Gingerbread houses

So for Christmas we surprised my parents with brunch and a night at The Grove Park Inn in Asheville NC. The amazing gingerbread houses are still on display and lovely trees so thought I would share the snaps.
It was a wonderful Christmas day yesterday and we even got to make a snowman my parents are pros in the snow :-)

Love you all


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  1. aweee i love the little dog house one the best!! so cute :)

  2. Oh Rebecca - so very sweet. Need any more snow?

    Looks like you had a merry Christmas~ Asheville must be so pretty during this festive season.

  3. Lot of awesome ginger bread houses.

  4. Rebecca, thanks for sharing the photos, enjoy looking at tat.

  5. Rebecca,I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

    Take care!


  6. lovely pics,hope you had a great xmas rebecca..

  7. What a lovely display of gingerbread houses. Love them all!

  8. So cool! I love gingerbread houses and other creations.

  9. Oh wow those houses are gorgeous!

  10. What fun! You KNOW I was there with the kiddos!

  11. How charming! The first house is amazing! I've struggled with square houses; can't imagine making a tree trunk. Hoping you are braving your snow storm and enjoying your holidays.

  12. Cute gingerbread houses. I liked the dog house. :)

  13. What a fun gift. I bet they had a fabulous time. I love all the gingerbread houses! I hope you had a very merry christmas!

  14. I just love gingerbread houses! These are all so cute!

  15. I'm always surprised by the creativity when it somes to gingerbread houses. I think that will holiday project for next year.

    Hope you had a good Christmas. :)

  16. so pleased you all enjoyed the pictures :-)

    wish you could have been there with us

    Hugs Rebecca

  17. Oh my gosh, I SOOOO want to go to the Grove Park Inn!! I forgot I wanted to do that this year!! Asheville is so much fun and such a short drive for us-- we need to take advantage of it more often! Looks like you had an amazing time!!

  18. How sweet are all of those little gingerbread houses! I have been wanting to go to the Grove Park for just about any special occasion (we're about 3 hours south of Asheville), and always call too late for reservations. I think I need to try harder. Sounds like you had a wonderful time! I hope your Christmas was beautiful and that you have a wonderful New Year! Roz

  19. They are all wonderful...I hope you had a most beautiful Christmas, and wishing you a fantastic New Year!
    Big hugs and love,

  20. I love ALL the gingerbread houses :D. Got me all excited looking at your photos. They're coolness!


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