Schedule 5 minutes for you!

enjoying the rest of the leaves :-)

capturing the moment aw the peace and quiet beauty of Gods creation and fresh air

Childress Vineyards

another walk in Indian down to the Kaveri river

the beautiful river

5 minutes for me!

So why not make 5 minutes for you !


  1. Good advice--I'm a firm believer in some time to just "be" as well!

    We, too, have been enjoying the glorious fall weather here in NC. Still gorgeous, and almost Thanksgiving--what a treat!

    We go to the Yadkin Valley pretty regularly to go to vineyards. We'll have to check out Childress. Have you been to Rag Apple Lassie? So far, it's our favorite.

  2. I believe 5 minutes isn't nearly enough to take in all that beauty! I vote at least 5 more!

  3. I love to have my 5 mins with a cup of coffee and some favourite sweet treats! How about that? haha... I still remember when my kids are still toddlers. If I have 5 mins time alone with a cup of coffee. That should be heavenly! haha... You have a great weekend, dear. Enjoy!
    Cheers, Kristy

  4. i love to have my 5mins with just blank and don't need to think anything, totally relax!

  5. What a lovely post and so important for all the busy young people.
    Life is full of happenings and if you don't take the time it will vanish befor you can enjoy any of it.
    Trying to convince my daughter in law to slow down and take time for herself.

  6. Our busy lives make it harder and harder to enjoy 'me time' but it is so important to try. Great advice, Rebecca!

  7. Good point! Gorgeous photos - it's weird that it's still so warm.

  8. I have a mandatory reading time - just for me. Granted it's not till 9 p.m.but it happens! Lucky you - you still have fall.

  9. I am getting better at taking time for myself, even going grocery shopping alone is time to

    great pics!

  10. Jenni thats cool never been there and your right the weather is amazing
    Renee he he make it 30 min then
    my little space love your treats and afternoon tea wish I could join u
    Sonia we all need it lol
    Rita great advice bet your a good mum in law
    savoring time in the kitchen he he i am giving the advice to me
    belinda i know right
    Claudia your right we are lucky with the weather love your reading time
    sweetlife so true love doing that

  11. How lovely to see you! Sound advice even if I'm not that good at taking it. Well done on your iPhone app too I will go and investigate that on my phone later on.

  12. Great idea my friend. You know I totally agree with you!

    Best wishes,

  13. thanks Sarah he he I know was taking to myself!
    Natasha your blog has inspired me


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