Bubble and Squeak and Virtual Snowmen!!!!

Just for a fun weekend post heres a Video of me making Bubble and Squeak and a slide show of my parents making mini snow people and rabbits to make our little one smile on skype - it was so cool.

Hope your all having a lovely weekend

Love Rebecca

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  1. Grand holiday fun! Skype is so wonderful for long distance. If your family lived in MN, they could make snowmen out of snow!

  2. Those little snow men are so cute! Isn't skype the best for keeping in touch with family? I've definitely heard of bubble and squeak but never prepared it at home. And I am so amazed you have an app for your recipes, that's amazing.

  3. Nice blog with yummy recipes. I have a romanian recipes blog too, you can check it at www.reteterapide.com and I recommend you a cake recipe :
    It is easy becaus you d'ont need an oven to make it

  4. Rebecca- You and Jasmine are so cute. Loved the part where you can see her setting the table. Very cute!

  5. That's so fun, Rebecca :) Isn't it funny how sometimes you don't appreciate your "home" cuisine as much until you're not around it anymore? I think it works that way with many things, though. I just love the name bubble and squeak! So, is that your dad on the right? You guys look so much alike!!

  6. I always wondered what Bubble and Squeak was. Now I know. Thanks! I would probably like it!

  7. You and little princess is cute. I love the cute little snowmen. I also understand what is bubble and squeak.

  8. Claudia got to love Skype actually was real snow the UK is having a crazy big snow storm right now
    Carolyn aw thanks yep the app was my baby, lovely to connect through twitter
    Ella thanks will visit yours as well
    KIm thanks
    girlichef yep thats my Dad and your right you get homesick and family foods connect you to home
    Lisa its tasty for sure
    Swathi :-)

  9. So much fun there :D Love those little snowmen. Scotland is in deep freeze...thick snow. Can make big snowmen :D

  10. The snowmen are so cute...I've watched the two fat ladies make bubble and squeak...I have the whole series on dvd.

  11. Great video! Those little snow men are so cute!!
    Your blog is lovely, and your recipes are wonderful!
    Great photos too.
    Nice to meet you, and thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment. :)
    B x

  12. I just wanted to let you know that I had to rewrite my recent London post.
    Alas...in my sentences I omitted some words (due to the rush) which are necessary to complete the meaning.
    So, I'm really sorry for that.

    Hope you have a great Sunday!

  13. The snowmen are darling! I love bubble and squeak, a great dish for this time of year. Perfect comfort food! Looks like you had lots of fun!

  14. Thank you SO much for the mini snow people - what a great thing to do indoors!!!!! I'll definitely be following their route. Take care dear!

  15. Loved it! Wish I sounded like you! That accent!!!

    Looks wonderful! Would love some right now - what's for dinner??!

  16. Adorable post, Rebecca! I know I would love Bubble and Squeak and that little voice in the background is precious ♥

    Wonderful snowmen from England too :)

  17. Mary you will have to post some pictures
    Bo oh they rock he he your fun
    Betty oh my pleasure will follow along Rebecca
    Susan smiles
    Pam cool u know what it is
    Teresa thanks
    Ozoz thanks
    design wine and dine bet your accent is cool as well
    savoring time in the kitchen he he she is fun, smiles

  18. You are too cute in that video.
    Were they actually making real snowmen? It looks like snow.

  19. Love the snowmen, Rebecca! They are co cute!

  20. Mariko yep its real snow there has been a crazy snow storm in Scotland !
    Sommer smiles

  21. I think I will have to try this on hubby. I love playing hide the veggies for him. :) Thank you for the pist.


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