grower in Florida, in fact I work for Pete doing his blog and twitter, he's a great person a third generation citrus farmer and just won an award for outstanding environmental stewardship!  In fact a shipment of fresh citrus would make a cool Christmas gift for foodies :-) (he didn't ask me to mention him by the way just thought I would as I think its cool)

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend post thanksgiving spending deal with family, and getting deals in the shops. Shopping in the US after thanksgiving is a little too crazy for me though! the day after christmas - boxing day is the same in the UK. I am so looking forward to christmas as my parents are coming this year so we can make the big feast at our home :-) 

What are your favorite pancake/ crepe fillings?


  • about 2 cups of all purpose flour
  • 1/2- 1 cup milk 
  • 2 eggs 

  1. whisk flour, eggs and milk together until you get a nice smooth consistency a little runny to make nice thin crepes, sometimes you may need to add a little more milk
  2. heat a pan and lightly cook on each side turn over and serve warm 

Another thing I love when making these is having leftovers, you can store in the fridge and when you feel peckish simply warm one up with a cup of tea!

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  1. looks like the perfect morning treat!

    enjoy and eat one for me!


  2. i love love nutella and would gladly have these for brekkie too rebecca... have a good morning!

  3. Yummo! You're inspiring me to make crepes this weekend!

  4. I love nutella too. Just baked some cookies with nutella, will post up next week.

  5. I think shopping on Black Friday is crazy too! I never do it, haha. I love crepes too! I tend to prefer savory fillings over sweet ones, and ham and brie is a really great classic one :)

  6. Wow, this looks so scrumptious!

    I’ve an award for you (The Versatile Blogger Award), please come and pick it up when you’re free

  7. Yum! Sounds like a great nutella filling.

  8. Love the combo of Nutella & citrus. My favorite crepes have a sweet savory twist - but I am open to all possibilities!

  9. nutella is magic in a jar. YUM!

  10. Nutella is actually my favorite for the same reason as you. It takes me back to my travels in Paris and reminds of that time.

    And, it's just nutella, which should be enough said right there. :) Your crepes looks delish!

  11. oh lovely, what a great combination!

  12. I love anything smothered with nutella!

    Thank you so much for popping in and visiting me and for your kind words Rebecca. Fiona is such a lovely friend. She is a complete Anglophile actually so I must make sure she sees your blog if she hasn't found you already. She would love it!

    Best wishes for a wonderful weekend,

  13. I absolutely adore Nutella crepes! Yours look fantastic!

  14. I feel like having those pcancakes now. They looks so yummy just thinking of the nutella inside! hava a lovely day Reb!

  15. I love crepes and nutella!your plate looks awesome with those fresh oranges..

  16. Megan thanks will send u one
    Malou thanks and i was thrilled today that you made them
    Nisrine: oh cool u will love them
    Anncoo cool looking forward to seeing your recipe
    Victoria oh love savory too
    Dimah thanks so much will stop by to get it
    Mary smiles
    Indie thanks
    Marla your right possibilities are endless
    Kim he he so true
    Julie oh Paris is amazing
    Teresa smiles
    Natasha thats cool always nice to meet new bloggers
    Kay thanks
    Zurin thanks and u
    peachkins thanks

  17. I pretty much love anything Nutella....

  18. Great breakfast! Must try this one weekend!

  19. This crepe is a perfect morning treat, sound yummy! Have fun on your shopping, and me going to meet few bloggers tonight. Happy Weekend and Happy Thanksgiving once again!

  20. Hi Rebecca,
    Absolutely delicious treat for breakfast!
    I wish you have a memorable time with your parents this Christmas!
    Love Always

  21. Wat a beautiful, simple n healthy treat..I simply love this..
    Tasty Appetite

  22. What a divine breakfast, Rebecca! So simple and elegant. YUM!

  23. My grand daugter is coming next weekend and she is a nutella lover on anything; will share this with her; thank you.

  24. There's little I love more in life than nutella and so these crepes sound like heaven to me!

  25. Oh my, I wish I could talk someone into making this for me this morning!

  26. Perfect looking crepes, I love Nutella!!!

  27. Whenever I'm in Europe I always find the crepe stands and go with nutella and banana's... can't get enough! Yours look delicious.

  28. I am still recuperating ;) Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving too, Rebecca. How terrific that your parents will be there for Christmas!

    Your crepes looks delicious. Fresh citrus from Florida sounds perfect!

  29. oh my, I love crepes and I love nutella - this sounds incredible!

  30. I love crepes! I like them simple drizzled with lemon juice and sprinkled with powdered sugar...or, rolled up with blueberries and sour cream :)

  31. Rebecca
    those crepes look delicious! I have been partial to fruit in my crepes, I guess thats the American influence...but I think I would take them anyway if they looked that good!

  32. This crepe will be a wonderful Sunday breakfast treat. I have bookmarked this one to try. Great pic!

  33. Those crepes look amazing, Rebecca. Nutella is one of my favorite treats. :)

  34. Belinda he he I know right
    3 hungry tummies :-)
    Sonia oo love blogger meet ups enjoy
    always a winner aw thanks
    Jay thanks so much
    Barbara thank kind of u
    Rita oh enjoy
    Joanne oh nutella rocks
    jhonny so true
    Julie he he
    emily thanks
    Evan clever girlie
    savoring time in the kitchen
    simple life :-)
    chef Dennis heres some for u
    Quay Po cooks aw thanks and thanks for stopping by
    emily oh mine too
    sushma thanks

  35. I love nutella on crepes, however my favorite filling is sweetened condensed milk drizzled over fresh fruit, preferably fresh mangoes. Oh, how I miss the tropics.

  36. Oh Rebecca this is perfect. I am totally a huge fan of Nutella and LOVE crepes, thanks for sharing this recipe!

  37. I love your photo of Paris. We were there this summer, and I was surprised to see how often we saw nutella-based desserts in the restaurants. My daughters are huge nutella fans, and they thought they were in heaven!
    Oh, and I'm with you on oranges. Love them!

  38. They look so good. I like them thin too. I made sure when we were in Paris that I got a crepe somewhere on the street while we were walking. I love mine with nutella, and also with raspberries.

  39. If I were stranded on a desert island, all I would need is a jar of Nutella. And a cell phone, but mostly Nutella :) Hope you had a lovely holiday!!

  40. Oh I adore pancakes...every Sunday!!! My sweet husband makes the best ones.

    I do like crepes but just do not make them enough...yours look amazing.

    Happy week to you. oxxox

  41. we were having a nutella craving the other day and it passed - now you've gone and reminded me again ;p

  42. Love pancakes and it's even better with fruit and nutella!

  43. Damaris wow yours sound amazing
    Kim my pleasure
    Beth oh bet she loved it there then
    Melinda raspberries is a fab combo
    the food hound he he your funny
    koralee thanks wow great hubby
    doggybloggy he he sorry
    Angie thanks

  44. A perfect indulgence. Love crepes, love nutella. love orange. God save me!

  45. I love crepes for breakfast too. Usually my favorite are nutella with bananas or just a little honey. But yes the memories of walking in Paris eating crepes is one of my most cherished memories. Thanks for sharing and congrats on the release of your App :)


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