Red Currant Madeleines

I made these madeleines last night for my parents arriving and they turned out so well I couldn't resist sharing them with you all. I added some fresh red currants it added a wonderful tart christmassy flavor. I am thrilled to report my parents made it, despite all the bad weather in the UK.

 They were pretty exhausted after the journey and tucked up in bed now. Its the best thing in the World to spend Christmas with family and to see little Jasmine running around showing everything to her Grandparents what a treat. My Mum also brought my Great Grandmothers tea cups with her, she got them for her wedding present nearly 100 years ago. Wow I love them and drinking tea out of them is so special :-) 

  • 2 eggs
  • 75g sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 90g flour (about a cup)
  • 3g of baking soda
  • grated zest 1/4 tangerine
  • a handful of red currants
  • 90g melted butter
  • one spoon of runny honey
  • a few drops of vanilla essence 
  1. melt the butter and keep it to one side
  2. whip the eggs with sugar and salt then slowly add the sifted flour and baking powder, tangerine rind and vanilla essence.
  3. Mix until smooth then add the melted butter and honey and leave to chill for one hour I left it in the fridge longer than normal and wow these babies got the best hump on them, as you add to madeline pan add a few red currants to the batter
  4. bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees.

So going to shop for food and plan the Christmas menu :-)

Merry Christmas everyone

Much Love

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  1. That tea set and these cookies are quite special! Everyone looks so happy in these photos. I hope you have a merry Christmas!

  2. The red currant is so pretty embedded inside each madeleine.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family and best wishes for the year 2011 :D

  3. Wow, I love the addition of red currants. These turned out great! I'm so glad your parents made it safely, and what a treat to drink tea out of your great grandmother's tea cups! That's so special :) Merry Christmas, Rebecca!!

  4. Lovely festive treat, Rebecca. The cookies look crisp and delicious. Merry Christmas to you and your family, have fun.

  5. They look great and I am glad they made it to the states to spend the holidays with you :)

  6. Glad to hear your parents made it safely. It is wonderful to have family around the celebrate the holidays with.

    Those madeleines sound wonderful. I have some madeleine pans but have yet to use them. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  7. Oh Rebecca, these madeleines look so pretty with the red currant, perfect with a cup of tea :-)

  8. Hey,

    They look yumm and gorgeous dear...Merry X'mas to you!!:)


  9. Rebeccas, this look pretty and good. Wishing you a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all at home.

  10. love the red currants.. and yes that last photo captures my heart... aww merry christmas rebecca!

  11. Hmmm, that sounds delicious! Red currants are so pretty, and holiday-like. How perfect to add them to a Madeleine.

  12. Your madeleines came out with just the perfect hump. That's the sign of a good recipe! Chilling the batter before baking is what helps make that happen. Wishing you and your parents a very Merry Christmas.

  13. lovely feast treat rebecca,they so so delicious n yummy...merry christmas to u n ur fly...have fun!

  14. Te han quedado perfectos, se ven deliciosos.

    Saludos y besos

  15. Glad they made it. Whew! Beautiful tea cups to enjoy those awesome madelines. Happy holidays!

  16. I've never had a madeleine. Are they a bit like shortbread? The inclusion of the currants was a brilliant idea. I'm glad your family made it safely. Merry Christmas!

  17. I've never made Madeleines, but now I guess I have to go buy the pans!! So glad your family can be together-- mine is not this year b/c I'm working for the holiday (boo), but my in-laws will be here and it will be nice to see them. Have a lovely time!

  18. Lovely, festive cookies, Rebecca. Red currants are the perfect Christmas addition to the recipe.

    Happy holiday best wishes to you and your family.

  19. Great cookies, I am sure your parents will be thrilled to snack on those. You're so cute in that picture.

  20. Cute picture of you! What lovely little cookies! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  21. yummy madeleines, and lovely pic too,...merry xmas to you and your family

  22. These red currant Madeleines looks delicious. Merry Christmas and Prosperous Happy new year.

  23. The Red Current Madeleines look usual!

    Merry Merry Christmas! May your stocking be filled with blessings!

    Hugs, Carrie

  24. how wonderful is it to have parents rounds during festive seasons ...those inherited cup looks fantastic ...and lovely Madeleines...Merry Christmas to you and you family have a great time Hugs! :)

  25. I'm so glad they made it! Your red currant Madeleines sound delightful! I haven't seen fresh currants here.

    What beautiful, special teacups!

    Enjoy a very Merry Christmas with your parents, Rebecca!

  26. Felicidades para Navidad. Para el Año Nuevo: prosperidad, y para siempre: nuestra amistad.

    Feliz Navidad.

  27. Oh yeah , that so special truly ,having tea in them!
    And Jasmine is truly adorable!
    Love u added red currant to the cake , perfect for the hols!
    Looking forward to ur Christmas menu!
    Happy hols with love and Merry Christmas too!

  28. Those cookies are so festive. So glad your parents made it safely, too! Have a lovely holiday!

  29. I am so happy for you that you are spending the holiday with your parents. Your madeleines look wonderful. I have always wanted to try to make these. I have to get one of those pans.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family:)

  30. My Mum has my grandma's old china. I feel so special when I drink tea from them.

    Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

  31. Couldn't agree more. Nothing's better than enjoying good foods during Christmas with family.
    Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, Rebecca.

  32. thanks so much everyone I am on my way to visit all your blogs

    Merry Christmas

    big hugs Rebecca

  33. Rebecca, you didn't look tired but rather energetic and happy with tea in hand and those gorgeous madeleines. :-))
    Merry Christmas!

  34. I hope you are enjoying your long fetched time with family Rebecca.Your little one is as cute as her name.These madelines look so yum..I have never baked them..I think I should...and I ll start by buying a pan first :)
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  35. Your Madeleines look great Rebecca! Wishing you and your family a lovely Christmas!

  36. Enjoy you parents visit. YOur madeleines look wonderful.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  37. I'm so glad your parents got there in one piece! These madeleines look so lovely! Love the red currant twist. Happy holidays!

  38. These look so festive and tasty! Merry Christmas, Rebecca!

  39. Looks great! I am so glad your parents made it. I know Europe is getting some crazy weather this year.

  40. Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and your lovely family Rebecca! I hope you have a wonderful time with family and loved ones!

  41. I love red currants but I hardly find them, I think I might use some cranberries instead

    May you and your loved ones be blessed with the essence of Christmas — Love, peace, joy and hope — all your lives through. Have a most wonderful Christmas

    Merry Christmas Rebecca

  42. These look absolutely gorgeous! I love madeleines and I have a funny thing where I have to eat it with milk. I normally buy them in huge packs from the store but to make my own would be simply delightful! I imagine it'd taste a lot better too!

    Oh and, Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!! :)

  43. I am thrilled for you! Enjoy your time with them and those wonderful tea cups ~ how special!

    Merry Christmas! I loved getting to know you this year! XOXO

  44. Hi Rebecca
    I am so glad your parents were able to make it across the pond safely, with all the crazy weather they have been having in Europe!
    How wonderful your mum brought over your grandmothers teas cups!
    Here is wishing you and your family a blessed Merry Christmas!

  45. oh wow thanks so much for the kind christmas wishes I adore you all making my way to your blogs to wish you all Merry Christmas

    love Rebecca

  46. These look amazing! So pretty and the red currant is totally unexpected.
    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  47. thanks so much Maris and for visiting my blog


  48. Madelines are are treat! The red currants reminded me that I need to get started with the savory-sweet dish I've been planning with currants!

  49. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  50. momgateway love sweet and savory :-)
    Bo thanks and the same to you


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